beyondgrep / ack3

ack is a grep-like search tool optimized for source code.
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Review "Other Tools" for cmd option-flags we might backport #99

Open n1vux opened 7 years ago

n1vux commented 7 years ago

prior to finalizing 3.00, we should take this opportunity to survey ag glark and other ack-a-likes on the Other Tools tab to see what cmd flags they've added that we might want to backport to keep family resemblance and least-surprise ?

(Some are a big NO because we dropped it for a reason and they kept it. Unless we wish to reconsider of course)

n1vux commented 7 years ago

Initial review finds a number of plausible aliases for command flags in use as well as some interesting features in glark, nak, kaki, ag that I don't recall our previously considering/rejecting, and a few we did (e.g. paragrep, zip file interior recursion, patterns from a file).


Attached file is a OpenOffice/LibreOffice ODS spreadsheet saves as because GitHub is not friendly to OpenSource). AutoFilters allow focusing on ack3 column (not)empty, two gray notes columns (not) empty, etc. Yellow highlight = ack3 has no similar feature. Blue hightlight = potentially useful alias. Column A has Ack2, and is hidden.

n1vux commented 7 years ago

Part 2. What file types are Silver Suffer etc listing that we don't define? There are quite a few filetypes in Ag list that we might want to adopt too

methodology strip lists to word tab list. Compare as : ack $(comm -13 <( cut -f1 ack3-files.tsv.csv | sort ) <( cut -f1 kaki-files.tsv.csv | sort ) | fmt -w 1024 | sed -e 's/ /\\b|/g' -e 's/^/^(/;' -e 's/$/)/') kaki-files.tsv.csv
