beyondgrep / ack2

**ack 2 is no longer being maintained. ack 3 is the latest version.**
1.48k stars 138 forks source link

Test failures; indented test output #483

Closed karenetheridge closed 7 years ago

karenetheridge commented 10 years ago

Attached is the test output. This is perl 5.14.4, darwin.

cpanm (App::cpanminus) 1.7001 on perl 5.014004 built for darwin-2level
Work directory is /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670
You have make /usr/bin/make
You have LWP 6.08
You have /usr/bin/tar: bsdtar 2.8.3 - libarchive 2.8.3
You have /usr/bin/unzip
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.31 ... Yes (6.98)
Checking if you have ExtUtils::Install 1.46 ... Yes (1.56)
Searching App::Ack on mirror ...
Downloading index file ...
--> Working on App::Ack
-> OK
Unpacking ack-2.12.tar.gz
Entering ack-2.12
Checking configure dependencies from META.json
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0 ... Yes (6.98)
Configuring ack-2.12
Running Makefile.PL
Warning: prerequisite File::Next 1.10 not found.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
No documentation found for "File::Next".
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for ack
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
-> OK
Checking dependencies from MYMETA.json ...
Checking if you have Getopt::Long 2.35 ... Yes (2.42)
Checking if you have Test::Harness 2.50 ... Yes (3.32)
Checking if you have Term::ANSIColor 1.10 ... Yes (3.00)
Checking if you have File::Glob 1.00015 ... Yes (1.13)
Checking if you have Pod::Usage 1.26 ... Yes (1.36)
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0 ... Yes (6.98)
Checking if you have File::Spec 3.00 ... Yes (3.47)
Checking if you have Carp 1.04 ... Yes (1.3301)
Checking if you have Test::More 0.98 ... Yes (1.001003)
Checking if you have Text::ParseWords 3.1 ... Yes (3.27)
Checking if you have File::Next 1.10 ... No
Checking if you have File::Temp 0.19 ... Yes (0.22)
Checking if you have File::Basename 1.00015 ... Yes (2.82)
Checking if you have Cwd 3.00 ... Yes (3.47)
==> Found dependencies: File::Next
Searching File::Next on mirror ...
--> Working on File::Next
-> OK
Unpacking File-Next-1.12.tar.gz
Entering File-Next-1.12
Checking configure dependencies from META.json
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0 ... Yes (6.98)
Configuring File-Next-1.12
Running Makefile.PL
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Generating a Unix-style Makefile
Writing Makefile for File::Next
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
-> OK
Checking dependencies from MYMETA.json ...
Checking if you have Test::More 0.88 ... Yes (1.001003)
Checking if you have ExtUtils::MakeMaker 0 ... Yes (6.98)
Checking if you have File::Spec 0 ... Yes (3.47)
Building and testing File-Next-1.12
cp blib/lib/File/
Manifying blib/man3/File::Next.0
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /Users/ether/perl5/perlbrew/perls/14.4/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
# Testing File::Next 1.12, Perl 5.014004, /Users/ether/perl5/perlbrew/perls/14.4/bin/perl
t/00-load.t ....... ok
t/api.t ........... ok
t/basic.t ......... ok
t/dirs.t .......... ok
t/dot.t ........... ok
t/everything.t .... ok
t/follow.t ........ ok
t/from_file.t ..... ok
t/from_stdin.t .... ok
t/methods.t ....... ok
t/named-pipe.t .... ok
t/parms.t ......... ok
t/pod-coverage.t .. skipped: Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD
t/pod.t ........... ok
t/sort.t .......... ok
t/zero.t .......... ok
All tests successful.
Files=16, Tests=83,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr  0.03 sys +  0.52 cusr  0.08 csys =  0.69 CPU)
Result: PASS
Installing /Users/ether/.perlbrew/libs/14.4@std/lib/perl5/File/
Installing /Users/ether/.perlbrew/libs/14.4@std/man/man3/File::Next.0
Appending installation info to /Users/ether/.perlbrew/libs/14.4@std/lib/perl5/darwin-2level/perllocal.pod
-> OK
Successfully installed File-Next-1.12
Installing /Users/ether/.perlbrew/libs/14.4@std/lib/perl5/darwin-2level/.meta/File-Next-1.12/MYMETA.json
Installing /Users/ether/.perlbrew/libs/14.4@std/lib/perl5/darwin-2level/.meta/File-Next-1.12/install.json
Building and testing ack-2.12
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/Filter/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/Filter/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/Filter/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/Resource/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/Filter/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/Filter/
cp blib/lib/App/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/Filter/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/Filter/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/Filter/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/Filter/
cp blib/lib/App/Ack/
cp ack blib/script/ack
/Users/ether/perl5/perlbrew/perls/14.4/bin/perl -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- blib/script/ack
Manifying blib/man1/ack.0
/Users/ether/perl5/perlbrew/perls/14.4/bin/perl t/ 0 0 "blib/lib" "blib/arch" t/*.t t/lib/*.t
Running tests on blib/script/ack
# Testing App::Ack 2.12, File::Next 1.12, Perl 5.014004, /Users/ether/perl5/perlbrew/perls/14.4/bin/perl
# Using Test::More 1.001003 and Test::Harness 3.32
t/00-load.t .................. ok
t/ack-1.t .................... ok
t/ack-c.t .................... ok
t/ack-color.t ................ ok
t/ack-column.t ............... ok
t/ack-create-ackrc.t ......... ok
t/ack-dump.t ................. ok
t/ack-f.t .................... ok
t/ack-files-from.t ........... ok
t/ack-filetypes.t ............ ok
t/ack-g.t .................... ok
t/ack-group.t ................ ok
t/ack-h.t .................... ok
t/ack-help-types.t ........... ok
t/ack-help.t ................. ok
t/ack-i.t .................... ok
t/ack-ignore-dir.t ........... ok
t/ack-interactive.t .......... skipped: You need to install IO::Pty to run this test
t/ack-invalid-ackrc.t ........ skipped: Don't yet have a reliable way to ignore the Unicode complaints from Pod::Perldoc
t/ack-k.t .................... ok
t/ack-known-types.t .......... ok
t/ack-line.t ................. skipped: You need to install IO::Pty to run this test
t/ack-m.t .................... ok
t/ack-match.t ................ ok
t/ack-n.t .................... ok
t/ack-named-pipes.t .......... ok
t/ack-o.t .................... ok
t/ack-pager.t ................ skipped: You need to install IO::Pty to run this test
t/ack-passthru.t ............. ok
t/ack-print0.t ............... ok
t/ack-removed-options.t ...... ok
t/ack-s.t .................... ok
t/ack-show-types.t ........... ok
t/ack-type-del.t ............. ok
t/ack-type.t ................. ok
t/ack-v.t .................... ok
t/ack-w.t .................... ok
t/ack-x.t .................... ok
t/anchored.t ................. ok
t/asp-net-ext.t .............. ok
t/bad-ackrc-opt.t ............ ok
t/basic.t .................... ok
t/command-line-files.t ....... ok
t/config-backwards-compat.t .. ok
t/config-finder.t ............ ok
t/config-loader.t ............ ok
t/context.t .................. ok
t/default-filter.t ........... ok
t/exit-code.t ................ ok
t/ext-filter.t ............... ok
t/file-permission.t .......... ok
t/filetypes.t ................ ok
t/filter.t ................... ok
t/firstlinematch-filter.t .... ok
t/highlighting.t ............. ok
t/illegal-regex.t ............ ok
t/incomplete-last-line.t ..... ok
t/inverted-file-filter.t ..... ok
t/is-filter.t ................ ok
t/lib/00-coverage.t .......... ok
t/lib/Ack.t .................. ok
t/lib/Basic.t ................ ok
t/lib/Collection.t ........... ok
t/lib/ConfigDefault.t ........ ok
t/lib/ConfigFinder.t ......... ok
t/lib/ConfigLoader.t ......... ok
t/lib/Default.t .............. ok
t/lib/Extension.t ............ ok
t/lib/ExtensionGroup.t ....... ok
t/lib/Filter.t ............... ok
t/lib/FirstLineMatch.t ....... ok
t/lib/Inverse.t .............. ok
t/lib/Is.t ................... ok
t/lib/IsGroup.t .............. ok
t/lib/Match.t ................ ok
t/lib/Resource.t ............. ok
t/lib/Resources.t ............ ok
t/longopts.t ................. ok
t/match-filter.t ............. ok
t/mutex-options.t ............ ok
t/noackrc.t .................. ok
t/noenv.t .................... ok
t/process-substitution.t ..... ok
t/r-lang-ext.t ............... ok
t/resource-iterator.t ........ ok
t/zero.t ..................... ok
All tests successful.
Files=86, Tests=910, 41 wallclock secs ( 0.52 usr  0.17 sys + 35.06 cusr  4.36 csys = 40.11 CPU)
Result: PASS
/Users/ether/perl5/perlbrew/perls/14.4/bin/perl squash ack   > ack-standalone
Reading ack
/Users/ether/perl5/perlbrew/perls/14.4/bin/perl -MExtUtils::MY -e 'MY->fixin(shift)' -- ack-standalone
/Users/ether/perl5/perlbrew/perls/14.4/bin/perl -c ack-standalone
Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at ack-standalone line 103.
ack-standalone syntax OK
/Users/ether/perl5/perlbrew/perls/14.4/bin/perl t/ 1 0 "blib/lib" "blib/arch" t/*.t t/lib/*.t
Running tests on ack-standalone
# Testing App::Ack 2.12, File::Next 1.12, Perl 5.014004, /Users/ether/perl5/perlbrew/perls/14.4/bin/perl
# Using Test::More 1.001003 and Test::Harness 3.32
t/00-load.t .................. ok

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack Sue -1 -h t/text'
#   at t/ack-1.t line 20.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Looking for first instance of Sue!'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                           |
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                  *
    # |    |     *   1|  'Was before he left, he went and named me Sue.'  *
    # |    |     *   2|]                                                  *
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   'Was before he left, he went and named me Sue.'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for first instance of Sue! )'
#   at t/ack-1.t line 22.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack Sue -1 -h -v t/text/boy-named-sue.txt'
#   at t/ack-1.t line 33.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Looking for first non-match'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+-----------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                       |
    # +----+-----+----+-----------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                              *
    # |    |     *   1|  'Well, my daddy left home when I was three'  *
    # |    |     *   2|]                                              *
    # +----+-----+----+-----------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   'Well, my daddy left home when I was three'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for first non-match )'
#   at t/ack-1.t line 35.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -1 -f t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-1.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test 'Should only get one file back'
#   at t/ack-1.t line 44.
#          got: '0'
#     expected: '1'

#   Failed test 'One of the files from the swamp'
#   at t/ack-1.t line 45.
#                   undef
#     doesn't match '(?^:^t\/swamp)'

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -1 -g \bMakefile\b t/'
#   at t/ack-1.t line 53.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test 'Should only get one file back from \bMakefile\b'
#   at t/ack-1.t line 56.
#          got: '0'
#     expected: '1'

#   Failed test 'The one file matches one of the two Makefile files'
#   at t/ack-1.t line 57.
#                   undef
#     doesn't match '(?^:^t\/swamp\/Makefile(?:[.]PL)?$)'

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -1 -l --sort-files the t/text'
#   at t/ack-1.t line 64.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test 'Should only get one matching file back'
#   at t/ack-1.t line 67.
#          got: '0'
#     expected: '1'

#   Failed test at t/ack-1.t line 68.
#          got: undef
#     expected: 't/text/4th-of-july.txt'
# Looks like you failed 13 tests of 13.
t/ack-1.t .................... 
Dubious, test returned 13 (wstat 3328, 0xd00)
Failed 13/13 subtests 

