bezlio / bezlio-plugins

All plugins used on the Bezlio platform.
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FileSystem plugin does not enforce filename pattern matching #139

Open aellis opened 5 years ago

aellis commented 5 years ago

For example if we put in '*.doc' and call GetFileList it will return everything regardless. I don't believe we originally intended this field to be used for pattern matching but it makes sense to make it do that.

aellis commented 5 years ago

Also I'll add, it would be incredible helpful if this pattern match targeted the FullName field which will have something like this:

"FullName": "\\\\dev-apps\\data\\CustomerFiles\\ACME Corp\\Processing Customer RFQ.pdf"

For things like finding all attachments for a given customer I'd like to be able to do either of the following:

*.pdf: Returns all PDF files in the given context (which may be for a specific customer but would be tedious to maintain.

CustomerFiles\ACME Corp\.pdf: Return all PDFs that have 'CustomerFiles\ACME Corp' in the path and are of the type PDF.