Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago
Met with the same at gentoo. Found that i need change start script from:
start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/jabber/ --chuid
jabber:jabber \
--exec /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pyicq-t/ -- \
-b -D -c /etc/jabber/pyicq-t.xml -l /var/log/jabber/pyicq-t.log
start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/jabber/ --chuid
jabber:jabber \
--exec /usr/bin/python2.6 /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pyicq-t/ -- \
-b -D -c /etc/jabber/pyicq-t.xml -l /var/log/jabber/pyicq-t.log
cause init script can't find pid of running pyicq-t.Now pyicq-t works,but at
error "CRITICAL: Traceback in debug.observer2 - tuple index out of range"
Original comment by
on 5 Nov 2009 at 5:06
I have the same error. PyICQt is running as pyicqt:pyicqt process, so check
this user can access /var/lib/pyicq/ directory. I've changed
its owner to pyicqt:pyicqt and transport was started successfully. Now I just
have traceback error while starting.
Original comment by deadmoto
on 30 Oct 2010 at 10:17
Same error on Debian 6.0 squeeze after update from 5.0 lenny.
Fix from comment #1 isn't help.
Also I try to start from command line:
/usr/bin/python2.6 /usr/share/pyicqt/ --config=/etc/pyicqt.conf.xml
--background -o pid=/var/run/pyicqt/ -o spooldir=/var/lib/pyicqt -d
And got the error:
CRITICAL: Traceback in debug.observer2 - tuple index out of range
CRITICAL: Traceback in debug.observer2 - tuple index out of range
deadmoto, your pyicqt server works normally after changing permissions or not
Original comment by
on 26 Apr 2011 at 9:01
now it works properly, i fix it after reading log file twice...
CRITICAL: Traceback in debug.observer2 - tuple index out of range
CRITICAL: Traceback in debug.observer2 - tuple index out of range
this error was not related to my problem
Original comment by deadmoto
on 26 Apr 2011 at 9:16
Has got the same problem on the latest Debian Wheezy, and and permissions have
nothing todo with it.
Here is the contents of my pyicqt.log:
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] Traceback (most recent call last):
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] File "/usr/share/pyicqt/", line 14, in <module>
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] main.main()
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] File "/usr/share/pyicqt/src/", line 465, in main
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] app = App()
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] File "/usr/share/pyicqt/src/", line 434, in
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] self.c = component.buildServiceManager(jid,
config.secret, "tcp:%s:%s" % (config.mainServer, config.port))
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] File
line 323, in buildServiceManager
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] client_svc = jstrports.client(strport,
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] File
line 30, in client
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] name, args, kw = parse(description, factory)
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] File
line 25, in parse
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] args, kw = strports._parse(description)
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] File
"/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/python/", line 281, in
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] value = getattr(_module, name)
[2011-05-04 02:44:59] AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_parse'
Wheezy' python-twisted package is on 10.2.0-1 (and Sid is already on 11.0.0-2),
and obviously twisted.words.protocols.jabber.jstrports.strports does not have
the _parse() method.
Original comment by amyodov
on 4 May 2011 at 2:49
Good news, according to and , this is a known regression in
Twisted 10.2 (now causing the problems to Debian user), fixed in 11.0 (now in
Debian unstable).
Original comment by amyodov
on 4 May 2011 at 2:59
i've solved this problem by holding python-twisted-core at version 10.1...
Original comment by deadmoto
on 4 May 2011 at 10:26
Original issue reported on by
on 2 Nov 2009 at 8:49