beyondscreen / node-rpi-ws281x-native

native bindings to drive WS2811 (or WS2812) LED-Controllers on a Raspberry Pi
MIT License
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Usage with Node-RED #91

Closed riccardolardi closed 6 years ago

riccardolardi commented 6 years ago

I'm using your library as a dependency for a custom Node-RED node I'm working on. When I start node-red with no root privilege the program runs but obviously no LEDs light up as the library needs to have root privileges granted for GPIO access - but when I run node-red with sudo I get this error in console:

TypeError: setChannelParam(): expected argument 3 to be the value

Any hint on where this stems from?

usefulthink commented 6 years ago

so you're using the 1.0 version?

This can happen when one of the option-values has an invalid value (i.e. it's not a number or a boolean). Here is the code that throws that error:

And this is where it is called:

riccardolardi commented 6 years ago

Yes, I'm on the 1.0x branch. The line in my code that causes the error to be thrown is this:

var ledChannel = ws281x(60, {stripType: 'sk6812-grbw'});

The thing I don't undrstand is why it only happens when I run node-red with sudo?

usefulthink commented 6 years ago

If you don't, the initialization of the ws281x-library won't happen.

riccardolardi commented 6 years ago

I know - any idea why this line triggers the error only when run as root? Or why it throws at all?

riccardolardi commented 6 years ago

My fault - I was passing 60 as a string (not reflected in the snippet I put above) :|