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B2 makes it easy to build C++ projects, everywhere.
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build error-boost1.85 with VS2022 under win10 #398

Closed Linuxmodel closed 3 months ago

Linuxmodel commented 3 months ago

c:\dev\boost_1_85>b2 --debug-configuration
notice: found boost-build.jam at c:/dev/boost_1_85/boost-build.jam
notice: loading B2 from c:/dev/boost_1_85/tools/build/src/build-system.jam
notice: Searching 'C:\WINDOWS' 'C:\Users\leon' 'C:\Users\leon' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\build' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\contrib' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\engine' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\options' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\tools' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\util' 'c:/dev/boost_1_85/tools/build/src' for site-config configuration file 'site-config.jam'.
notice: Configuration file 'site-config.jam' not found in 'C:\WINDOWS' 'C:\Users\leon' 'C:\Users\leon' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\build' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\contrib' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\engine' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\options' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\tools' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\util' 'c:/dev/boost_1_85/tools/build/src'.
notice: Searching 'C:\Users\leon' 'C:\Users\leon' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\build' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\contrib' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\engine' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\options' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\tools' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\util' 'c:/dev/boost_1_85/tools/build/src' for user-config configuration file 'user-config.jam'.
notice: Configuration file 'user-config.jam' not found in 'C:\Users\leon' 'C:\Users\leon' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\build' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\contrib' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\engine' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\options' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\tools' 'C:\dev\boost_1_85\tools\build\src\util' 'c:/dev/boost_1_85/tools/build/src'.
notice: Searching '.' for project-config configuration file 'project-config.jam'.
notice: Loading project-config configuration file 'project-config.jam' from '.'.
notice: [msvc-cfg] msvc-14.3 detected, command: 'C:\apps\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.40.33807\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe'
notice: [msvc-cfg] msvc-10.0 detected, command: 'C:\apps\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\cl.exe'
notice: will use 'C:/apps/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.40.33807/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl' for msvc, condition <toolset>msvc-14.3
notice: [msvc-cfg] condition: '<toolset>msvc-14.3/<architecture>x86/<address-model>32', setup: 'C:/apps/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.40.33807/bin/Hostx64/vcvarsall.bat'
notice: [msvc-cfg] condition: '<toolset>msvc-14.3/<architecture>/<address-model>32', setup: 'C:/apps/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.40.33807/bin/Hostx64/vcvarsall.bat'
notice: [msvc-cfg] condition: '<toolset>msvc-14.3/<architecture>x86/<address-model>64', setup: 'C:/apps/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.40.33807/bin/Hostx64/vcvarsall.bat'
notice: [msvc-cfg] condition: '<toolset>msvc-14.3/<architecture>/<address-model>64', setup: 'C:/apps/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.40.33807/bin/Hostx64/vcvarsall.bat'
notice: [msvc-cfg] condition: '<toolset>msvc-14.3/<architecture>x86/<address-model>', setup: 'C:/apps/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.40.33807/bin/Hostx64/vcvarsall.bat'
notice: [msvc-cfg] condition: '<toolset>msvc-14.3/<architecture>/<address-model>', setup: 'C:/apps/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.40.33807/bin/Hostx64/vcvarsall.bat'
notice: [msvc-cfg] condition: '<toolset>msvc-14.3/<architecture>ia64/<address-model>64', setup: 'C:/apps/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.40.33807/bin/Hostx64/vcvarsall.bat'
notice: [msvc-cfg] condition: '<toolset>msvc-14.3/<architecture>ia64/<address-model>', setup: 'C:/apps/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.40.33807/bin/Hostx64/vcvarsall.bat'
notice: [msvc-cfg] condition: '<toolset>msvc-14.3/<architecture>arm/<address-model>32', setup: 'C:/apps/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.40.33807/bin/Hostx64/vcvarsall.bat'
notice: [msvc-cfg] condition: '<toolset>msvc-14.3/<architecture>arm/<address-model>64', setup: 'C:/apps/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.40.33807/bin/Hostx64/vcvarsall.bat'
notice: [zlib] Using pre-installed library
notice: [zlib] Condition
notice: [bzip2] Using pre-installed library
notice: [bzip2] Condition
notice: [lzma] Using pre-installed library
notice: [lzma] Condition
notice: [zstd] Using pre-installed library
notice: [zstd] Condition
notice: [python-cfg] Configuring python...
notice: [python-cfg] Checking interpreter command "python"...
