beyondscreen / node-rpi-ws281x-native

native bindings to drive WS2811 (or WS2812) LED-Controllers on a Raspberry Pi
MIT License
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Support newer version of the ws281x library #59

Open natcl opened 7 years ago

natcl commented 7 years ago

The newer version supports more types of leds like RGBW strips. Any chances of using the more recent version ?

usefulthink commented 7 years ago

I will have some spare time in the coming months and another LED-related project to do, so I will get to that soon. Was on my list anyway :)

paulhayes commented 6 years ago

Did this never happen?

usefulthink commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, I only find so much time to take care of this project but now the new, mostly rewritten version is slowly taking shape, see here:

Right now this is just a blind rewrite (meaning the code has yet to see a compiler) as I somehow lost access to the PI I was testing on :/. Something to figure out over the weekend when I hopefully find some time for it.

I'd be happy if someone of you wants to lend me a hand with this. The two things most important right now are

usefulthink commented 6 years ago

Quick update: the code for the next version just passed my initial test (only seen it on my oscilloscope, but the signal looks correct). There are still a few things that need to be fixed, but we're getting there.

If you feel adventurous: check out the v1.x branch, run npm install on a PI and adjust/run the example: sudo node examples/new-api.js. Please tell me about any errors you might see.

usefulthink commented 6 years ago

See #67

paulhayes commented 6 years ago

Thanks @usefulthink, I'm really glad you are doing this. I forked that branch soon after posting to this issue, and began in earnest trying to pick through things. Thanks for the intro on #67, that will help me. I'll take a look at the new api, and see if I can get my RGBW strand ( 2 meters of 160p/m ) to work.

riccardolardi commented 5 years ago

Any update on this? I have a strip of SK6812 RGBW leds which I'd like to drive using this. Glad to help out if possible, too.

natcl commented 5 years ago

If you use the 1.x branch it should work.