bezzad / Downloader

Fast, cross-platform and reliable multipart downloader with asynchronous progress events for .NET applications.
MIT License
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Values of DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs after resume of download #121

Closed NeekoDev closed 1 year ago

NeekoDev commented 1 year ago


I'im trying to resume download of large file after exit/restart program. But values of DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs seems incorrect.

I think I forgot a step? I followed it though :

  1. Starting the download of file (Archive of 1GB)
  2. Percentage, bytes received etc are OK
  3. Downloading 300MB, exit the program
  4. Restart the program and continue downloading
  5. Percentage = 100 (why?) - and total / received bytes go back to 0
public async Task<bool> DownloadArchive()
    var downloadOpt = new DownloadConfiguration()


    var downloader = new DownloadService(downloadOpt);

    downloader.DownloadProgressChanged += OnDownloadProgressChanged;

    await downloader.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, IPath);

    return true;

private void OnDownloadProgressChanged(object sender, DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs e)


Do I miss something?

Thanks ! :)

bezzad commented 1 year ago

Hi @NeekoGta , You must do the following steps to cancel and resume a file.

var downloadOpt = new DownloadConfiguration();
var downloader = new DownloadService(downloadOpt);

// download your file
await downloader.DownloadFileTaskAsync(url, file);

// At first, keep and store the Package file to resume 
// your download from the last download position:
DownloadPackage pack = downloader.Package;

// then call this function to break your stream and cancel progress.

// store your package file in a file or database
// resume download with package 
await downloader.DownloadFileTaskAsync(pack);

If these steps are OK, but you have the issue again. Please attach your "download config" and "download URL" here. I'll check your URL and tell you what's the problem.

Note: Some servers can't resume downloading because they don't accept downloads in a range. So, the Downloer also can't request to resume downloading from special bytes.