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breaking change with rsp file when migrating from boost 1.78 to boost 1.83 under windows/mingw64 #342

Closed rlepere closed 8 months ago

rlepere commented 10 months ago


I am migrating my application from boost-1.78 (b2 4.7-git) to boost-1.83 (b2 4.10-git). I am using boost build and bjam as a build tool for my application.

I am using g++ compiler (11.3) under windows environment, everything was working correctly under the old version of boost-build but I am having a problem with the new one.

It is related to the linker pass where a response file .rsp file is used because the line can be very long.

In previous version, the linker line generated was something like : g++ -L"c:\external\boost_1_78_0" @toto.rsp

now the line is g++ @toto.rsp

and the first line of the response file is -L"c:\external\boost_1_78_0" This leads to problems because g++ does not find libs correctly. The first line of the response file should be either -L"c:\external\boost_1_78_0" or -L"c:/external/boost_1_78_0" so that g++ can find correctly the libs.

What could I do to fix the problem ? Is this a bug ?

Best regards,

Renaud Lepère

grafikrobot commented 10 months ago

Can you give me more details on the environment? How are you building? I.e. is it mingw64, cygwin, WSL, something else? Do you have a small repro project and command you invoke?

Also.. for this:

and the first line of the response file is -L"c:\external\boost_1_78_0"

That, looks the same as..

This leads to problems because g++ does not find libs correctly. The first line of the response file should be either -L"c:\external\boost_1_78_0"

..this to me.

or -L"c:/external/boost_1_78_0" so that g++ can find correctly the libs.

rlepere commented 10 months ago

Can you give me more details on the environment? How are you building? I.e. is it mingw64, cygwin, WSL, something else? Do you have a small repro project and command you invoke? My g++ is mingw64

c:\Compilers\mingw64-113\bin>g++ --version g++ (MinGW-W64 x86_64-posix-seh, built by Brecht Sanders) 11.3.0

I will try to make a small project to show you the problem tomorrow.

Also.. for this:

and the first line of the response file is -L"c:\external\boost_1_78_0"

That, looks the same as..

Oups I made a mistake the first line of the response file should be: -L"c:\external\boost_1_78_0" or -L"c:/external/boost_1_78_0"

But if it is: -L"c:\external\boost_1_78_0"

then g++ does not find the libs.

rlepere commented 10 months ago

There is a problem with the "\\" due to escaping the first line should contain "\\" instead of single "\"

rlepere commented 10 months ago

I have done a small test case: jamroot file contents

lib mylib : : mylib ;

exe a : a.cpp .//mylib : lib/lib

file ; bjam.bat file contents @setlocal @SET MINGW64=c:\compilers\mingw64-113\bin @SET BOOST_LOCATION=%USERPROFILE%\nest\external\boost_1_83_0 @SET PATH=%MINGW64%;%BOOST_LOCATION%;%PATH% @SET BOOST_BUILD_PATH=%BOOST_LOCATION% b2.exe --toolset=gcc address-model=64 %* @endlocal output of bjam.bat -d2 c:\Users\renaud\nest\default\bug_b2>b2.exe --toolset=gcc address-model=64 -d+2 file bin/gcc-11/debug/address-model-64/threadapi-win32/a.exe.rsp -L"lib\lib" -o "bin\gcc-11\debug\address-model-64\threadapi-win32\a.exe" -Wl,--start-group "bin/gcc-11/debug/address-model-64/threadapi-win32/a.o" -Wl,-Bstatic -Wl,-Bdynamic -lmylib -Wl,--end-group -g bin\gcc-11\debug\address-model-64\threadapi-win32\a.exe "g++" @"bin/gcc-11/debug/address-model-64/threadapi-win32/a.exe.rsp" c:/compilers/mingw64-113/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/11.3.0/../../../../x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lmylib: No such file or directory collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status It works if I use bbv2 included in boost_1_78_0. I hope it will help to solve the issue.
rlepere commented 10 months ago

sorry again jamroot file contents is

`lib mylib : : mylib ;

exe a : a.cpp .//mylib : lib/lib

file ; `
rlepere commented 10 months ago

A simple test case with all the files.

rlepere commented 10 months ago

The regression is between boost 1.83 and boost 1.82.

With boost 1.82, the linker line is the following one (the -L flag is not in the response .rsp file) "g++" -L"lib\lib" -o "bin\gcc-11\debug\address-model-64\a.exe" @"bin/gcc-11/debug/address-model-64/a.exe.rsp" -g

grafikrobot commented 8 months ago

Fixed with