Open petdance opened 7 years ago
From @n1vux: document use of lookbehind and other useful Perl Extended RE idioms in a separate doc section (have some a few bits now but scattered)
The example I always use in presentations:
Find all the headers used in your C programs and dedupe them:
ack '#include\s+<(.+)>' --cc --output='$1' | sort -u
Pull out examples from the main ::Manual, especially the "TIPS" section.
Searching for a method call:
ack -- '->method'
ack '[-]>method'
Search for all the files that mention Sys::Hostname
but don't match hostname
. Add -I
because I have --smart-case
on in my .ackrc.
ack -l Sys::Hostname | ack -x -L -I hostname
Related: Find files that are using both use base
and use parent
ack 'use base' -l | ack 'use parent' -x
via @clmagic
egrep -- "\t-\t-\t-\t-\t" entries.txt |sort -k3V
# Get the entries with 4+ null fields and sort the entries by IPv4 (-V) in the 3rd column.
(technically it's 4+ adjacent null fields)
Mention dirty
and/or git diff --name-only
Open list of matching files in Vim, searching for your search term:
$ ack my_search_term
$ vim $(!! -l) +/!$
expands to the previous command - ack my_search_term
in the example$(...)
expands to the output of the command in the parens, so the output of ack my_search_term -l
in the xample+/<term>
tells Vim to start searching for <term>
once it opens!$
expands to the last argument of the previous command - my_search_term
in the exampleSmall caveat: Vim patterns and Perl regexes have some overlap, but they are different, so this doesn't work so great when you have a more complex regex as your search term.
See all the .vim files in your ~/.vim directory, except in the bundle/ directory.
ack -f --vim ~/.vim --ignore-dir=bundle
ack -g tax --ruby
Finds all the ruby files that match /tax/
vim $(ack -l taxes)
open all the files that have taxes
in them.
ack -f --perltest | xargs prove
Find all the Perl test files and feed them to xargs which runs them all against the prove command.
We could have entire section just about ack -f
and ack -g
Find places where two methods with the same name are being called on the same line.
ack -- '->(\w+).*->\1\b'
Find all the places where I'm making a call like sort { lc $a cmp lc $b }
. It gets false positive, but it's pretty useful.
ack '\bsort\b.+(\w+).+\bcmp\b.+\b(\1)\b'
Show a range of lines in a file: ack --lines=830-850 filename
. And use -H
to show what line numbers are.
Find modules that are not using Test::Warn:
ack -L 'warnings?_' $(ack -l Test::Warn)
Corrolary to ack -l cows | ack -x goats
is ack -L cows | ack -x goats
: Goats in files that do not contain cows.
Hi. I save all the outputs of ack, together with pwd and the options, using a wrapper script. When "ack" is run without any argument, these logs are shown by the pager, from the latest first.
I put the following code in my .bashrc:
function ack(){
local ackLogDir=/tmp/mylogs/Ack
mkdir -p "$ackLogDir"
chmod 777 "$ackLogDir" &> /dev/null
if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
find "$ackLogDir" -type f | xargs ls -t |xargs less
local f="$( mktemp --tmpdir=$ackLogDir )"
echo "# Pwd: `pwd`" > $f
echo "# ack $@" >> $f
command ack "$@" >> "$f" 2>&1
less $f
(Instead of PAGER, less is hardcoded.) If ack itself supplies this functionality, together with some refinement, it can be much better. (So it might be better than putting in the cookbook.)
Thanks a lot for developing ack for so long. Regards.
Find all the subroutines in Perl tests and then give a count of many of each there are:
ack '^sub (\w+)' --perltest --output='$1' -h --nogroup | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
Summarize the filetypes in your project
$ ack --noenv --show-type -f | perl -MData::Dumper -naE'++$n{$F[-1]}; END {print Dumper \%n}'
$VAR1 = {
'xml' => 32,
'sql' => 2,
'shell' => 4,
'php,shell' => 8,
'yaml' => 1809,
'php' => 7122,
'css' => 360,
'markdown' => 7,
'html' => 7,
'=>' => 1180,
'json' => 69,
'js' => 582
Search all the files that don't have foo
and show their usage of bar
. Think of a better example.
ack -L foo | ack -x -w bar
Find the most-used modules in your codebase.
ack '^use ([\w+:]+)' --output='$1' -h --nogroup | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
We could have entire section just about ack -f and ack -g.
