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Add explicit way to tell the rendering phase in draw calls #1547

Open sprunk opened 2 weeks ago

sprunk commented 2 weeks ago

Apprently some DrawFoo callins run 2 or more times in a draw frame and you can't tell which iteration it currently is. See

There should be some explicit way to tell:

Beherith commented 2 weeks ago
function widget:DrawWorldPreParticles() 
    -- NOTE: This is called TWICE per draw frame, once before water and once after, even if no water is present. 
    -- If water is present on the map, then it gets called again between the two for the refraction pass
    -- Solution is to draw it only on the first call, and draw reflections from widget:DrawWorldReflection
loveridge commented 4 days ago

I added parameters for DrawWorldPreParticles. Are there any other draw callins that happen multiple times per draw frame that you are aware of?