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AST Failed to parse error when opening Jobs #288

Closed elijahworkz closed 2 years ago

elijahworkz commented 2 years ago

OS: linux Invoker Version: 2.9.0 Laravel Version: 8.83.7 Local project: true PHP Binary: /usr/bin/php PHP Version: 8.1 Route: /events?project=local-mKAG5MFSmGU1oReRogoyzg



  AST failed to parse in located source (in /project/vendor/eminiarts/nova-tabs/src/TabsOnEdit.php)

  at phar:///tmp/.mount_InvokejdvMJn/resources/invoker.phar/vendor/roave/better-reflection/src/SourceLocator/Ast/Exception/ParseToAstFailure.php:22
     18▕         }
     19▕         if ($additionalInformation === '') {
     20▕             $additionalInformation = \sprintf(' (first 20 characters: %s)', \substr($locatedSource->getSource(), 0, 20));
     21▕         }
  ➜  22▕         return new self(\sprintf('AST failed to parse in located source%s', $additionalInformation), 0, $previous);
     23▕     }
     24▕ }

      +1 vendor frames 
  2   [internal]:0

  3   [internal]:0

It might be same issue as #276

mpociot commented 2 years ago

This will be fixed in the next version 👍