We could. I've tried organizing a litt e more towards how user thinks ....
All the above have been added on my checkout , I'll proofread this weekend.
Meantime i'll put my WIP on
fork, branch 26_cookbook
Current outline is below
(rendered as outline via perldoc -o markdown lib/App/Ack/Docs/ | ack -h '^#'
, perhaps that's a cookbook recipe too ? ).
Feedback on organization welcome. I haven't sorted the middle big 'section' topically yet ...
for working with big codesets-Q
when in doubt about metacharacters-w
only for words.vim
files in your hidden ~/.vim
directory, except in the bundle/
directory.sort { lc $a cmp lc $b }
Extract part of a line from a logfile
ack '>>ip(\S+).+rq"/help' --output='$1' -h
I have this very long line of info in 1 file, and i want to extract it, so that the end result look like this output.txt ? Please help !
{"city":"london","first name":"peter","last name":"hansen","age":"40"},
{"city":"new york","first name":"celine","last name":"parker","age":"36"]
peter (40) celine (36)
The sneaky and potentially unsafe way to do it is:
ack '"first name":"([^"]+)".+"age":"(\d+)"' input.txt --output='$1 $2'
bill-n1vux #ack how is that "potentially unsafe" ?
andylester Inaccurate. Might not always work. Unsafe is wrong word Arguments might not be in that order.
bill-n1vux oh right, JSON like Perl has no guarantee of sane ordering of hash elements
I'm sure it's doable correctly with either-or and context ...
echo '[{"city":"london","first name":"peter","last name":"hansen","age":"40"}, {"city":"new york","last name":"parker","age":"36","first name":"celine"}]' \
| ack --output '$1$4($2$3)' '{.*?"first name":"([^"]*)".*?age":"(\d+)|{.*?"age":"(\d+)".*?first name":"([^"]*?)"'
(doesn't scale well to 3! or greater possible field orders to extract. at which point plain Perl with either any real JSON module or cheating any escaped quotes to Perls and EVALing into Aref of Hrefs is necessary. )
Add Elegant nearly- and not-ugly-and- exact solutions to that require neither hypothetical, \n as OR
nor --fgrep-f
Note: glark
has greppish -f so is a partial alternative for this usecase (with <(process substitution) but glark doesn't have --passthrough
so still not a full solution)
We need lots of -f
and -g
examples. Also, interesting that ag
does not have -f
. If you want ack -f
with ag
you have to do ag -g ""
Inventory all PHP sqldo functions
ack 'sqldo_\w+' --php -o -h | sort -u
Inventory of methods called on users:
ack 'user->(\w+)' --output='$1' -h | sort | uniq -c
from ack-users
I am trying to get the words in file1 that are not in file2. saving result in file3 I need equivalent awk command to the following grep grep -F -x -v -f file1 file2 > file3 grep takes time and is being killed because file2 is about 40000 long ,and file1 is about 25000
comm` that's the -23 option.
Column 1 is words only in file 1.
-23 is minus 2,3, omit columns 2 (file 2 words) and 3 (both files words).
The other key to comm
is files must be sorted by natural sort order.
So the shell command or alias needed is
comm -23 <(sort $file1) <(sort $file2)
with modern bash <() command substitution as file-pipes.
(I may have added this one already but cataloged here to check)
Cheat to simulate "within 5 lines"
ack -i -C5 eliphalet | ack -i -C5 ricker | ack -i -C5 'eliphalet|ricker'
(Will get some false hits if either string appears in filenames alas)
Look for a method you're not sure of the name of.
I was looking for a method that I knew was called "something_follows", so I looked for method invocations like that: ack -- '->.+_follows\b'
So I can have regex like 'abc\K(def)(?=ghi)'. That will highlight ONLY 'def' in the text but only if that string is preceeded by 'abc' and 'ghi' follows.
