We will also need to managed the smallrye-jwt version to the current version so that we can configure the OAuth trusted certificate similar to what was previously done in TrustedSSOCallerPrincipalFactoryProducer. To do this, set the value of smallrye.jwt.client.tls.certificate to ${kafka.admin.oauth.trusted.cert:} in the application properties. The value will be provide by kas-fleetshard in the environment variables.
We will also need to managed the smallrye-jwt version to the current version so that we can configure the OAuth trusted certificate similar to what was previously done in
. To do this, set the value ofsmallrye.jwt.client.tls.certificate
in the application properties. The value will be provide by kas-fleetshard in the environment variables.https://github.com/smallrye/smallrye-jwt/releases/tag/3.5.3