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack religion -i -l t/text'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test 'Looking for religion with -l'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                        |
            # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                               *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt'  *
            # |    |     *   2|]                               *
            # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for religion with -l )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for religion with -l )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack religion -i -l t/text
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for religion with -l )'
#   at t/ack-c.t line 21.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack religion -L t/text'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test 'Looking for religion with -L'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                             |
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                    *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/text/4th-of-july.txt',          *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',        *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',    *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',  *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/text/numbered-text.txt',        *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'      *
            # |    |     *   7|]                                    *
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/text/4th-of-july.txt',
            #   't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',
            #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
            #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',
            #   't/text/numbered-text.txt',
            #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for religion with -L )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for religion with -L )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack religion -L t/text
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for religion with -L )'
#   at t/ack-c.t line 43.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack religion --files-without-matches t/text'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test 'Looking for religion with --files-without-matches'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                             |
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                    *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/text/4th-of-july.txt',          *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',        *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',    *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',  *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/text/numbered-text.txt',        *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'      *
            # |    |     *   7|]                                    *
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/text/4th-of-july.txt',
            #   't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',
            #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
            #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',
            #   't/text/numbered-text.txt',
            #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for religion with --files-without-matches )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for religion with --files-without-matches )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack religion --files-without-matches t/text
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for religion with --files-without-matches )'
#   at t/ack-c.t line 43.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack religion -l -v t/text'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test '-l -v will mostly likely match all input files'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                             |
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                    *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/text/4th-of-july.txt',          *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',        *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',    *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',  *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/text/numbered-text.txt',        *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt',      *
            # |    |     *   7|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'      *
            # |    |     *   8|]                                    *
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/text/4th-of-july.txt',
            #   't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',
            #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
            #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',
            #   't/text/numbered-text.txt',
            #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt',
            #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( -l -v will mostly likely match all input files )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( -l -v will mostly likely match all input files )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack religion -l -v t/text
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( -l -v will mostly likely match all input files )'
#   at t/ack-c.t line 68.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack religion -l --invert-match t/text'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test '-l -v will mostly likely match all input files'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                             |
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                    *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/text/4th-of-july.txt',          *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',        *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',    *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',  *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/text/numbered-text.txt',        *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt',      *
            # |    |     *   7|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'      *
            # |    |     *   8|]                                    *
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/text/4th-of-july.txt',
            #   't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',
            #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
            #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',
            #   't/text/numbered-text.txt',
            #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt',
            #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( -l -v will mostly likely match all input files )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( -l -v will mostly likely match all input files )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack religion -l --invert-match t/text
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( -l -v will mostly likely match all input files )'
#   at t/ack-c.t line 68.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack religion --files-with-matches -v t/text'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test '-l -v will mostly likely match all input files'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                             |
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                    *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/text/4th-of-july.txt',          *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',        *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',    *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',  *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/text/numbered-text.txt',        *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt',      *
            # |    |     *   7|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'      *
            # |    |     *   8|]                                    *
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/text/4th-of-july.txt',
            #   't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',
            #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
            #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',
            #   't/text/numbered-text.txt',
            #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt',
            #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( -l -v will mostly likely match all input files )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( -l -v will mostly likely match all input files )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack religion --files-with-matches -v t/text
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( -l -v will mostly likely match all input files )'
#   at t/ack-c.t line 68.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack religion --files-with-matches --invert-match t/text'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test '-l -v will mostly likely match all input files'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                             |
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                    *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/text/4th-of-july.txt',          *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',        *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',    *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',  *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/text/numbered-text.txt',        *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt',      *
            # |    |     *   7|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'      *
            # |    |     *   8|]                                    *
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/text/4th-of-july.txt',
            #   't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',
            #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
            #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',
            #   't/text/numbered-text.txt',
            #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt',
            #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( -l -v will mostly likely match all input files )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( -l -v will mostly likely match all input files )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack religion --files-with-matches --invert-match t/text
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( -l -v will mostly likely match all input files )'
#   at t/ack-c.t line 68.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack boy -i -c t/text'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test 'Boy counts'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                               |
            # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                      *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/text/4th-of-july.txt:1',          *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/text/boy-named-sue.txt:2',        *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:0',    *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:0',  *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/text/numbered-text.txt:0',        *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:0',      *
            # |    |     *   7|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:0'      *
            # |    |     *   8|]                                      *
            # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/text/4th-of-july.txt:1',
            #   't/text/boy-named-sue.txt:2',
            #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:0',
            #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:0',
            #   't/text/numbered-text.txt:0',
            #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:0',
            #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:0'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( Boy counts )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( Boy counts )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack boy -i -c t/text
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Boy counts )'
#   at t/ack-c.t line 86.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack religion -i -l -c t/text'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test 'Religion counts -l -c'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                          |
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                 *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:2'  *
            # |    |     *   2|]                                 *
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:2'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( Religion counts -l -c )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( Religion counts -l -c )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack religion -i -l -c t/text
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Religion counts -l -c )'
#   at t/ack-c.t line 97.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack boy -i -c -h t/text'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test 'ack -c -h should return one line of results'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+----------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected  |
            # +----+-----+----+----------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[         *
            # |    |     *   1|  '3'     *
            # |    |     *   2|]         *
            # +----+-----+----+----------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   '3'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( ack -c -h should return one line of results )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( ack -c -h should return one line of results )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack boy -i -c -h t/text
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( ack -c -h should return one line of results )'
#   at t/ack-c.t line 114.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack boy -i -c -h t/text/boy-named-sue.txt'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test 'ack -c -h should return one line of results'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+----------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected  |
            # +----+-----+----+----------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[         *
            # |    |     *   1|  '2'     *
            # |    |     *   2|]         *
            # +----+-----+----+----------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   '2'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( ack -c -h should return one line of results )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( ack -c -h should return one line of results )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack boy -i -c -h t/text/boy-named-sue.txt
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( ack -c -h should return one line of results )'
#   at t/ack-c.t line 122.
# Looks like you failed 11 tests of 13.
t/ack-c.t .................... 
Dubious, test returned 11 (wstat 2816, 0xb00)
Failed 11/13 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack called --color t/text/boy-named-sue.txt'
#   at t/ack-color.t line 23.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-color.t line 25.
# []

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack (called).*\1 --color t/text/boy-named-sue.txt'
#   at t/ack-color.t line 31.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test 'backref pattern matches once'
#   at t/ack-color.t line 33.
#          got: '0'
#     expected: '1'

#   Failed test at t/ack-color.t line 35.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack called --colour t/text/boy-named-sue.txt'
#   at t/ack-color.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-color.t line 43.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack v.+?m|c.+?n -w --color t/text/freedom-of-choice.txt'
#   at t/ack-color.t line 49.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test 'multiple matches on 1 line'
#   at t/ack-color.t line 51.
#          got: '0'
#     expected: '1'

#   Failed test 'multiple matches highlighted'
#   at t/ack-color.t line 52.
#          got: undef
#     expected: 'A victim of collision on the open sea'

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack (cal)(led) --color t/text/boy-named-sue.txt'
#   at t/ack-color.t line 59.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test 'backref pattern matches once'
#   at t/ack-color.t line 61.
#          got: '0'
#     expected: '1'

#   Failed test 'adjacent capture groups should highlight correctly'
#   at t/ack-color.t line 64.
#          got: undef
#     expected: 'I called him my pa, and he called me his son,'
# Looks like you failed 13 tests of 13.
t/ack-color.t ................ 
Dubious, test returned 13 (wstat 3328, 0xd00)
Failed 13/13 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack the -w -i --with-filename --noenv --column t/text/science-of-myth.txt'
#   at t/ack-column.t line 37.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Checking column numbers'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                                                                                   |
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                                                                                          *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:3:4:In the case of Christianity and Judaism there exists the belief',                        *
    # |    |     *   2|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:6:1:The Buddhists believe that the functional aspects override the myth',                    *
    # |    |     *   3|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:7:27:While other religions use the literal core to build foundations with',                  *
    # |    |     *   4|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:8:11:See, half the world sees the myth as fact, and it\'s seen as a lie by the other half',  *
    # |    |     *   5|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:9:5:And the simple truth is that it\'s none of that \'cause',                                *
    # |    |     *   6|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:10:24:Somehow no matter what the world keeps turning',                                       *
    # |    |     *   7|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:14:43:In fact, for better understanding we take the facts of science and apply them',        *
    # |    |     *   8|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:16:17:But closing off the possibilities makes it hard to see the bigger picture',            *
    # |    |     *   9|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:18:10:Consider the case of the woman whose faith helped her make it through',                *
    # |    |     *  10|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:22:31:And if it works, then it gets the job done',                                           *
    # |    |     *  11|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:23:24:Somehow no matter what the world keeps turning',                                       *
    # |    |     *  12|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:26:9:    -- "The Science Of Myth", Screeching Weasel'                                        *
    # |    |     *  13|]                                                                                                                          *
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:3:4:In the case of Christianity and Judaism there exists the belief',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:6:1:The Buddhists believe that the functional aspects override the myth',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:7:27:While other religions use the literal core to build foundations with',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:8:11:See, half the world sees the myth as fact, and it\'s seen as a lie by the other half',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:9:5:And the simple truth is that it\'s none of that \'cause',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:10:24:Somehow no matter what the world keeps turning',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:14:43:In fact, for better understanding we take the facts of science and apply them',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:16:17:But closing off the possibilities makes it hard to see the bigger picture',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:18:10:Consider the case of the woman whose faith helped her make it through',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:22:31:And if it works, then it gets the job done',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:23:24:Somehow no matter what the world keeps turning',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:26:9:    -- "The Science Of Myth", Screeching Weasel'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Checking column numbers )'
#   at t/ack-column.t line 39.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack the -w -i --with-filename --noenv --no-column t/text/science-of-myth.txt'
#   at t/ack-column.t line 62.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Checking without column numbers'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                                                                                |
    # +----+-----+----+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                                                                                       *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:3:In the case of Christianity and Judaism there exists the belief',                       *
    # |    |     *   2|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:6:The Buddhists believe that the functional aspects override the myth',                   *
    # |    |     *   3|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:7:While other religions use the literal core to build foundations with',                  *
    # |    |     *   4|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:8:See, half the world sees the myth as fact, and it\'s seen as a lie by the other half',  *
    # |    |     *   5|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:9:And the simple truth is that it\'s none of that \'cause',                               *
    # |    |     *   6|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:10:Somehow no matter what the world keeps turning',                                       *
    # |    |     *   7|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:14:In fact, for better understanding we take the facts of science and apply them',        *
    # |    |     *   8|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:16:But closing off the possibilities makes it hard to see the bigger picture',            *
    # |    |     *   9|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:18:Consider the case of the woman whose faith helped her make it through',                *
    # |    |     *  10|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:22:And if it works, then it gets the job done',                                           *
    # |    |     *  11|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:23:Somehow no matter what the world keeps turning',                                       *
    # |    |     *  12|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:26:    -- "The Science Of Myth", Screeching Weasel'                                       *
    # |    |     *  13|]                                                                                                                       *
    # +----+-----+----+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:3:In the case of Christianity and Judaism there exists the belief',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:6:The Buddhists believe that the functional aspects override the myth',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:7:While other religions use the literal core to build foundations with',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:8:See, half the world sees the myth as fact, and it\'s seen as a lie by the other half',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:9:And the simple truth is that it\'s none of that \'cause',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:10:Somehow no matter what the world keeps turning',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:14:In fact, for better understanding we take the facts of science and apply them',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:16:But closing off the possibilities makes it hard to see the bigger picture',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:18:Consider the case of the woman whose faith helped her make it through',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:22:And if it works, then it gets the job done',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:23:Somehow no matter what the world keeps turning',
    #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:26:    -- "The Science Of Myth", Screeching Weasel'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Checking without column numbers )'
#   at t/ack-column.t line 64.
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 4.
t/ack-column.t ............... 
Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/4 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack ack --create-ackrc'
#   at t/ack-create-ackrc.t line 15.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.'
# ]
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 3.
t/ack-create-ackrc.t ......... 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/3 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --dump'
#   at t/ack-dump.t line 20.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.'
# ]
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 5.
t/ack-dump.t ................. 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/5 subtests 

