beyond-all-reason / spring

A powerful free cross-platform RTS game engine
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DrawParticles Called twice (once for above and once for below water) even if no water present on map. #1572

Open Beherith opened 1 week ago

Beherith commented 1 week ago

Called once for abovewater, once for belowwater, even if no water present.

image Only tangentially related to #1547

Beherith commented 1 week ago

Possibly, the water rendering check could be done gameside, with the unsyncedctrl Spring.SetDrawWater(bool draw)

sprunk commented 1 week ago

Does Spring.SetMapRenderingParams( { voidWater = true } ) help? Mind the uppercase W in water, I think it won't accept lowercase. If that doesn't prevent water rendering lua events then perhaps it should?