bezzad / Downloader

Fast, cross-platform and reliable multipart downloader with asynchronous progress events for .NET applications.
MIT License
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@diegoadan Yes, this is the hardware limitation problem. We need a balance between internet and storage speed. When the internet speed exceeds the storage, it's normal to wait to complete storing operation. #135

Closed hankb299 closed 1 year ago

hankb299 commented 1 year ago
          @diegoadan Yes, this is the hardware limitation problem. We need a balance between internet and storage speed. When the internet speed exceeds the storage, it's normal to wait to complete storing operation. 

Your suggestion to have the option to set the maximum allocation size of RAM is good, but I have a question when the Download exceeds the RAM limitation what can I do to control it? Slow down the download speed? or wait to release RAM and continue after that?

Originally posted by @bezzad in