beyond-all-reason / spads_config_bar

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Allow custom preset boss to take breaks by enabling vote start #148

Open jauggy opened 2 months ago

jauggy commented 2 months ago

Let's say you make a custom preset lobby and boss yourself. You also apply some custom settings like unit market on. There's a use case where you want to take a short break. However, if you do so, you run into several issues:

If you are afk, players cannot vote to start due to custom preset disabling voting. If you change to team preset to reenable voting, then you will lose custom settings like unit market. I have tested this in production.

Can we have a way to enable start votes while on custom preset?

There have been some discussions on discord here about wanting to deal with this scenario:

Alternate solution: When changing from custom preset to team preset don't clear all settings. Have some other way to clear settings if it's needed.

26Projects commented 2 months ago

I would just add that as a boss, a way to toggle between No Voting - and Basic Lobby functions such as !spec, !start, !balance would be preferred. !start is good, but !spec and !balance would be great as well. If it could also take into consideration that its not always on or always off or requires me to drop a lobby setting to enable one method or the other, so large format lobbies will still function as an occasional format that would be ideal.

MitjaGrabbe commented 2 months ago

as many players have stated this is just a bandaid to the real core issue which is that they removed the ability to reboss without asking people that actually host lobbies all the time. all because there is a very certain crew of players ( not more then 20, that regularly) take over lobbies. removing rebossing, all while giving them new tools to take over lobbies even easier. As stated in main, people are more sensible to boss votes as changes affect all of them. but minchev changes might only affect 1/3 of the lobby. they get voted out, and then they change the min rating. they come in groups always. people learn to not vote yes for bosses unless they know them. which is way better then how it is now. we are your playerbase the people nonstop playing and hosting lobbies taking on that 30 minutes plus waiting time to create a better experience for those that just arrive from work trying to play a round of bar.

repeating that people that host lobbies frequently do not like this change. be it to crashes and not beeing able to reboss or taking breaks just things you do when you host hours long sessions.

Having backup bosses isnt a real solution to this.

Admins decided that is the best way, but you dont have my vote for this, which you didnt need as you guys are Gamemasters that never lose boss.

it sucks. 2 bad changes in a row leave me wondering how this continues. Jauggy trying to * find the golden ground which in most peoples opionion would be that people can still vote boss as if they want a boss they should have their boss of choice.

jauggy commented 2 months ago

This has now been partially fixed by That PR allows players to vote for start and can balance without vote.

Only thing left to do is figure out a way to handle unreadied players that need to be specced.