notice: [python-cfg] running command 'DIR /-C /A:S "C:\Users\leon\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe" 2>&1'
notice: [python-cfg] running command 'python -c "from sys import *; print('version=%d.%d\nplatform=%s\nprefix=%s\nexec_prefix=%s\nexecutable=%s' % (version_info[0],version_info[1],platform,prefix,exec_prefix,executable))" 2>&1'
notice: [python-cfg] ...requested configuration matched!
notice: [python-cfg] Details of this Python configuration:
notice: [python-cfg]   interpreter command: "python"
notice: [python-cfg]   include path: "C:\Users\leon\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\Include"
notice: [python-cfg]   library path: "C:\Users\leon\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\libs"
notice: [python-cfg]   DLL search path: "C:\Users\leon\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39"
notice: [python-cfg] Checking for NumPy...
notice: [python-cfg] running command 'python -c "import sys; sys.stderr = sys.stdout; import numpy; print(numpy.get_include())"'
notice: [python-cfg] NumPy disabled. Reason:
notice: [python-cfg]   python -c "import sys; sys.stderr = sys.stdout; import numpy; print(numpy.get_include())" aborted with
notice: [python-cfg]   Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
Performing configuration checks

    - default address-model    : none [1]
    - default architecture     : none [1]

Building the Boost C++ Libraries.

    - x86                      : no [2]
    - arm                      : no [2]
    - mips1                    : no [2]
    - power                    : no [2]
    - sparc                    : no [2]
    - cxx11_static_assert      : no [2]
    - x86                      : no [3]
    - arm                      : no [3]
    - mips1                    : no [3]
    - power                    : no [3]
    - sparc                    : no [3]
    - cxx11_static_assert      : no [3]
    - cxx11_variadic_templates : no [2]
    - cxx11_variadic_templates : no [3]
    - cxx11_hdr_ratio          : no [2]
    - cxx11_hdr_ratio          : no [3]
    - cxx20_hdr_concepts       : no [2]
    - cxx20_hdr_concepts       : no [3]
error: No best alternative for libs/context/build/asm_sources with <abi>ms <address-model>32 <asynch-exceptions>off <binary-format>pe <boost.cobalt.executor>any_io_executor <boost.cobalt.pmr>std <context-impl>fcontext <coverage>off <debug-store>object <debug-symbols>on <embed-manifest-via>linker <embed-manifest>on <exception-handling>on <extern-c-nothrow>off <inlining>off <link>static <midl-robust>yes <midl-stubless-proxy>yes <optimization>off <os>NT <pch>on <preserve-test-targets>on <profiling>off <python-debugging>off <python>3.9 <relevant>abi <relevant>address-model <relevant>architecture <relevant>binary-format <relevant>toolset <rtti>on <runtime-debugging>on <runtime-link>shared <stdlib>native <strip>off <target-os>windows <testing.execute>on <threadapi>win32 <threading>multi <toolset-msvc:version>14.3 <toolset>msvc <variant>debug <vectorize>off <visibility>hidden <warnings-as-errors>off <warnings>on <windows-api>desktop
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>qcc
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>msvc
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>msvc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>loongarch <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>o32 <address-model>32 <architecture>mips <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>o32 <address-model>32 <architecture>mips <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>n64 <address-model>64 <architecture>mips <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>n64 <address-model>64 <architecture>mips <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>xcoff <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>xcoff <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>xcoff <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>xcoff <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32_64 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>riscv <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>riscv <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>sparc <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>sparc <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>s390x <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>s390x <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>intel
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>clang-win
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>intel
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>msvc
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>embarcadero
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>borland
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>intel
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>intel
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>clang-win
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>intel
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>msvc
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>embarcadero
    no match: <abi>x32 <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>x32 <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>x32 <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>intel
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32_64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi
    no match: <abi>sysv <architecture>arm+x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi
    - has std::atomic_ref      : no [2]
    - has statx                : no [2]
    - has statx syscall        : no [2]
    - has BCrypt API           : no [2]
    - is Windows CE            : no [2]
    - cxx11_rvalue_references  : no [2]
    - has std::atomic_ref      : no [3]
    - has statx                : no [3]
    - has statx syscall        : no [3]
    - has BCrypt API           : no [3]
    - is Windows CE            : no [3]
    - cxx11_rvalue_references  : no [3]
    - cxx11_auto_declarations  : no [2]
    - cxx11_auto_declarations  : no [3]
    - has init_priority attribute : no [2]
    - has stat::st_blksize     : no [2]
    - has stat::st_mtim        : no [2]
    - has stat::st_mtimensec   : no [2]
    - has stat::st_mtimespec   : no [2]
    - has stat::st_birthtim    : no [2]
    - has stat::st_birthtimensec : no [2]
    - has stat::st_birthtimespec : no [2]
    - has fdopendir(O_NOFOLLOW) : no [2]
    - has dirent::d_type       : no [2]
    - has POSIX *at APIs       : no [2]
    - has fallocate            : no [2]
    - has_icu builds           : no [2]
warning: Graph library does not contain MPI-based parallel components.
note: to enable them, add "using mpi ;" to your user-config.jam.
note: to suppress this message, pass "--without-graph_parallel" to bjam.