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -f t/swamp'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test 'DEFAULT_DIR_EXCLUSIONS'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                     |
            # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                            *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/0',                               *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/CMakeLists.txt',                  *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/Makefile',                        *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/Makefile.PL',                     *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/MasterPage.master',               *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/Rakefile',                        *
            # |    |     *   7|  't/swamp/Sample.ascx',                     *
            # |    |     *   8|  't/swamp/Sample.asmx',                     *
            # |    |     *   9|  't/swamp/c-header.h',                      *
            # |    |     *  10|  't/swamp/c-source.c',                      *
            # |    |     *  11|  't/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f',       *
            # |    |     *  12|  't/swamp/example.R',                       *
            # |    |     *  13|  't/swamp/',                        *
            # |    |     *  14|  't/swamp/',                        *
            # |    |     *  15|  't/swamp/fresh.css',                       *
            # |    |     *  16|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',  *
            # |    |     *  17|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',   *
            # |    |     *  18|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/meat',   *
            # |    |     *  19|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',                 *
            # |    |     *  20|  't/swamp/groceries/junk',                  *
            # |    |     *  21|  't/swamp/groceries/meat',                  *
            # |    |     *  22|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',          *
            # |    |     *  23|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk',           *
            # |    |     *  24|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/meat',           *
            # |    |     *  25|  't/swamp/html.htm',                        *
            # |    |     *  26|  't/swamp/html.html',                       *
            # |    |     *  27|  't/swamp/incomplete-last-line.txt',        *
            # |    |     *  28|  't/swamp/javascript.js',                   *
            # |    |     *  29|  't/swamp/lua-shebang-test',                *
            # |    |     *  30|  't/swamp/not-an-#emacs-workfile#',         *
            # |    |     *  31|  't/swamp/notaMakefile',                    *
            # |    |     *  32|  't/swamp/notaRakefile',                    *
            # |    |     *  33|  't/swamp/',                        *
            # |    |     *  34|  't/swamp/',                 *
            # |    |     *  35|  't/swamp/',                      *
            # |    |     *  36|  't/swamp/parrot.pir',                      *
            # |    |     *  37|  't/swamp/perl-test.t',                     *
            # |    |     *  38|  't/swamp/perl-without-extension',          *
            # |    |     *  39|  't/swamp/perl.cgi',                        *
            # |    |     *  40|  't/swamp/perl.handler.pod',                *
            # |    |     *  41|  't/swamp/',                         *
            # |    |     *  42|  't/swamp/',                         *
            # |    |     *  43|  't/swamp/perl.pod',                        *
            # |    |     *  44|  't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F',            *
            # |    |     *  45|  't/swamp/sample.asp',                      *
            # |    |     *  46|  't/swamp/sample.aspx',                     *
            # |    |     *  47|  't/swamp/sample.rake',                     *
            # |    |     *  48|  't/swamp/service.svc',                     *
            # |    |     *  49|  't/swamp/stuff.cmake'                      *
            # |    |     *  50|]                                            *
            # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/swamp/0',
            #   't/swamp/CMakeLists.txt',
            #   't/swamp/Makefile',
            #   't/swamp/Makefile.PL',
            #   't/swamp/MasterPage.master',
            #   't/swamp/Rakefile',
            #   't/swamp/Sample.ascx',
            #   't/swamp/Sample.asmx',
            #   't/swamp/c-header.h',
            #   't/swamp/c-source.c',
            #   't/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f',
            #   't/swamp/example.R',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/fresh.css',
            #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',
            #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',
            #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/meat',
            #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
            #   't/swamp/groceries/junk',
            #   't/swamp/groceries/meat',
            #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',
            #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk',
            #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/meat',
            #   't/swamp/html.htm',
            #   't/swamp/html.html',
            #   't/swamp/incomplete-last-line.txt',
            #   't/swamp/javascript.js',
            #   't/swamp/lua-shebang-test',
            #   't/swamp/not-an-#emacs-workfile#',
            #   't/swamp/notaMakefile',
            #   't/swamp/notaRakefile',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/parrot.pir',
            #   't/swamp/perl-test.t',
            #   't/swamp/perl-without-extension',
            #   't/swamp/perl.cgi',
            #   't/swamp/perl.handler.pod',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/perl.pod',
            #   't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F',
            #   't/swamp/sample.asp',
            #   't/swamp/sample.aspx',
            #   't/swamp/sample.rake',
            #   't/swamp/service.svc',
            #   't/swamp/stuff.cmake'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( DEFAULT_DIR_EXCLUSIONS )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( DEFAULT_DIR_EXCLUSIONS )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack -f t/swamp
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( DEFAULT_DIR_EXCLUSIONS )'
#   at t/ack-f.t line 69.

#   Failed test '-f with matches exits with 0'
#   at t/ack-f.t line 70.
#          got: '255'
#     expected: '0'

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -f t/swamp --perl --rake'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test 'COMBINED_FILTERS'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                             |
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                    *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/0',                       *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/Makefile.PL',             *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/Rakefile',                *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/',         *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/',              *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/perl-test.t',             *
            # |    |     *   7|  't/swamp/perl-without-extension',  *
            # |    |     *   8|  't/swamp/perl.cgi',                *
            # |    |     *   9|  't/swamp/perl.handler.pod',        *
            # |    |     *  10|  't/swamp/',                 *
            # |    |     *  11|  't/swamp/',                 *
            # |    |     *  12|  't/swamp/perl.pod'                 *
            # |    |     *  13|]                                    *
            # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/swamp/0',
            #   't/swamp/Makefile.PL',
            #   't/swamp/Rakefile',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/perl-test.t',
            #   't/swamp/perl-without-extension',
            #   't/swamp/perl.cgi',
            #   't/swamp/perl.handler.pod',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/perl.pod'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( COMBINED_FILTERS )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( COMBINED_FILTERS )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack -f t/swamp --perl --rake
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( COMBINED_FILTERS )'
#   at t/ack-f.t line 91.

#   Failed test '-f with matches exits with 0'
#   at t/ack-f.t line 92.
#          got: '255'
#     expected: '0'

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -f t/swamp --type-add=baz:ext:baz --baz'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( EXIT_CODE )'
#   at t/ack-f.t line 100.

#   Failed test '-f with no matches exits with 1'
#   at t/ack-f.t line 101.
#          got: '255'
#     expected: '1'
# Looks like you failed 6 tests of 6.
t/ack-f.t .................... 
Dubious, test returned 6 (wstat 1536, 0x600)
Failed 6/6 subtests 

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --files-from=/var/folders/kx/9dgyhhpn2yb7v2mggnr385fr0000gn/T/yijJekIdNv strict'
    #   at t/ack-files-from.t line 24.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::from_file called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2880.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test 'Looking for strict in multiple files'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                              |
            # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                     *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/ strict;'  *
            # |    |     *   2|]                                     *
            # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/swamp/ strict;'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for strict in multiple files )'
        #   at t/ line 415.
        # $ ack --files-from=/var/folders/kx/9dgyhhpn2yb7v2mggnr385fr0000gn/T/yijJekIdNv strict
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'ack_lists_match( Looking for strict in multiple files )'
    #   at t/ack-files-from.t line 24.
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'Basic reading from files, no switches'
#   at t/ack-files-from.t line 27.

    #   Failed test 'One line of STDERR for non-existent file'
    #   at t/ack-files-from.t line 37.
    #          got: '2'
    #     expected: '1'

    #   Failed test 'Correct warning message for non-existent file'
    #   at t/ack-files-from.t line 38.
    #                   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.'
    #     doesn't match '(?^:Unable to open non-existent-file:)'
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 3.

#   Failed test 'Non-existent file specified'
#   at t/ack-files-from.t line 40.

    #   Failed test 'One hit found'
    #   at t/ack-files-from.t line 49.
    #          got: '0'
    #     expected: '1'

    #   Failed test 'Find the one line in the file'
    #   at t/ack-files-from.t line 50.
    #                   undef
    #     doesn't match '(?^:THIS IS ALL IN UPPER CASE)'

    #   Failed test 'One line of STDERR for non-existent file'
    #   at t/ack-files-from.t line 52.
    #          got: '2'
    #     expected: '1'

    #   Failed test 'Correct warning message for non-existent file'
    #   at t/ack-files-from.t line 53.
    #                   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.'
    #     doesn't match '(?^:file-that-isnt-there: No such file)'
    # Looks like you failed 4 tests of 4.

#   Failed test 'Source file exists, but non-existent files mentioned in the file'
#   at t/ack-files-from.t line 54.
# Looks like you failed 3 tests of 3.
t/ack-files-from.t ........... 
Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300)
Failed 3/3 subtests 

#   Failed test '--actionscript should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--ada should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--asm should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--batch should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--cc should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--cfmx should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--clojure should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--coffeescript should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--cpp should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--csharp should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--css should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--delphi should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--elisp should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--erlang should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--fortran should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--go should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--groovy should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--haskell should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--hh should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--html should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--java should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--js should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--json should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--jsp should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--less should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--lisp should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--lua should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--make should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--objc should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--objcpp should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--ocaml should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--parrot should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--perl should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--php should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--plone should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--python should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--rake should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--ruby should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--rust should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--sass should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--scala should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--scheme should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--shell should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--smalltalk should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--sql should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--tcl should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--tex should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--tt should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--vb should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--verilog should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--vhdl should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--vim should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--xml should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test '--yaml should print no errors'
#   at t/ack-filetypes.t line 76.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]
# Looks like you failed 54 tests of 54.
t/ack-filetypes.t ............ 
Dubious, test returned 54 (wstat 13824, 0x3600)
Failed 54/54 subtests 

    #   Failed test 'One line of STDERR for non-existent file'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 21.
    #          got: '3'
    #     expected: '1'

    #   Failed test 'Correct warning message for non-existent file'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 22.
    #                   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.'
    #     doesn't match '(?^:non-existent: No such file or directory)'
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 3.

#   Failed test 'No starting directory specified'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 24.

    #   Failed test 'One line of STDERR for non-existent file'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 34.
    #          got: '3'
    #     expected: '1'

    #   Failed test 'Correct warning message for non-existent file'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 35.
    #                   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.'
    #     doesn't match '(?^:non-existent: No such file or directory)'
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 3.

