Open springraaar opened 1 year ago
Some semi-relevant code for my future reference:
float CShadowHandler::GetOrthoProjectedFrustumRadius(CCamera* cam, const CMatrix44f& lightMat, float3& projPos) {
float3 frustumPoints[8];
#if 0
float sqRadius = 0.0f;
projPos = CalcShadowProjectionPos(cam, &frustumPoints[0]);
// calculate radius of the minimally-bounding sphere around projected frustum
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
sqRadius = std::max(sqRadius, (frustumPoints[n] - projPos).SqLength());
const float maxMapDiameter = readMap->GetBoundingRadius() * 2.0f;
const float frustumDiameter = std::sqrt(sqRadius) * 2.0f;
return (std::min(maxMapDiameter, frustumDiameter));
CMatrix44f centeredLightMap = lightMat;
//centeredLightMap.SetPos(projPos = CalcShadowProjectionPos(cam, &frustumPoints[0]));
const float rawRange = camera->GetFarPlaneDist() * 1.4f;
const float badRange = rawRange - 300.0f;
static constexpr float T1 = 100.0f;
static constexpr float T2 = 200.0f;
const std::initializer_list<float4> upperClipPlanes = {
float4{ UpVector, -(readMap->GetCurrMinHeight() - T1) },
float4{ RgtVector, (0 + T2) },
float4{ FwdVector, (0 + T2) },
float4{ -UpVector, (readMap->GetCurrMaxHeight() + T1) },
float4{ -RgtVector, (mapDims.mapx * SQUARE_SIZE + T2) },
float4{ -FwdVector, (mapDims.mapy * SQUARE_SIZE + T2) }
const std::array<int2, 4> winRelPos = {
int2{0 , 0},
int2{globalRendering->viewSizeX, 0},
int2{0 , globalRendering->viewSizeY},
int2{globalRendering->viewSizeX, globalRendering->viewSizeY}
std::array<float3, 5> camPoints;
const float3 camPos = camera->GetPos();
camPoints[4] = camPos;
projPos = camPos;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
const int wx = winRelPos[i].x + globalRendering->viewPosX;
const int wy = globalRendering->viewSizeY - 1 - winRelPos[i].y;
const float3 pxlDir = camera->CalcPixelDir(wx, wy);
const CUnit* unit = nullptr;
const CFeature* feature = nullptr;
const float traceDist = TraceRay::GuiTraceRay(camPos, pxlDir, rawRange, nullptr, unit, feature, true, true, true);
if ((traceDist < 0.0f || traceDist > badRange)) {
camPoints[i] = camPos + (pxlDir * rawRange);
if (!ClampRayInMap(camPos, camPoints[i])) {
//camPoints[i] = Clamp(camPoints[i], float3{ -T2, readMap->GetCurrMinHeight() - T1, -T2 }, { mapDims.mapx * SQUARE_SIZE + T2, readMap->GetCurrMaxHeight() + T1, mapDims.mapy * SQUARE_SIZE + T2 });
camPoints[i].x = Clamp(camPoints[i].x, -T2, mapDims.mapx * SQUARE_SIZE + T2);
camPoints[i].y = Clamp(camPoints[i].y, readMap->GetCurrMinHeight() - T1, readMap->GetCurrMaxHeight() + T1);
camPoints[i].z = Clamp(camPoints[i].z, -T2, mapDims.mapy * SQUARE_SIZE + T2);
else {
camPoints[i] = camPos + (pxlDir * traceDist);
projPos += camPoints[i];
projPos *= 0.2f;
float2 xbounds = { std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), -std::numeric_limits<float>::max() };
float2 zbounds = { std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), -std::numeric_limits<float>::max() };
for (const auto& camPoint : camPoints) {
float4 lvCamPoint = centeredLightMap * camPoint;
xbounds.x = std::min(xbounds.x, lvCamPoint.x);
xbounds.y = std::max(xbounds.y, lvCamPoint.x);
zbounds.x = std::min(zbounds.x, lvCamPoint.z);
zbounds.y = std::max(zbounds.y, lvCamPoint.z);
return (std::max(xbounds.y - xbounds.x, zbounds.y - zbounds.x));
// find projected width along {x,z}-axes (.x := min, .y := max)
float2 xbounds = {std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), -std::numeric_limits<float>::max()};
float2 zbounds = {std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), -std::numeric_limits<float>::max()};
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
frustumPoints[n] = centeredLightMap * frustumPoints[n];
xbounds.x = std::min(xbounds.x, frustumPoints[n].x);
xbounds.y = std::max(xbounds.y, frustumPoints[n].x);
zbounds.x = std::min(zbounds.x, frustumPoints[n].z);
zbounds.y = std::max(zbounds.y, frustumPoints[n].z);
// factor in z-bounds to prevent clipping
return (std::min(readMap->GetBoundingRadius() * 2.0f, std::max(xbounds.y - xbounds.x, zbounds.y - zbounds.x)));
I got the above image using MF v2.10 on crucible v3.1 map. On my springsettings.cfg I have "ShadowMapSize = 4096" which should be pretty good (it is if i zoom out)
The mapinfo.lua has sunDir = {-0.3, 1.0, -0.5},
As the camera zooms in a user would expect to get a progressively sharper and more detailed image of objects, but the shadows get much worse instead.