PR#106 has above comments added to
Items with TBD
still in in file are reactioned :+1: above in #26 (this comment stream)
What if you have a prohibition in your code against variables that use camelCase? Find any strings that use it:
ack -I '\b[a-z]+[A-Z]+[a-z]+'
Pick a random source file:
ack -f | shuf | head -n 1
I had a big log file of errors that looked like this:
# (6819:1) Warning: <td> attribute "bgcolor" had invalid value "D4ED91" and has been replaced
# (6825:1) Warning: <td> attribute "bgcolor" had invalid value "C6E2FF" and has been replaced
# (6828:1) Warning: <td> attribute "bgcolor" had invalid value "D4ED91" and has been replaced
# (6834:1) Warning: <td> attribute "bgcolor" had invalid value "C6E2FF" and has been replaced
To summarize the invalid values:
ack 'invalid value "(\w+)"' --output='$1' smoke.log | sort | uniq -c
What states have both a Shelbyville and a Springfield? wget comm <(ack springfield national_places.txt | cut -d| -f1 | sort | uniq) <(ack shelbyville national_places.txt | cut -d| -f1 | sort | uniq)
(doc for data: )
(Springfield is not most common. It's Seventh.) perl -lan -F\| -Mstrict -Mwarnings -E 'our %Count; my ($st, $stfips, $plfips, $name,$type, $funcstat,$county)=@F; next unless $funcstat eq q(A); $name =~ s/ \s [a-z]+$ //x; $Count{$name}++;' -E 'BEGIN { our %Count; }' -E ' END {our %Count; say qq($Count{$}\t$) for sort keys %Count;} ' national_places.txt | sort -nr | head
stdbuf(1G) as described at (MJD) could be useful in an ack (or grep) pipeline.
edited: Nope. Not likely useful... ack
uses sysread
which I think means the C FILE streams are bypassed, same as cat
does? I'm skipping this one.
UTF-16/UCS-2 ugly workaround could be a whole Cookbook section ... it's too big and too rare to be a FAQ, it's not asked that frequently.
See also #152 #153!topic/ack-users/qidCgv3S5Uo and Ack2-484 (different workaround)
$ ack something
... # eyeball that it's what I'm looking for
$ vim $(!! -l)
I have tentatively assigned remaining comments above to the existing sections, and have a plan for exposition. TBD marks existing placeholders, also listed
EXAMPLES OF C<< --output >>
INFREQUENTLY Asked Questions (new section)
ack ‘(.+),(.+)’ --output=‘mv “$1” “$2”’ filemappings.csv | sh -x
from Yagamy Light on Ack-Users - replacement for find -exec sed
ack -l --print0 pattern | xargs -r0 perl -i -pe 's/pattern/replacement/g'
and note that xargs -r
avoids running command with stdin when no filenames provided, almost always a good idea to use that.
Add my .ackrc files to the Ack Cookbook as examples. Explain why.
To see a pattern in context of subroutine / method it's in
pat='get_ready|do_it' ; ack --perl "$pat" -l | ack -x "$xxx|$pat"
To easily reuse a command with history when ^W or double-click and overtype would wipe out too much context , not just the keyword you want to retype, use (?x-: )
eXtended syntax option in PerlRE to make spaces not count, so can separate the Keyword from adjacent RE features.
ack --perl '(?x-: \b Keyword \s* => )'
(from above xref)
To have filenames as headings but no line numbers (until there's a --[no-]linenumbers
option), piping to cut -d:
doesn't work since that inlines the filenames, but putting the cut into the ack pager option avoids interlining the filename:
ack get_file_id --pager='cut -d: -f2|less -iR'
Not intuitive but it works!
Add to remove duplicates (if it already exists, which should be demonstrating --count
) the edge case workarounds
ack -h [-o|--output] thing | sort | uniq [-c]
And there's also
ack { -f | -g } $where -print0 | xargs -0 cat | ack -c thing -
None of these will work as a real-time filter for tailing live logfiles, alas; if that is what is needed, it may be better to implement that directly as a post-filter:
alias uniq_filter="perl -nlE 'say unless \$seen{\$_}++;'"
tail --follow=${logfile} --retry | ack -h ${badness} | uniq_filter
colorize matches while filtering with -v
ack 3, currently in development, will include a cookbook of examples for folks to try. Here's an example:
Find "goats" in every file that also contains "cows"
What examples do you have that can get added to the cookbook? Post them here.