#   Failed test 'regex comes before -g on the command line'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 37.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -g Makefile t/'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'Looking for Makefile'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+--------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                  |
                # +----+-----+----+--------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                         *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/Makefile',     *
                # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/Makefile.PL',  *
                # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/notaMakefile'  *
                # |    |     *   4|]                         *
                # +----+-----+----+--------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/swamp/Makefile',
                #   't/swamp/Makefile.PL',
                #   't/swamp/notaMakefile'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for Makefile )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for Makefile )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack -g Makefile t/
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for Makefile )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 50.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'No metacharacters'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 51.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -g swam.......htm t/'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'Looking for swam.......htm'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+-----------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected               |
                # +----+-----+----+-----------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                      *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/html.htm',  *
                # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/html.html'  *
                # |    |     *   3|]                      *
                # +----+-----+----+-----------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/swamp/html.htm',
                #   't/swamp/html.html'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for swam.......htm )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for swam.......htm )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack -g swam.......htm t/
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for swam.......htm )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 64.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'With metacharacters'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 65.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -g ^t.fil t'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'Looking for ^t.fil'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+--------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                  |
                # +----+-----+----+--------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                         *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/file-permission.t',  *
                # |    |     *   2|  't/filetypes.t',        *
                # |    |     *   3|  't/filter.t'            *
                # |    |     *   4|]                         *
                # +----+-----+----+--------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/file-permission.t',
                #   't/filetypes.t',
                #   't/filter.t'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for ^t.fil )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for ^t.fil )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack -g ^t.fil t
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for ^t.fil )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 78.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'Front anchor'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 79.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -g pl$ t'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'Looking for pl$'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+------------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                      |
                # +----+-----+----+------------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                             *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/',            *
                # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/',  *
                # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/',       *
                # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/'           *
                # |    |     *   5|]                             *
                # +----+-----+----+------------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/',
                #   't/swamp/',
                #   't/swamp/',
                #   't/swamp/'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for pl$ )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for pl$ )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack -g pl$ t
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for pl$ )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 93.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'Back anchor'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 94.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -i -g PIPE t/swamp'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'Looking for -i -g PIPE '
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                          |
                # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                 *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F'  *
                # |    |     *   2|]                                 *
                # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for -i -g PIPE  )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for -i -g PIPE  )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack -i -g PIPE t/swamp
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for -i -g PIPE  )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 105.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'Case-insensitive via -i'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 106.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -g (?i:PIPE) t/swamp'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'Looking for (?i:PIPE)'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                          |
                # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                 *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F'  *
                # |    |     *   2|]                                 *
                # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for (?i:PIPE) )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for (?i:PIPE) )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack -g (?i:PIPE) t/swamp
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for (?i:PIPE) )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 117.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'Case-insensitive via (?i:)'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 118.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -g emacs t/swamp/\\#'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'File on command line is always searched'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                         |
                # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/'  *
                # |    |     *   2|]                                *
                # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/swamp/'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( File on command line is always searched )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( File on command line is always searched )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack -g emacs t/swamp/
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( File on command line is always searched )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 127.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'File on command line is always searched'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 128.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --html -g parrot t/swamp/parrot.pir'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'File on command line is always searched, even with wrong type.'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                |
                # +----+-----+----+------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                       *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/parrot.pir'  *
                # |    |     *   2|]                       *
                # +----+-----+----+------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/swamp/parrot.pir'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( File on command line is always searched, even with wrong type. )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( File on command line is always searched, even with wrong type. )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack --html -g parrot t/swamp/parrot.pir
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( File on command line is always searched, even with wrong type. )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 139.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'File on command line is always searched, even with wrong filetype'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 140.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -Q -g ack-g.t$ t'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for ack-g.t$ with quotemeta. )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 150.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -Q -g of t/text'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'Looking for of with quotemeta.'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+-----------------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                           |
                # +----+-----+----+-----------------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                  *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/text/4th-of-july.txt',        *
                # |    |     *   2|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',  *
                # |    |     *   3|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt'     *
                # |    |     *   4|]                                  *
                # +----+-----+----+-----------------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/text/4th-of-july.txt',
                #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
                #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for of with quotemeta. )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for of with quotemeta. )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack -Q -g of t/text
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for of with quotemeta. )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 162.
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test '-Q works on -g'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 163.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -w -g free t/text/'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for free with '-w'. )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 172.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -w -g of t/text'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'Looking for of with '-w'.'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+-----------------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                           |
                # +----+-----+----+-----------------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                  *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/text/4th-of-july.txt',        *
                # |    |     *   2|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',  *
                # |    |     *   3|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt'     *
                # |    |     *   4|]                                  *
                # +----+-----+----+-----------------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/text/4th-of-july.txt',
                #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
                #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for of with '-w'. )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for of with '-w'. )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack -w -g of t/text
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for of with '-w'. )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 184.
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test '-w works on -g'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 185.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -v -g of t/text/'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'Looking for file names that do not match of'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                             |
                # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                    *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',        *
                # |    |     *   2|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',  *
                # |    |     *   3|  't/text/numbered-text.txt',        *
                # |    |     *   4|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'      *
                # |    |     *   5|]                                    *
                # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',
                #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',
                #   't/text/numbered-text.txt',
                #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for file names that do not match of )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for file names that do not match of )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack -v -g of t/text/
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for file names that do not match of )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 199.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test '-v works on -g'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 200.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --smart-case -g f$ t/swamp'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'Looking for f$'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                |
                # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                       *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f',  *
                # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F'        *
                # |    |     *   3|]                                       *
                # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f',
                #   't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for f$ )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for f$ )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack --smart-case -g f$ t/swamp
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for f$ )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 211.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --smart-case -g F$ t/swamp'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'Looking for f$'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                          |
                # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                 *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F'  *
                # |    |     *   2|]                                 *
                # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for f$ )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( Looking for f$ )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack --smart-case -g F$ t/swamp
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Looking for f$ )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 218.
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test '--smart-case works on -g'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 219.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -g foo t/text/'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 225.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

    #   Failed test '-g with no matches must exit with 1'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 226.
    #          got: '255'
    #     expected: '1'

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -g boy t/text/'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 230.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

    #   Failed test '-g with matches must exit with 0'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 231.
    #          got: '255'
    #     expected: '0'
    # Looks like you failed 4 tests of 4.

#   Failed test 'test exit codes'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 232.

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --sort-files -g text'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'Make sure -g matches the whole path'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                             |
                # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                    *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/context.t',                     *
                # |    |     *   2|  't/text/4th-of-july.txt',          *
                # |    |     *   3|  't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',        *
                # |    |     *   4|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',    *
                # |    |     *   5|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',  *
                # |    |     *   6|  't/text/numbered-text.txt',        *
                # |    |     *   7|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt',      *
                # |    |     *   8|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'      *
                # |    |     *   9|]                                    *
                # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/context.t',
                #   't/text/4th-of-july.txt',
                #   't/text/boy-named-sue.txt',
                #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
                #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',
                #   't/text/numbered-text.txt',
                #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt',
                #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( Make sure -g matches the whole path )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( Make sure -g matches the whole path )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack --sort-files -g text
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Make sure -g matches the whole path )'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 248.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'test -g on a path'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 249.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --sort-files -g text --color'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 266.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

    #   Failed test 'Colorizing -g output with --color should work'
    #   at t/ack-g.t line 268.
    #     Structures begin differing at:
    #          $got->[0] = Does not exist
    #     $expected->[0] = 't/context.t'
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'test -g with --color'
#   at t/ack-g.t line 269.
# Looks like you failed 17 tests of 18.
t/ack-g.t .................... 
Dubious, test returned 17 (wstat 4352, 0x1100)
Failed 17/18 subtests 
    (less 1 skipped subtest: 0 okay)

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --nogroup --nocolor free t/text/4th-of-july.txt t/text/boy-named-sue.txt t/text/freedom-of-choice.txt t/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt t/text/numbered-text.txt t/text/science-of-myth.txt t/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
#   at t/ack-group.t line 37.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'No grouping'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                                                    |
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                                                           *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:2:Nobody ever said life was free',                          *
    # |    |     *   2|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:4:But use your freedom of choice',                          *
    # |    |     *   3|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:6:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',              *
    # |    |     *   4|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:7:Use your freedom of choice',                              *
    # |    |     *   5|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:8:Your freedom of choice',                                  *
    # |    |     *   6|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:28:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',             *
    # |    |     *   7|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:29:Use your freedom of choice',                             *
    # |    |     *   8|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:12:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free',  *
    # |    |     *   9|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:27:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free'   *
    # |    |     *  10|]                                                                                           *
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:2:Nobody ever said life was free',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:4:But use your freedom of choice',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:6:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:7:Use your freedom of choice',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:8:Your freedom of choice',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:28:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:29:Use your freedom of choice',
    #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:12:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free',
    #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:27:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( No grouping )'
#   at t/ack-group.t line 38.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --nobreak --noheading --nocolor free t/text/4th-of-july.txt t/text/boy-named-sue.txt t/text/freedom-of-choice.txt t/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt t/text/numbered-text.txt t/text/science-of-myth.txt t/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
#   at t/ack-group.t line 37.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'No grouping'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                                                    |
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                                                           *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:2:Nobody ever said life was free',                          *
    # |    |     *   2|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:4:But use your freedom of choice',                          *
    # |    |     *   3|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:6:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',              *
    # |    |     *   4|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:7:Use your freedom of choice',                              *
    # |    |     *   5|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:8:Your freedom of choice',                                  *
    # |    |     *   6|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:28:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',             *
    # |    |     *   7|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:29:Use your freedom of choice',                             *
    # |    |     *   8|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:12:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free',  *
    # |    |     *   9|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:27:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free'   *
    # |    |     *  10|]                                                                                           *
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:2:Nobody ever said life was free',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:4:But use your freedom of choice',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:6:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:7:Use your freedom of choice',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:8:Your freedom of choice',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:28:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:29:Use your freedom of choice',
    #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:12:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free',
    #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:27:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( No grouping )'
#   at t/ack-group.t line 38.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --group --nocolor free t/text/4th-of-july.txt t/text/boy-named-sue.txt t/text/freedom-of-choice.txt t/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt t/text/numbered-text.txt t/text/science-of-myth.txt t/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
#   at t/ack-group.t line 65.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Standard grouping'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                     |
    # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                            *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',                            *
    # |    |     *   2|  '2:Nobody ever said life was free',                        *
    # |    |     *   3|  '4:But use your freedom of choice',                        *
    # |    |     *   4|  '6:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',            *
    # |    |     *   5|  '7:Use your freedom of choice',                            *
    # |    |     *   6|  '8:Your freedom of choice',                                *
    # |    |     *   7|  '28:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',           *
    # |    |     *   8|  '29:Use your freedom of choice',                           *
    # |    |     *   9|  '',                                                        *
    # |    |     *  10|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',                          *
    # |    |     *  11|  '12:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free',  *
    # |    |     *  12|  '27:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free'   *
    # |    |     *  13|]                                                            *
    # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
    #   '2:Nobody ever said life was free',
    #   '4:But use your freedom of choice',
    #   '6:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',
    #   '7:Use your freedom of choice',
    #   '8:Your freedom of choice',
    #   '28:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',
    #   '29:Use your freedom of choice',
    #   '',
    #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',
    #   '12:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free',
    #   '27:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Standard grouping )'
#   at t/ack-group.t line 66.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --heading --break --nocolor free t/text/4th-of-july.txt t/text/boy-named-sue.txt t/text/freedom-of-choice.txt t/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt t/text/numbered-text.txt t/text/science-of-myth.txt t/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
#   at t/ack-group.t line 65.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Standard grouping'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                     |
    # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                            *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',                            *
    # |    |     *   2|  '2:Nobody ever said life was free',                        *
    # |    |     *   3|  '4:But use your freedom of choice',                        *
    # |    |     *   4|  '6:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',            *
    # |    |     *   5|  '7:Use your freedom of choice',                            *
    # |    |     *   6|  '8:Your freedom of choice',                                *
    # |    |     *   7|  '28:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',           *
    # |    |     *   8|  '29:Use your freedom of choice',                           *
    # |    |     *   9|  '',                                                        *
    # |    |     *  10|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',                          *
    # |    |     *  11|  '12:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free',  *
    # |    |     *  12|  '27:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free'   *
    # |    |     *  13|]                                                            *
    # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
    #   '2:Nobody ever said life was free',
    #   '4:But use your freedom of choice',
    #   '6:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',
    #   '7:Use your freedom of choice',
    #   '8:Your freedom of choice',
    #   '28:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',
    #   '29:Use your freedom of choice',
    #   '',
    #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',
    #   '12:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free',
    #   '27:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Standard grouping )'
#   at t/ack-group.t line 66.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --heading --nobreak --nocolor free t/text/4th-of-july.txt t/text/boy-named-sue.txt t/text/freedom-of-choice.txt t/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt t/text/numbered-text.txt t/text/science-of-myth.txt t/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
#   at t/ack-group.t line 90.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Standard grouping'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                     |
    # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                            *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',                            *
    # |    |     *   2|  '2:Nobody ever said life was free',                        *
    # |    |     *   3|  '4:But use your freedom of choice',                        *
    # |    |     *   4|  '6:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',            *
    # |    |     *   5|  '7:Use your freedom of choice',                            *
    # |    |     *   6|  '8:Your freedom of choice',                                *
    # |    |     *   7|  '28:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',           *
    # |    |     *   8|  '29:Use your freedom of choice',                           *
    # |    |     *   9|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',                          *
    # |    |     *  10|  '12:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free',  *
    # |    |     *  11|  '27:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free'   *
    # |    |     *  12|]                                                            *
    # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
    #   '2:Nobody ever said life was free',
    #   '4:But use your freedom of choice',
    #   '6:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',
    #   '7:Use your freedom of choice',
    #   '8:Your freedom of choice',
    #   '28:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',
    #   '29:Use your freedom of choice',
    #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt',
    #   '12:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free',
    #   '27:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Standard grouping )'
#   at t/ack-group.t line 91.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --break --noheading --nocolor free t/text/4th-of-july.txt t/text/boy-named-sue.txt t/text/freedom-of-choice.txt t/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt t/text/numbered-text.txt t/text/science-of-myth.txt t/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
#   at t/ack-group.t line 115.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'No grouping'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                                                    |
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                                                           *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:2:Nobody ever said life was free',                          *
    # |    |     *   2|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:4:But use your freedom of choice',                          *
    # |    |     *   3|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:6:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',              *
    # |    |     *   4|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:7:Use your freedom of choice',                              *
    # |    |     *   5|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:8:Your freedom of choice',                                  *
    # |    |     *   6|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:28:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',             *
    # |    |     *   7|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:29:Use your freedom of choice',                             *
    # |    |     *   8|  '',                                                                                       *
    # |    |     *   9|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:12:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free',  *
    # |    |     *  10|  't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:27:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free'   *
    # |    |     *  11|]                                                                                           *
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:2:Nobody ever said life was free',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:4:But use your freedom of choice',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:6:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:7:Use your freedom of choice',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:8:Your freedom of choice',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:28:I\'ll say it again in the land of the free',
    #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt:29:Use your freedom of choice',
    #   '',
    #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:12:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free',
    #   't/text/me-and-bobbie-mcgee.txt:27:    Nothin\' don\'t mean nothin\' if it ain\'t free'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( No grouping )'
#   at t/ack-group.t line 116.
# Looks like you failed 12 tests of 12.
t/ack-group.t ................ 
Dubious, test returned 12 (wstat 3072, 0xc00)
Failed 12/12 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack strict t/swamp/'
#   at t/ack-h.t line 21.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Looking for strict in one file'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+-----------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected         |
    # +----+-----+----+-----------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                *
    # |    |     *   1|  'use strict;'  *
    # |    |     *   2|]                *
    # +----+-----+----+-----------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   'use strict;'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for strict in one file )'
#   at t/ack-h.t line 23.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack strict t/swamp/ t/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F'
#   at t/ack-h.t line 35.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Looking for strict in multiple files'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                              |
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                     *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/ strict;'  *
    # |    |     *   2|]                                     *
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/swamp/ strict;'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for strict in multiple files )'
#   at t/ack-h.t line 37.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -H strict t/swamp/'
#   at t/ack-h.t line 50.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Looking for strict in one file with -H'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                              |
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                     *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/ strict;'  *
    # |    |     *   2|]                                     *
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/swamp/ strict;'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for strict in one file with -H )'
#   at t/ack-h.t line 52.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --with-filename strict t/swamp/'
#   at t/ack-h.t line 50.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Looking for strict in one file with --with-filename'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                              |
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                     *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/ strict;'  *
    # |    |     *   2|]                                     *
    # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/swamp/ strict;'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for strict in one file with --with-filename )'
#   at t/ack-h.t line 52.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -h strict t/swamp/ t/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f'
#   at t/ack-h.t line 65.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Looking for strict in multiple files with -h'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+-----------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected         |
    # +----+-----+----+-----------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                *
    # |    |     *   1|  'use strict;'  *
    # |    |     *   2|]                *
    # +----+-----+----+-----------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   'use strict;'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for strict in multiple files with -h )'
#   at t/ack-h.t line 67.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --no-filename strict t/swamp/ t/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f'
#   at t/ack-h.t line 65.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Looking for strict in multiple files with --no-filename'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+-----------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected         |
    # +----+-----+----+-----------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                *
    # |    |     *   1|  'use strict;'  *
    # |    |     *   2|]                *
    # +----+-----+----+-----------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   'use strict;'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Looking for strict in multiple files with --no-filename )'
#   at t/ack-h.t line 67.
# Looks like you failed 12 tests of 12.
t/ack-h.t .................... 
Dubious, test returned 12 (wstat 3072, 0xc00)
Failed 12/12 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --help-types'
#   at t/ack-help-types.t line 25.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.'
# ]