    - zlib                     : no  (cached) [4]
    - bzip2                    : no  (cached) [4]
    - lzma                     : no  (cached) [4]
    - zstd                     : no  (cached) [4]
    - has_lzma_cputhreads builds : no [2]
    - cxx11_constexpr          : no [2]
    - cxx11_constexpr          : no [3]
notice: [locale] Search ICU in
notice: [locale] Search ICU in
notice: [locale] Search ICU in
notice: [locale] Search ICU in
    - icu                      : no [2]
    - iconv (libc)             : no [2]
    - iconv (separate)         : no [2]
    - icu                      : no [3]
    - iconv (libc)             : no [3]
    - iconv (separate)         : no [3]
    - mips                     : no [2]
    - native atomic int32 supported : no [2]
    - has message compiler     : no [2]
    - native syslog supported  : no [2]
    - pthread supports robust mutexes : no [2]
    - Boost.Regex is header-only : no [2]
    - mips                     : no [3]
    - native atomic int32 supported : no [3]
    - has message compiler     : no [3]
    - native syslog supported  : no [3]
    - pthread supports robust mutexes : no [3]
    - cxx11_lambdas            : no [2]
    - cxx11_lambdas            : no [3]
    - gcc visibility           : no [2]
    - cxx11_noexcept           : no [2]
    - gcc visibility           : no [3]
    - cxx11_noexcept           : no [3]
warning: skipping optional Message Passing Interface (MPI) library.
note: to enable MPI support, add "using mpi ;" to user-config.jam.
note: to suppress this message, pass "--without-mpi" to bjam.
note: otherwise, you can safely ignore this message.
    - std_wstreambuf builds    : no [2]
    - std_wstreambuf           : no [2]
    - std_wstreambuf           : no [3]
    - BOOST_COMP_GNUC >= 4.3.0 : no [2]
    - x86                      : no [5]
    - arm                      : no [5]
    - mips1                    : no [5]
    - power                    : no [5]
    - sparc                    : no [5]
    - cxx11_static_assert      : no [5]
    - x86                      : no [6]
    - arm                      : no [6]
    - mips1                    : no [6]
    - power                    : no [6]
    - sparc                    : no [6]
    - cxx11_static_assert      : no [6]
    - cxx11_variadic_templates : no [5]
    - cxx11_variadic_templates : no [6]
    - cxx11_hdr_ratio          : no [5]
    - cxx11_hdr_ratio          : no [6]
    - cxx20_hdr_concepts       : no [5]
    - cxx20_hdr_concepts       : no [6]
error: No best alternative for libs/context/build/asm_sources with <abi>ms <address-model>32 <asynch-exceptions>off <binary-format>pe <boost.cobalt.executor>any_io_executor <boost.cobalt.pmr>std <context-impl>fcontext <coverage>off <debug-store>object <debug-symbols>off <embed-manifest-via>linker <embed-manifest>on <exception-handling>on <extern-c-nothrow>off <inlining>full <link>static <midl-robust>yes <midl-stubless-proxy>yes <optimization>speed <os>NT <pch>on <preserve-test-targets>on <profiling>off <python-debugging>off <python>3.9 <relevant>abi <relevant>address-model <relevant>architecture <relevant>binary-format <relevant>toolset <rtti>on <runtime-debugging>off <runtime-link>shared <stdlib>native <strip>off <target-os>windows <testing.execute>on <threadapi>win32 <threading>multi <toolset-msvc:version>14.3 <toolset>msvc <variant>release <vectorize>off <visibility>hidden <warnings-as-errors>off <warnings>on <windows-api>desktop
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>qcc
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>32 <architecture>arm <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>msvc
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>msvc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>loongarch <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>o32 <address-model>32 <architecture>mips <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>o32 <address-model>32 <architecture>mips <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>n64 <address-model>64 <architecture>mips <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>n64 <address-model>64 <architecture>mips <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>xcoff <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>power <binary-format>xcoff <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>xcoff <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>power <binary-format>xcoff <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32_64 <architecture>power <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>riscv <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>riscv <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>sparc <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>sparc <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>s390x <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>s390x <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>intel
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>clang-win
