beyond-all-reason / teiserver

Middleware server for online gaming
MIT License
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Tachyon oauth #335

Open geekingfrog opened 3 weeks ago

geekingfrog commented 3 weeks ago

This implements the two oauth flows required for running tachyon.

There's also at the time of writing, a demo server running at

There's currently only one OAuth application registered, with the hardcoded scope tachyon.lobby, one redirect uri: and the client id is generic_lobby.

The lobby flow

This is using the authorization_code flow.

getting an authorization code

First, the client need to generate a PKCE verifier and challenge. For example:

challenge: "BGLMtLONQ_f6-Z6ikTk8ofWo-cWM3UUeT93LIEG33-M"

Then, the client can request an authorization code with a GET request to the endpoint:

You get redirected to a login screen. The demo server has one user with email/password: and password: tachyonmelon

You then should see a screen to grant access:


Clicking on "Let's go!" redirects to:<code>

exchanging the authorization code for an access token

You can then issue a POST request to

curl -iv \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=authorization_code" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=generic_lobby" \
--data-urlencode "code=60PKPAAVGIL8L6MCSVQK90V1GLORV22PQI6H13PIGQL21E0HFAF0====" \
--data-urlencode "code_verifier=2ENOENOGA0USUNPROMSUD9U64P604R2LVOVDG5SEL7EIGA5SL3TC2BQN0MJVVG8S" \
--data-urlencode "redirect_uri=http://localhost/oauth2callback"

and you get back


the autohost flow

I configured one client_id/client_secret pair that can be used to retrieve an auth token:

curl -ivv "" \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=207966ee-6997-433f-a1fa-28da8f3b754e" \
--data-urlencode "client_secret=NENEGFN5MNNA6TH34P53JE88STHA5RCQJ06RKTG5HN92UMAOQ72G"

and this gives the same type of response.


There are automated tests under 2 location, one for the context and one for the controllers:

mix test test/teiserver/o_auth/
mix test test/teiserver_web/controllers/o_auth

Out of (OAuth) Scope for this PR

p2004a commented 3 weeks ago

:tada: I will review it for sure (don't have perms to assign myself as reviewer)