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --help=types'
#   at t/ack-help-types.t line 25.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.'
# ]
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 12.
t/ack-help-types.t ........... 
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/12 subtests 
t/ack-help.t ................. ok

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --nocolor APPLE -i t/swamp/groceries/fruit t/swamp/groceries/junk t/swamp/groceries/meat'
#   at t/ack-i.t line 22.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test '-i flag'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                     |
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                            *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit:1:apple',         *
    # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/junk:1:apple fritters'  *
    # |    |     *   3|]                                            *
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit:1:apple',
    #   't/swamp/groceries/junk:1:apple fritters'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( -i flag )'
#   at t/ack-i.t line 24.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --nocolor APPLE --ignore-case t/swamp/groceries/fruit t/swamp/groceries/junk t/swamp/groceries/meat'
#   at t/ack-i.t line 27.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test '--ignore-case flag'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                     |
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                            *
    # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit:1:apple',         *
    # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/junk:1:apple fritters'  *
    # |    |     *   3|]                                            *
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit:1:apple',
    #   't/swamp/groceries/junk:1:apple fritters'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( --ignore-case flag )'
#   at t/ack-i.t line 29.
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 4.
t/ack-i.t .................... 
Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/4 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --ignore-dir=subdir --noenv -l apple t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test '--ignore-dir=subdir'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                     |
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                            *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',   *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',                 *
        # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/groceries/junk'                   *
        # |    |     *   5|]                                            *
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/junk'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( --ignore-dir=subdir )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( --ignore-dir=subdir )'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 55.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --ignore-dir=subdir/ --noenv -l apple t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test '--ignore-dir=subdir/'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                     |
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                            *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',   *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',                 *
        # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/groceries/junk'                   *
        # |    |     *   5|]                                            *
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/junk'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( --ignore-dir=subdir/ )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( --ignore-dir=subdir/ )'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 63.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --ignore-dir=subdir --ignore-dir=another_subdir --noenv -l apple t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test '--ignore-dir=subdir --ignore-dir=another_subdir'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                      |
        # +----+-----+----+------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                             *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/junk'    *
        # |    |     *   3|]                             *
        # +----+-----+----+------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/junk'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( --ignore-dir=subdir --ignore-dir=another_subdir )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( --ignore-dir=subdir --ignore-dir=another_subdir )'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 71.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --noignore-dir=CVS --noenv -l apple t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test '--noignore-dir=CVS'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                         |
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/CVS/fruit',                 *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/CVS/junk',                  *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/junk',   *
        # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',      *
        # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',       *
        # |    |     *   7|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',                     *
        # |    |     *   8|  't/swamp/groceries/junk',                      *
        # |    |     *   9|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',              *
        # |    |     *  10|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'                *
        # |    |     *  11|]                                                *
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/swamp/groceries/CVS/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/CVS/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( --noignore-dir=CVS )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( --noignore-dir=CVS )'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 79.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --noignore-dir=CVS --noignore-dir=RCS --noenv -l apple t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test '--noignore-dir=CVS --noignore-dir=RCS'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                         |
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/CVS/fruit',                 *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/CVS/junk',                  *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/groceries/RCS/fruit',                 *
        # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/groceries/RCS/junk',                  *
        # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/junk',   *
        # |    |     *   7|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/RCS/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   8|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/RCS/junk',   *
        # |    |     *   9|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',      *
        # |    |     *  10|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',       *
        # |    |     *  11|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',                     *
        # |    |     *  12|  't/swamp/groceries/junk',                      *
        # |    |     *  13|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',              *
        # |    |     *  14|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'                *
        # |    |     *  15|]                                                *
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/swamp/groceries/CVS/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/CVS/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/RCS/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/RCS/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/RCS/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/RCS/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( --noignore-dir=CVS --noignore-dir=RCS )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( --noignore-dir=CVS --noignore-dir=RCS )'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 87.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --noignore-dir=CVS --ignore-dir=subdir --noenv -l apple t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test '--noignore-dir=CVS --ignore-dir=subdir'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                         |
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/CVS/fruit',                 *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/CVS/junk',                  *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/junk',   *
        # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',      *
        # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',       *
        # |    |     *   7|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',                     *
        # |    |     *   8|  't/swamp/groceries/junk'                       *
        # |    |     *   9|]                                                *
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/swamp/groceries/CVS/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/CVS/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/junk'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( --noignore-dir=CVS --ignore-dir=subdir )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( --noignore-dir=CVS --ignore-dir=subdir )'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 95.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --noignore-dir=CVS --ignore-dir=CVS --noenv -l apple t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test '--noignore-dir=CVS --ignore-dir=CVS'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                     |
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                            *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',   *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',                 *
        # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/groceries/junk',                  *
        # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',          *
        # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'            *
        # |    |     *   7|]                                            *
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( --noignore-dir=CVS --ignore-dir=CVS )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( --noignore-dir=CVS --ignore-dir=CVS )'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 103.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --noignore-dir=CVS --ignore-dir=CVS --noignore-dir=CVS --noenv -l apple t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test '--noignore-dir=CVS --ignore-dir=CVS --noignore-dir=CVS'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                         |
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/CVS/fruit',                 *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/CVS/junk',                  *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/junk',   *
        # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',      *
        # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',       *
        # |    |     *   7|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',                     *
        # |    |     *   8|  't/swamp/groceries/junk',                      *
        # |    |     *   9|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',              *
        # |    |     *  10|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'                *
        # |    |     *  11|]                                                *
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/swamp/groceries/CVS/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/CVS/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( --noignore-dir=CVS --ignore-dir=CVS --noignore-dir=CVS )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( --noignore-dir=CVS --ignore-dir=CVS --noignore-dir=CVS )'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 109.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --ignore-dir=subdir --noignore-dir=subdir --noenv -l apple t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test '--ignore-dir=subdir --noignore-dir=subdir'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                     |
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                            *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',   *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',                 *
        # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/groceries/junk',                  *
        # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',          *
        # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'            *
        # |    |     *   7|]                                            *
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( --ignore-dir=subdir --noignore-dir=subdir )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( --ignore-dir=subdir --noignore-dir=subdir )'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 115.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --ignore-dir=subdir --noignore-dir=subdir --ignore-dir=subdir --noenv -l apple t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test '--ignore-dir=subdir --noignore-dir=subdir --ignore-dir=subdir'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                     |
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                            *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',   *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',                 *
        # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/groceries/junk'                   *
        # |    |     *   5|]                                            *
        # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/junk'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( --ignore-dir=subdir --noignore-dir=subdir --ignore-dir=subdir )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( --ignore-dir=subdir --noignore-dir=subdir --ignore-dir=subdir )'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 121.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --ignore-dir=t/swamp/groceries/another_subdir --noenv -l apple t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test 'ignore relative paths instead of just directory names'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                             |
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                    *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',         *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/junk',          *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'    *
        # |    |     *   5|]                                    *
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( ignore relative paths instead of just directory names )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( ignore relative paths instead of just directory names )'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 130.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --ignore-dir=another_subdir --noignore-dir=CVS --noenv -l apple t/swamp'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 41.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test '--ignore-dir=another_subdir --noignore-dir=CVS'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                         |
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/groceries/CVS/fruit',                 *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/groceries/CVS/junk',                  *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/fruit',  *
        # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/junk',   *
        # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/groceries/fruit',                     *
        # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/groceries/junk',                      *
        # |    |     *   7|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',              *
        # |    |     *   8|  't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'                *
        # |    |     *   9|]                                                *
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/swamp/groceries/CVS/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/CVS/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/CVS/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/junk',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit',
        #   't/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( --ignore-dir=another_subdir --noignore-dir=CVS )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( --ignore-dir=another_subdir --noignore-dir=CVS )'
#   at t/ack-ignore-dir.t line 139.
# Looks like you failed 24 tests of 24.
t/ack-ignore-dir.t ........... 
Dubious, test returned 24 (wstat 6144, 0x1800)
Failed 24/24 subtests 
t/ack-interactive.t .......... skipped: You need to install IO::Pty to run this test
t/ack-invalid-ackrc.t ........ skipped: Don't yet have a reliable way to ignore the Unicode complaints from Pod::Perldoc

