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1821 weird ceg glitch #1290

Open GoogleFrog opened 5 months ago

GoogleFrog commented 5 months ago

See 0:16 to 0:24 in this clip:

The ceg seems to be part of the rocket trails of three Ronin (cloakskirm) rockets. The player claims this has happened before and is to do with this particular matchup, which is interesting because it is one of the best ways to see an animated ceg. Pyro (jumpraid) makes animated cegs when it shoots or when it dies.

Infolog might arrive.

GoogleFrog commented 5 months ago

Here is an infolog, but not the infolog: infolog(7).txt

Apparently watching the replay does not reproduce the issue.

lhog commented 5 months ago

There's something going on with camera: image image image

Any idea how they managed to zoom that far out so the whole scene turned into a tiny set of pixels (the 1st screenshot)? Please ask what kind of actions they do to achieve that effect.