bezzlab / pitdb

PIT-DB: A Resource for Sharing, Annotating and Analysing Translated Genomic Elements
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Enhancements to protein view #20

Open conradbessant opened 7 years ago

conradbessant commented 7 years ago

Looking a protein view (e.g. P62851) it is counter intuitive that the number of, and names of, TGEs are not consistent between the table and the Genoverse TGE track. It looks like this is because Genoverse is actually showing TGE observations.

Could this be made clearer by (a) adding a "number of observations" column to the TGE table, and (b) only showing TGEs in Genoverse, not every observation?

eaHat commented 7 years ago

(a) has been fixed. Not sure if (b) could be fixed. Tbd with @saha-shyamasree

saha-shyamasree commented 7 years ago

(b) has to fixed from the code where you are sub-setting the GFF3 files. So basically, collecting the entries from one sample/GFF3 file and not looping through all the samples. But we still want to loop through the peptide GFF3 files though.