        #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -f --show-types t/etc'
        #   at t/ line 446.
        # [
        #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
        #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
        # ]

                #   Failed test 'No restrictions on type'
                #   at t/ line 387.
                # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
                # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                              |
                # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
                # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                     *
                # |    |     *   1|  't/etc/ => xml',  *
                # |    |     *   2|  't/etc/ =>',       *
                # |    |     *   3|  't/etc/ =>',      *
                # |    |     *   4|  't/etc/ => php',     *
                # |    |     *   5|  't/etc/ => perl',     *
                # |    |     *   6|  't/etc/ => python',   *
                # |    |     *   7|  't/etc/ => ruby',     *
                # |    |     *   8|  't/etc/ => shell'     *
                # |    |     *   9|]                                     *
                # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------+
                # actual[]
                # expected[
                #   't/etc/ => xml',
                #   't/etc/ =>',
                #   't/etc/ =>',
                #   't/etc/ => php',
                #   't/etc/ => perl',
                #   't/etc/ => python',
                #   't/etc/ => ruby',
                #   't/etc/ => shell'
                # ]
                # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

            #   Failed test 'lists_match( No restrictions on type )'
            #   at t/ line 431.
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'sets_match( No restrictions on type )'
        #   at t/ line 447.
        # $ ack -f --show-types t/etc
        # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

    #   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( No restrictions on type )'
    #   at t/ack-k.t line 27.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'No restrictions on type'
#   at t/ack-k.t line 28.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 2.
t/ack-k.t .................... 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/2 subtests 

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --known-types -f t/swamp'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test '--known-types test \#1'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                |
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                       *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/0',                          *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/CMakeLists.txt',             *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/Makefile',                   *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/Makefile.PL',                *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/MasterPage.master',          *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/Rakefile',                   *
            # |    |     *   7|  't/swamp/Sample.ascx',                *
            # |    |     *   8|  't/swamp/Sample.asmx',                *
            # |    |     *   9|  't/swamp/c-header.h',                 *
            # |    |     *  10|  't/swamp/c-source.c',                 *
            # |    |     *  11|  't/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f',  *
            # |    |     *  12|  't/swamp/example.R',                  *
            # |    |     *  13|  't/swamp/fresh.css',                  *
            # |    |     *  14|  't/swamp/html.htm',                   *
            # |    |     *  15|  't/swamp/html.html',                  *
            # |    |     *  16|  't/swamp/javascript.js',              *
            # |    |     *  17|  't/swamp/lua-shebang-test',           *
            # |    |     *  18|  't/swamp/',            *
            # |    |     *  19|  't/swamp/',                 *
            # |    |     *  20|  't/swamp/parrot.pir',                 *
            # |    |     *  21|  't/swamp/perl-test.t',                *
            # |    |     *  22|  't/swamp/perl-without-extension',     *
            # |    |     *  23|  't/swamp/perl.cgi',                   *
            # |    |     *  24|  't/swamp/perl.handler.pod',           *
            # |    |     *  25|  't/swamp/',                    *
            # |    |     *  26|  't/swamp/',                    *
            # |    |     *  27|  't/swamp/perl.pod',                   *
            # |    |     *  28|  't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F',       *
            # |    |     *  29|  't/swamp/sample.asp',                 *
            # |    |     *  30|  't/swamp/sample.aspx',                *
            # |    |     *  31|  't/swamp/sample.rake',                *
            # |    |     *  32|  't/swamp/service.svc',                *
            # |    |     *  33|  't/swamp/stuff.cmake'                 *
            # |    |     *  34|]                                       *
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/swamp/0',
            #   't/swamp/CMakeLists.txt',
            #   't/swamp/Makefile',
            #   't/swamp/Makefile.PL',
            #   't/swamp/MasterPage.master',
            #   't/swamp/Rakefile',
            #   't/swamp/Sample.ascx',
            #   't/swamp/Sample.asmx',
            #   't/swamp/c-header.h',
            #   't/swamp/c-source.c',
            #   't/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f',
            #   't/swamp/example.R',
            #   't/swamp/fresh.css',
            #   't/swamp/html.htm',
            #   't/swamp/html.html',
            #   't/swamp/javascript.js',
            #   't/swamp/lua-shebang-test',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/parrot.pir',
            #   't/swamp/perl-test.t',
            #   't/swamp/perl-without-extension',
            #   't/swamp/perl.cgi',
            #   't/swamp/perl.handler.pod',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/perl.pod',
            #   't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F',
            #   't/swamp/sample.asp',
            #   't/swamp/sample.aspx',
            #   't/swamp/sample.rake',
            #   't/swamp/service.svc',
            #   't/swamp/stuff.cmake'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( --known-types test \#1 )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( --known-types test \#1 )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack --known-types -f t/swamp
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( --known-types test \#1 )'
#   at t/ack-known-types.t line 74.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --known-types --noperl -f t/swamp'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test '--known-types test \#2'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                |
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                       *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/CMakeLists.txt',             *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/Makefile',                   *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/MasterPage.master',          *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/Rakefile',                   *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/Sample.ascx',                *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/Sample.asmx',                *
            # |    |     *   7|  't/swamp/c-header.h',                 *
            # |    |     *   8|  't/swamp/c-source.c',                 *
            # |    |     *   9|  't/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f',  *
            # |    |     *  10|  't/swamp/example.R',                  *
            # |    |     *  11|  't/swamp/fresh.css',                  *
            # |    |     *  12|  't/swamp/html.htm',                   *
            # |    |     *  13|  't/swamp/html.html',                  *
            # |    |     *  14|  't/swamp/javascript.js',              *
            # |    |     *  15|  't/swamp/lua-shebang-test',           *
            # |    |     *  16|  't/swamp/parrot.pir',                 *
            # |    |     *  17|  't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F',       *
            # |    |     *  18|  't/swamp/sample.asp',                 *
            # |    |     *  19|  't/swamp/sample.aspx',                *
            # |    |     *  20|  't/swamp/sample.rake',                *
            # |    |     *  21|  't/swamp/service.svc',                *
            # |    |     *  22|  't/swamp/stuff.cmake'                 *
            # |    |     *  23|]                                       *
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/swamp/CMakeLists.txt',
            #   't/swamp/Makefile',
            #   't/swamp/MasterPage.master',
            #   't/swamp/Rakefile',
            #   't/swamp/Sample.ascx',
            #   't/swamp/Sample.asmx',
            #   't/swamp/c-header.h',
            #   't/swamp/c-source.c',
            #   't/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f',
            #   't/swamp/example.R',
            #   't/swamp/fresh.css',
            #   't/swamp/html.htm',
            #   't/swamp/html.html',
            #   't/swamp/javascript.js',
            #   't/swamp/lua-shebang-test',
            #   't/swamp/parrot.pir',
            #   't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F',
            #   't/swamp/sample.asp',
            #   't/swamp/sample.aspx',
            #   't/swamp/sample.rake',
            #   't/swamp/service.svc',
            #   't/swamp/stuff.cmake'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( --known-types test \#2 )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( --known-types test \#2 )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack --known-types --noperl -f t/swamp
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( --known-types test \#2 )'
#   at t/ack-known-types.t line 75.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -k -f t/swamp'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test '-k test \#1'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                |
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                       *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/0',                          *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/CMakeLists.txt',             *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/Makefile',                   *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/Makefile.PL',                *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/MasterPage.master',          *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/Rakefile',                   *
            # |    |     *   7|  't/swamp/Sample.ascx',                *
            # |    |     *   8|  't/swamp/Sample.asmx',                *
            # |    |     *   9|  't/swamp/c-header.h',                 *
            # |    |     *  10|  't/swamp/c-source.c',                 *
            # |    |     *  11|  't/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f',  *
            # |    |     *  12|  't/swamp/example.R',                  *
            # |    |     *  13|  't/swamp/fresh.css',                  *
            # |    |     *  14|  't/swamp/html.htm',                   *
            # |    |     *  15|  't/swamp/html.html',                  *
            # |    |     *  16|  't/swamp/javascript.js',              *
            # |    |     *  17|  't/swamp/lua-shebang-test',           *
            # |    |     *  18|  't/swamp/',            *
            # |    |     *  19|  't/swamp/',                 *
            # |    |     *  20|  't/swamp/parrot.pir',                 *
            # |    |     *  21|  't/swamp/perl-test.t',                *
            # |    |     *  22|  't/swamp/perl-without-extension',     *
            # |    |     *  23|  't/swamp/perl.cgi',                   *
            # |    |     *  24|  't/swamp/perl.handler.pod',           *
            # |    |     *  25|  't/swamp/',                    *
            # |    |     *  26|  't/swamp/',                    *
            # |    |     *  27|  't/swamp/perl.pod',                   *
            # |    |     *  28|  't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F',       *
            # |    |     *  29|  't/swamp/sample.asp',                 *
            # |    |     *  30|  't/swamp/sample.aspx',                *
            # |    |     *  31|  't/swamp/sample.rake',                *
            # |    |     *  32|  't/swamp/service.svc',                *
            # |    |     *  33|  't/swamp/stuff.cmake'                 *
            # |    |     *  34|]                                       *
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/swamp/0',
            #   't/swamp/CMakeLists.txt',
            #   't/swamp/Makefile',
            #   't/swamp/Makefile.PL',
            #   't/swamp/MasterPage.master',
            #   't/swamp/Rakefile',
            #   't/swamp/Sample.ascx',
            #   't/swamp/Sample.asmx',
            #   't/swamp/c-header.h',
            #   't/swamp/c-source.c',
            #   't/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f',
            #   't/swamp/example.R',
            #   't/swamp/fresh.css',
            #   't/swamp/html.htm',
            #   't/swamp/html.html',
            #   't/swamp/javascript.js',
            #   't/swamp/lua-shebang-test',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/parrot.pir',
            #   't/swamp/perl-test.t',
            #   't/swamp/perl-without-extension',
            #   't/swamp/perl.cgi',
            #   't/swamp/perl.handler.pod',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/',
            #   't/swamp/perl.pod',
            #   't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F',
            #   't/swamp/sample.asp',
            #   't/swamp/sample.aspx',
            #   't/swamp/sample.rake',
            #   't/swamp/service.svc',
            #   't/swamp/stuff.cmake'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( -k test \#1 )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( -k test \#1 )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack -k -f t/swamp
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( -k test \#1 )'
#   at t/ack-known-types.t line 77.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -k -f --noperl t/swamp'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test '-k test \#2'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                |
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                       *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/swamp/CMakeLists.txt',             *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/swamp/Makefile',                   *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/swamp/MasterPage.master',          *
            # |    |     *   4|  't/swamp/Rakefile',                   *
            # |    |     *   5|  't/swamp/Sample.ascx',                *
            # |    |     *   6|  't/swamp/Sample.asmx',                *
            # |    |     *   7|  't/swamp/c-header.h',                 *
            # |    |     *   8|  't/swamp/c-source.c',                 *
            # |    |     *   9|  't/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f',  *
            # |    |     *  10|  't/swamp/example.R',                  *
            # |    |     *  11|  't/swamp/fresh.css',                  *
            # |    |     *  12|  't/swamp/html.htm',                   *
            # |    |     *  13|  't/swamp/html.html',                  *
            # |    |     *  14|  't/swamp/javascript.js',              *
            # |    |     *  15|  't/swamp/lua-shebang-test',           *
            # |    |     *  16|  't/swamp/parrot.pir',                 *
            # |    |     *  17|  't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F',       *
            # |    |     *  18|  't/swamp/sample.asp',                 *
            # |    |     *  19|  't/swamp/sample.aspx',                *
            # |    |     *  20|  't/swamp/sample.rake',                *
            # |    |     *  21|  't/swamp/service.svc',                *
            # |    |     *  22|  't/swamp/stuff.cmake'                 *
            # |    |     *  23|]                                       *
            # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/swamp/CMakeLists.txt',
            #   't/swamp/Makefile',
            #   't/swamp/MasterPage.master',
            #   't/swamp/Rakefile',
            #   't/swamp/Sample.ascx',
            #   't/swamp/Sample.asmx',
            #   't/swamp/c-header.h',
            #   't/swamp/c-source.c',
            #   't/swamp/crystallography-weenies.f',
            #   't/swamp/example.R',
            #   't/swamp/fresh.css',
            #   't/swamp/html.htm',
            #   't/swamp/html.html',
            #   't/swamp/javascript.js',
            #   't/swamp/lua-shebang-test',
            #   't/swamp/parrot.pir',
            #   't/swamp/pipe-stress-freaks.F',
            #   't/swamp/sample.asp',
            #   't/swamp/sample.aspx',
            #   't/swamp/sample.rake',
            #   't/swamp/service.svc',
            #   't/swamp/stuff.cmake'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( -k test \#2 )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( -k test \#2 )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack -k -f --noperl t/swamp
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( -k test \#2 )'
#   at t/ack-known-types.t line 78.
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 4.
t/ack-known-types.t .......... 
Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/4 subtests 
t/ack-line.t ................. skipped: You need to install IO::Pty to run this test

