beyond-all-reason / spring

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Per-piece colvols may be broken #1513

Open sprunk opened 1 month ago

sprunk commented 1 month ago

Shoot a BAR corgant in the back with an armmanni, apparently it deals no damage and apparently it is due to the usePieceCollisionVolumes unit def tag on corgant.

image image

drivver44 commented 1 month ago

removing the tag or adding a collisionvolumes.lua perpiececollision fixes the issue

drivver44 commented 1 month ago

additional notes one of the hitboxes that is being generated is not allowing damage to the corgant units with sufficient aoe are capable of causing damage to the corgant such as the shiva units with 0 aoe or with the impactonly are affected

drivver44 commented 1 month ago

for further note corgant has 31 model pieces that are having their own hitbox is there a cap for when damage checks are stopped?

drivver44 commented 1 month ago

further addition this issue as i recall is the exact same as what is going on here this was part of a silent test and i did miss identify the bug that occured yes this is another one of my failures to identify bugs properly

marcushutchings commented 1 month ago

How long has this been an issue on the engine?

sprunk commented 1 month ago

always has been

drivver44 commented 1 month ago

How long has this been an issue on the engine? New WinRAR ZIP

i have a replay that is from about two years ago since the toaster at this time had only a usepeicecollisionvolume ( i deleted/change/something to the colisionvolume.lua definition.) so here is the link to said replay for the bar wesbite provider i conviently had this replay in dms from zecrus for an unrelated document