beyond-all-reason / bar-lobby

BAR Lobby Client
MIT License
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Created a basic documentation site auto-hosted through GitHub Pages #244

Closed Row-oar-sleep closed 10 months ago

Row-oar-sleep commented 10 months ago

Took a lot of the work from and attempted to begin a compatible equivalent also using the just-the-docs template. Extremely bare bones currently, but will be very easy to add to in the future and because it uses the exact same framework, anyone who has made any documentation for spring will already know how to make any future documentation for bar-lobby.

Additionally, I included a basic workflow pages.yml which will currently build and deploy the site automatically to the url: whenever the files inside of ./docs are changed in the master branch. This can be changed to trigger on different events or on some time interval instead.

Below are a few screenshots of the pages I have already started building based off the video.

bar-lobby-doc-site1 bar-lobby-doc-site2 bar-lobby-doc-site3

Row-oar-sleep commented 10 months ago

Added Dark/Light theme and Github Logo with a lot of help from badosu.

New version:

bar-lobby-doc-site4 bar-lobby-doc-site5

Jazcash commented 10 months ago

Great idea thanks!