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -m 3 -w the t/text/science-of-myth.txt t/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
#   at t/ack-m.t line 26.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test 'Should show only 3 lines per file'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                                                                                    |
        # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                                                                                           *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:3:In the case of Christianity and Judaism there exists the belief',                           *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:6:The Buddhists believe that the functional aspects override the myth',                       *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:7:While other religions use the literal core to build foundations with',                      *
        # |    |     *   4|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:10:Anyone caught outside the gates of their subdivision sector after curfew will be shot.',  *
        # |    |     *   5|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:12:Your neighborhood watch officer will be by to collect urine samples in the morning.',     *
        # |    |     *   6|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:13:Anyone gaught intefering with the collection of urine samples will be shot.'              *
        # |    |     *   7|]                                                                                                                           *
        # +----+-----+----+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:3:In the case of Christianity and Judaism there exists the belief',
        #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:6:The Buddhists believe that the functional aspects override the myth',
        #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:7:While other religions use the literal core to build foundations with',
        #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:10:Anyone caught outside the gates of their subdivision sector after curfew will be shot.',
        #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:12:Your neighborhood watch officer will be by to collect urine samples in the morning.',
        #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:13:Anyone gaught intefering with the collection of urine samples will be shot.'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( Should show only 3 lines per file )'
    #   at t/ line 415.
    # $ ack -m 3 -w the t/text/science-of-myth.txt t/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'ack_lists_match( Should show only 3 lines per file )'
#   at t/ack-m.t line 26.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -1 -w the t/text/science-of-myth.txt t/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt'
#   at t/ack-m.t line 32.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test 'We should only get one line back for the entire run, not just per file.'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                                                          |
        # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                                                                 *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:3:In the case of Christianity and Judaism there exists the belief'  *
        # |    |     *   2|]                                                                                                 *
        # +----+-----+----+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:3:In the case of Christianity and Judaism there exists the belief'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( We should only get one line back for the entire run, not just per file. )'
    #   at t/ line 415.
    # $ ack -1 -w the t/text/science-of-myth.txt t/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'ack_lists_match( We should only get one line back for the entire run, not just per file. )'
#   at t/ack-m.t line 32.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -m 3 -l --sort-files the t/text'
#   at t/ack-m.t line 38.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-m.t line 43.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->[0] = Does not exist
#     $expected->[0] = 't/text/4th-of-july.txt'
# Looks like you failed 6 tests of 6.
t/ack-m.t .................... 
Dubious, test returned 6 (wstat 1536, 0x600)
Failed 6/6 subtests 

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack Sue t/text'
    #   at t/ack-match.t line 100.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack t/text --match Sue'
    #   at t/ack-match.t line 101.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 3.

#   Failed test 'test_match(  )'
#   at t/ack-match.t line 26.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -i boy t/text'
    #   at t/ack-match.t line 100.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -i t/text --match boy'
    #   at t/ack-match.t line 101.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 3.

#   Failed test 'test_match( -i )'
#   at t/ack-match.t line 26.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -Q ll+ t/text'
    #   at t/ack-match.t line 100.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -Q t/text --match ll+'
    #   at t/ack-match.t line 101.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 3.

#   Failed test 'test_match( -Q )'
#   at t/ack-match.t line 26.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -w gon t/text'
    #   at t/ack-match.t line 100.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -w t/text --match gon'
    #   at t/ack-match.t line 101.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 3.

#   Failed test 'test_match( -w )'
#   at t/ack-match.t line 26.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --match Sue'
#   at t/ack-match.t line 29.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test 'ack should return one line of error message when piped into without a regex'
#   at t/ack-match.t line 35.
#          got: '2'
#     expected: '1'
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'ack-standalone: No regular expression found.'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-match.t line 52.
#                   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.'
#     doesn't match '(?^:--match is illegal in project ackrcs)'
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Option --match is illegal in project ackrcs at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 3878.',
#   'ack-standalone: Invalid option in /private/var/folders/kx/9dgyhhpn2yb7v2mggnr385fr0000gn/T/eG1xZPZNZd/.ackrc'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-match.t line 67.
# []

#   Failed test at t/ack-match.t line 68.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-match.t line 83.
# []

#   Failed test at t/ack-match.t line 84.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]
# Looks like you failed 11 tests of 15.
t/ack-match.t ................ 
Dubious, test returned 11 (wstat 2816, 0xb00)
Failed 11/15 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -n --sort-files apple t/swamp/groceries'
#   at t/ack-n.t line 39.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-n.t line 40.
#          got: ''
#     expected: 't/swamp/groceries/fruit:1:apple
# t/swamp/groceries/junk:1:apple fritters'

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --no-recurse --sort-files apple t/swamp/groceries'
#   at t/ack-n.t line 43.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-n.t line 44.
#          got: ''
#     expected: 't/swamp/groceries/fruit:1:apple
# t/swamp/groceries/junk:1:apple fritters'

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -n -r --sort-files apple t/swamp/groceries'
#   at t/ack-n.t line 48.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-n.t line 49.
#          got: ''
#     expected: 't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit:1:apple
# t/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk:1:apple fritters
# t/swamp/groceries/fruit:1:apple
# t/swamp/groceries/junk:1:apple fritters
# t/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit:1:apple
# t/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk:1:apple fritters'

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --no-recurse -R --sort-files apple t/swamp/groceries'
#   at t/ack-n.t line 52.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-n.t line 53.
#          got: ''
#     expected: 't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit:1:apple
# t/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk:1:apple fritters
# t/swamp/groceries/fruit:1:apple
# t/swamp/groceries/junk:1:apple fritters
# t/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit:1:apple
# t/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk:1:apple fritters'

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --no-recurse --recurse --sort-files apple t/swamp/groceries'
#   at t/ack-n.t line 56.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-n.t line 57.
#          got: ''
#     expected: 't/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/fruit:1:apple
# t/swamp/groceries/another_subdir/junk:1:apple fritters
# t/swamp/groceries/fruit:1:apple
# t/swamp/groceries/junk:1:apple fritters
# t/swamp/groceries/subdir/fruit:1:apple
# t/swamp/groceries/subdir/junk:1:apple fritters'
# Looks like you failed 10 tests of 10.
t/ack-n.t .................... 
Dubious, test returned 10 (wstat 2560, 0xa00)
Failed 10/10 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -f /var/folders/kx/9dgyhhpn2yb7v2mggnr385fr0000gn/T/COKw6ouWqe'
#   at t/ack-named-pipes.t line 49.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-named-pipes.t line 51.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->[0] = Does not exist
#     $expected->[0] = '/var/folders/kx/9dgyhhpn2yb7v2mggnr385fr0000gn/T/COKw6ouWqe/foo/bar.txt'
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.
t/ack-named-pipes.t .......... 
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/2 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack the\s+\S+ t/text/boy-named-sue.txt'
#   at t/ack-o.t line 35.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test 'Find all the things without -o'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                           |
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                                  *
        # |    |     *   1|  'But the meanest thing that he ever did',                        *
        # |    |     *   2|  'But I made me a vow to the moon and stars',                     *
        # |    |     *   3|  'That I\'d search the honky-tonks and bars',                     *
        # |    |     *   4|  'Sat the dirty, mangy dog that named me Sue.',                   *
        # |    |     *   5|  'Well, I hit him hard right between the eyes',                   *
        # |    |     *   6|  'And we crashed through the wall and into the street',           *
        # |    |     *   7|  'Kicking and a-gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer.',  *
        # |    |     *   8|  'And it\'s the name that helped to make you strong."',           *
        # |    |     *   9|  'And I know you hate me, and you got the right',                 *
        # |    |     *  10|  'For the gravel in ya gut and the spit in ya eye',               *
        # |    |     *  11|  'Cause I\'m the son-of-a-bitch that named you Sue."'             *
        # |    |     *  12|]                                                                  *
        # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   'But the meanest thing that he ever did',
        #   'But I made me a vow to the moon and stars',
        #   'That I\'d search the honky-tonks and bars',
        #   'Sat the dirty, mangy dog that named me Sue.',
        #   'Well, I hit him hard right between the eyes',
        #   'And we crashed through the wall and into the street',
        #   'Kicking and a-gouging in the mud and the blood and the beer.',
        #   'And it\'s the name that helped to make you strong."',
        #   'And I know you hate me, and you got the right',
        #   'For the gravel in ya gut and the spit in ya eye',
        #   'Cause I\'m the son-of-a-bitch that named you Sue."'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( Find all the things without -o )'
    #   at t/ line 415.
    # $ ack the\s+\S+ t/text/boy-named-sue.txt
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'ack_lists_match( Find all the things without -o )'
#   at t/ack-o.t line 35.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack the\s+\S+ -o t/text/boy-named-sue.txt'
#   at t/ack-o.t line 61.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test 'Find all the things with -o'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                |
        # +----+-----+----+------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                       *
        # |    |     *   1|  'the meanest',        *
        # |    |     *   2|  'the moon',           *
        # |    |     *   3|  'the honky-tonks',    *
        # |    |     *   4|  'the dirty,',         *
        # |    |     *   5|  'the eyes',           *
        # |    |     *   6|  'the wall',           *
        # |    |     *   7|  'the street',         *
        # |    |     *   8|  'the mud',            *
        # |    |     *   9|  'the blood',          *
        # |    |     *  10|  'the beer.',          *
        # |    |     *  11|  'the name',           *
        # |    |     *  12|  'the right',          *
        # |    |     *  13|  'the gravel',         *
        # |    |     *  14|  'the spit',           *
        # |    |     *  15|  'the son-of-a-bitch'  *
        # |    |     *  16|]                       *
        # +----+-----+----+------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   'the meanest',
        #   'the moon',
        #   'the honky-tonks',
        #   'the dirty,',
        #   'the eyes',
        #   'the wall',
        #   'the street',
        #   'the mud',
        #   'the blood',
        #   'the beer.',
        #   'the name',
        #   'the right',
        #   'the gravel',
        #   'the spit',
        #   'the son-of-a-bitch'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( Find all the things with -o )'
    #   at t/ line 415.
    # $ ack the\s+\S+ -o t/text/boy-named-sue.txt
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'ack_lists_match( Find all the things with -o )'
#   at t/ack-o.t line 61.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --output=x$1x question(\S+) t/text/'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test 'Find all the things with --output function'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+------------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                  |
            # +----+-----+----+------------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                         *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:1:xedx',    *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:15:xs.x',  *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:21:x.x'    *
            # |    |     *   4|]                                         *
            # +----+-----+----+------------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:1:xedx',
            #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:15:xs.x',
            #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:21:x.x'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( Find all the things with --output function )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( Find all the things with --output function )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack --output=x$1x question(\S+) t/text/
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Find all the things with --output function )'
#   at t/ack-o.t line 80.

