beyond-all-reason / spring

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Construction units on patrol fail to move to repair a nearby unit that's just outside their build radius #1673

Open springraaar opened 1 week ago

springraaar commented 1 week ago

happens on any recent builds, 2438 to 2583 MF v2.41c (or any version) Any map

springraaar commented 1 week ago

2024-09-04_23-18-27-238_The Cold Place BAR v1_105.1.1-2577-g77272e9 BAR105.txt

^--- actually a .sdfz replay file

i disabled luarules and luaui, added 3 construction vehicles and set them on small patrols, added a nearby tank and ran it over a mine then drove around a bit. Some of the construction units move to repair it but their behavior breaks and they often fail to move to meet it throughout the next minute or so, then at about 1:30 i stop the tank and only then the two nearby builders move in to repair it.