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Fix #1523, stack issue with warning spam #1546

Closed sprunk closed 2 weeks ago

sprunk commented 2 weeks ago

UnitCallIn already puts the function on the stack. Fixes #1523

badosu commented 2 weeks ago

@sprunk Can you clarify, maybe pointing out how this is set somewhere else?

sprunk commented 2 weeks ago

All other unit-related callins' implementations consist of passing their name to UnitCallIn(), for example:

UnitCallIn pushes the relevant Lua function on top of the Lua stack via GetGlobalFunc:

UnitArrivedAtGoal() differs from all other callins implemented via UnitCallIn in that it manually calls GetGlobalFunc first, which puts a second copy of the Lua function on the Lua stack.

This extra copy on the stack does not get cleaned up and is what causes the "stack-top = 1" warning.