    #   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack --output="$1" question(\S+) t/text/'
    #   at t/ line 446.
    # [
    #   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
    #   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
    # ]

            #   Failed test 'Find all the things with --output function'
            #   at t/ line 387.
            # +----+-----+----+------------------------------------------+
            # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                  |
            # +----+-----+----+------------------------------------------+
            # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                         *
            # |    |     *   1|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt:1:"ed"',    *
            # |    |     *   2|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:15:"s."',  *
            # |    |     *   3|  't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:21:"."'    *
            # |    |     *   4|]                                         *
            # +----+-----+----+------------------------------------------+
            # actual[]
            # expected[
            #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt:1:"ed"',
            #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:15:"s."',
            #   't/text/shut-up-be-happy.txt:21:"."'
            # ]
            # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

        #   Failed test 'lists_match( Find all the things with --output function )'
        #   at t/ line 431.
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'sets_match( Find all the things with --output function )'
    #   at t/ line 447.
    # $ ack --output="$1" question(\S+) t/text/
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 2.

#   Failed test 'ack_sets_match( Find all the things with --output function )'
#   at t/ack-o.t line 97.

#   Failed test at t/ack-o.t line 115.
#                   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.'
#     doesn't match '(?^:--output is illegal in project ackrcs)'
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Option --output is illegal in project ackrcs at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 3878.',
#   'ack-standalone: Invalid option in /private/var/folders/kx/9dgyhhpn2yb7v2mggnr385fr0000gn/T/ZLJaG3bi0_/.ackrc'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-o.t line 130.
# []

#   Failed test at t/ack-o.t line 131.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test at t/ack-o.t line 146.
# []

#   Failed test at t/ack-o.t line 147.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]
# Looks like you failed 11 tests of 13.
t/ack-o.t .................... 
Dubious, test returned 11 (wstat 2816, 0xb00)
Failed 11/13 subtests 
t/ack-pager.t ................ skipped: You need to install IO::Pty to run this test

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack you t/text/4th-of-july.txt'
#   at t/ack-passthru.t line 33.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'I'm lookin' for you'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                 |
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                        *
    # |    |     *   1|  'Painting a picture of you',                           *
    # |    |     *   2|  'And I\'m looking at you',                             *
    # |    |     *   3|  'Looking at me, telling me you love me,',              *
    # |    |     *   4|  'And you\'re happy to be with me on the 4th of July',  *
    # |    |     *   5|  'If you ain\'t got no one',                            *
    # |    |     *   6|  'To keep you hanging on',                              *
    # |    |     *   7|  'And there you were',                                  *
    # |    |     *   8|  'Like a queen in your nightgown',                      *
    # |    |     *   9|  'And I\'m singing to you',                             *
    # |    |     *  10|  'And I\'m lookin\' for you'                            *
    # |    |     *  11|]                                                        *
    # +----+-----+----+---------------------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   'Painting a picture of you',
    #   'And I\'m looking at you',
    #   'Looking at me, telling me you love me,',
    #   'And you\'re happy to be with me on the 4th of July',
    #   'If you ain\'t got no one',
    #   'To keep you hanging on',
    #   'And there you were',
    #   'Like a queen in your nightgown',
    #   'And I\'m singing to you',
    #   'And I\'m lookin\' for you'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( I'm lookin' for you )'
#   at t/ack-passthru.t line 35.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack you --passthru t/text/4th-of-july.txt'
#   at t/ack-passthru.t line 43.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

    #   Failed test 'Still lookin' for you, in passthru mode'
    #   at t/ line 387.
    # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------+
    # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                                                     |
    # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------+
    # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                                            *
    # |    |     *   1|  'Alone with the morning burning red',                      *
    # |    |     *   2|  'On the canvas in my head',                                *
    # |    |     *   3|  'Painting a picture of you',                               *
    # |    |     *   4|  'And me driving across country',                           *
    # |    |     *   5|  'In a dusty old RV',                                       *
    # |    |     *   6|  'Just the road and its majesty',                           *
    # |    |     *   7|  'And I\'m looking at you',                                 *
    # |    |     *   8|  'With the world in the rear view',                         *
    # |    |     *   9|  '',                                                        *
    # |    |     *  10|  'Chorus:',                                                 *
    # |    |     *  11|  'You were pretty as can be, sitting in the front seat',    *
    # |    |     *  12|  'Looking at me, telling me you love me,',                  *
    # |    |     *  13|  'And you\'re happy to be with me on the 4th of July',      *
    # |    |     *  14|  'We sang "Stranglehold" to the stereo',                    *
    # |    |     *  15|  'Couldn\'t take no more of that rock and roll',            *
    # |    |     *  16|  'So we put on a little George Jones and just sang along',  *
    # |    |     *  17|  '',                                                        *
    # |    |     *  18|  'Those white lines',                                       *
    # |    |     *  19|  'Get drawn into the sun',                                  *
    # |    |     *  20|  'If you ain\'t got no one',                                *
    # |    |     *  21|  'To keep you hanging on',                                  *
    # |    |     *  22|  'And there you were',                                      *
    # |    |     *  23|  'Like a queen in your nightgown',                          *
    # |    |     *  24|  'Riding shotgun from town to town',                        *
    # |    |     *  25|  'Staking a claim on the world we found',                   *
    # |    |     *  26|  'And I\'m singing to you',                                 *
    # |    |     *  27|  'You\'re singing to me',                                   *
    # |    |     *  28|  'You were out of the blue to a boy like me',               *
    # |    |     *  29|  '',                                                        *
    # |    |     *  30|  'Chorus',                                                  *
    # |    |     *  31|  '',                                                        *
    # |    |     *  32|  'And I\'m lookin\' for you',                               *
    # |    |     *  33|  'In the silence that we shared',                           *
    # |    |     *  34|  '',                                                        *
    # |    |     *  35|  'Chorus',                                                  *
    # |    |     *  36|  '',                                                        *
    # |    |     *  37|  '    -- "4th of July", Shooter Jennings'                   *
    # |    |     *  38|]                                                            *
    # +----+-----+----+-------------------------------------------------------------+
    # actual[]
    # expected[
    #   'Alone with the morning burning red',
    #   'On the canvas in my head',
    #   'Painting a picture of you',
    #   'And me driving across country',
    #   'In a dusty old RV',
    #   'Just the road and its majesty',
    #   'And I\'m looking at you',
    #   'With the world in the rear view',
    #   '',
    #   'Chorus:',
    #   'You were pretty as can be, sitting in the front seat',
    #   'Looking at me, telling me you love me,',
    #   'And you\'re happy to be with me on the 4th of July',
    #   'We sang "Stranglehold" to the stereo',
    #   'Couldn\'t take no more of that rock and roll',
    #   'So we put on a little George Jones and just sang along',
    #   '',
    #   'Those white lines',
    #   'Get drawn into the sun',
    #   'If you ain\'t got no one',
    #   'To keep you hanging on',
    #   'And there you were',
    #   'Like a queen in your nightgown',
    #   'Riding shotgun from town to town',
    #   'Staking a claim on the world we found',
    #   'And I\'m singing to you',
    #   'You\'re singing to me',
    #   'You were out of the blue to a boy like me',
    #   '',
    #   'Chorus',
    #   '',
    #   'And I\'m lookin\' for you',
    #   'In the silence that we shared',
    #   '',
    #   'Chorus',
    #   '',
    #   '    -- "4th of July", Shooter Jennings'
    # ]
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'lists_match( Still lookin' for you, in passthru mode )'
#   at t/ack-passthru.t line 45.
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 6.
t/ack-passthru.t ............. 
Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/6 subtests 

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -g of t/text/'
#   at t/ack-print0.t line 24.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

        #   Failed test 'Files found with -g and without --print0'
        #   at t/ line 387.
        # +----+-----+----+-----------------------------------+
        # | Elt|Got  | Elt|Expected                           |
        # +----+-----+----+-----------------------------------+
        # *   0|[]   *   0|[                                  *
        # |    |     *   1|  't/text/4th-of-july.txt',        *
        # |    |     *   2|  't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',  *
        # |    |     *   3|  't/text/science-of-myth.txt'     *
        # |    |     *   4|]                                  *
        # +----+-----+----+-----------------------------------+
        # actual[]
        # expected[
        #   't/text/4th-of-july.txt',
        #   't/text/freedom-of-choice.txt',
        #   't/text/science-of-myth.txt'
        # ]
        # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

    #   Failed test 'lists_match( Files found with -g and without --print0 )'
    #   at t/ line 431.
    # Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.

#   Failed test 'sets_match( Files found with -g and without --print0 )'
#   at t/ack-print0.t line 26.

#   Failed test 'Should have no output to stderr: ack -g of --sort-files --print0 t/text'
#   at t/ack-print0.t line 40.
# [
#   'Name "File::Next::dir" used only once: possible typo at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 103.',
#   'Undefined subroutine &File::Next::files called at /Users/ether/.cpanm/work/1408410754.63670/ack-2.12/ack-standalone line 2865.'
# ]

#   Failed test 'Only one line of output with --print0'
#   at t/ack-print0.t line 42.
#          got: '0'
#     expected: '1'

#   Failed test 'Files found with -g and with --print0'
#   at t/ack-print0.t line 43.
#          got: undef
#     expected: 't/text/4th-of-july.txt
hoelzro commented 10 years ago

@karenetheridge Is this similar to that "it fails the first time, but not the second" issue? Have you tried installing a second time? IIRC, there's a weird issue (that I thought we fixed) that causes ack to sometimes fails its tests on the first try if it has to install File::Next.

hoelzro commented 10 years ago

@karenetheridge Also, are you able to reproduce this with ack built from Git? (I think @petdance or I need to push out a release soon)

karenetheridge commented 10 years ago

@karenetheridge Is this similar to that "it fails the first time, but not the second" issue? Have you tried installing a second time?

Perhaps. I did try installing several times in succession and got the same result, but I just went back to my 5.14.4 perlbrew just now and all tests passed.

What crazy things are you doing with File::Next that this sort of thing happens? :) this sounds really bizarre.

petdance commented 10 years ago

It's probably related to this:

petdance commented 10 years ago

Also, are you saying that the indented test output is somehow a problem?

karenetheridge commented 10 years ago

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 12:50:16PM -0700, Andy Lester wrote:

Also, are you saying that the indented test output is somehow a problem?

Not that I know of, if it's not related to the test failures. It did look a bit odd though - e.g. I didn't think that subtests indented the leading '# ' as well as all the text that follows.

hoelzro commented 10 years ago

@karenetheridge When you tried installing several times in succession, did you do it on different perlbrews, or with different local libs? Is there a procedure you could document that one of us could follow that would reproduce this issue? It would be great if you could get it to occur in a Linux environment, because I don't have a Mac. =/

petdance commented 7 years ago

It doesn't look like this is a problem.