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>intel
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>msvc
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>embarcadero
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>borland
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>intel
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>darwin
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi <toolset>intel
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>clang-win
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>intel
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>msvc
    no match: <abi>ms <address-model>64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <threading>multi <toolset>embarcadero
    no match: <abi>x32 <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>clang
    no match: <abi>x32 <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>gcc
    no match: <abi>x32 <address-model>32 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>elf <threading>multi <toolset>intel
    no match: <abi>sysv <address-model>32_64 <architecture>x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi
    no match: <abi>sysv <architecture>arm+x86 <binary-format>mach-o <threading>multi
    - has std::atomic_ref      : no [5]
    - has statx                : no [5]
    - has statx syscall        : no [5]
    - has BCrypt API           : no [5]
    - is Windows CE            : no [5]
    - cxx11_rvalue_references  : no [5]
    - has std::atomic_ref      : no [6]
    - has statx                : no [6]
    - has statx syscall        : no [6]
    - has BCrypt API           : no [6]
    - is Windows CE            : no [6]
    - cxx11_rvalue_references  : no [6]
    - cxx11_auto_declarations  : no [5]
    - cxx11_auto_declarations  : no [6]
    - has init_priority attribute : no [5]
    - has stat::st_blksize     : no [5]
    - has stat::st_mtim        : no [5]
    - has stat::st_mtimensec   : no [5]
    - has stat::st_mtimespec   : no [5]
    - has stat::st_birthtim    : no [5]
    - has stat::st_birthtimensec : no [5]
    - has stat::st_birthtimespec : no [5]
    - has fdopendir(O_NOFOLLOW) : no [5]
    - has dirent::d_type       : no [5]
    - has POSIX *at APIs       : no [5]
    - has fallocate            : no [5]
    - has_icu builds           : no [5]
    - zlib                     : no  (cached) [4]
    - bzip2                    : no  (cached) [4]
    - lzma                     : no  (cached) [4]
    - zstd                     : no  (cached) [4]
    - has_lzma_cputhreads builds : no [5]
    - cxx11_constexpr          : no [5]
    - cxx11_constexpr          : no [6]
notice: [locale] Search ICU in
notice: [locale] Search ICU in
notice: [locale] Search ICU in
notice: [locale] Search ICU in
notice: [locale] Search ICU in
notice: [locale] Search ICU in
    - icu                      : no [5]
    - iconv (libc)             : no [5]
    - iconv (separate)         : no [5]
    - icu                      : no [6]
    - iconv (libc)             : no [6]
    - iconv (separate)         : no [6]
    - mips                     : no [5]
    - native atomic int32 supported : no [5]
    - has message compiler     : no [5]
    - native syslog supported  : no [5]
    - pthread supports robust mutexes : no [5]
    - Boost.Regex is header-only : no [5]
    - mips                     : no [6]
    - native atomic int32 supported : no [6]
    - has message compiler     : no [6]
    - native syslog supported  : no [6]
    - pthread supports robust mutexes : no [6]
    - cxx11_lambdas            : no [5]
    - cxx11_lambdas            : no [6]
    - gcc visibility           : no [5]
    - cxx11_noexcept           : no [5]
    - gcc visibility           : no [6]
    - cxx11_noexcept           : no [6]
    - std_wstreambuf builds    : no [5]
    - std_wstreambuf           : no [5]
    - std_wstreambuf           : no [6]
    - BOOST_COMP_GNUC >= 4.3.0 : no [5]
    - x86                      : no [7]
    - arm                      : no [7]
    - mips1                    : no [7]
    - power                    : no [7]
    - sparc                    : no [7]
    - cxx11_static_assert      : no [7]
    - x86                      : no [8]
    - arm                      : no [8]
    - mips1                    : no [8]
    - power                    : no [8]
    - sparc                    : no [8]
    - cxx11_static_assert      : no [8]
    - cxx11_variadic_templates : no [7]
    - cxx11_variadic_templates : no [8]
    - cxx11_hdr_ratio          : no [7]
    - cxx11_hdr_ratio          : no [8]
    - cxx20_hdr_concepts       : no [7]
    - cxx20_hdr_concepts       : no [8]
error: No best alternative for libs/context/build/asm_sources with <abi>ms <address-model>64 <asynch-exceptions>off <binary-format>pe <boost.cobalt.executor>any_io_executor <boost.cobalt.pmr>std <context-impl>fcontext <coverage>off <debug-store>object <debug-symbols>on <embed-manifest-via>linker <embed-manifest>on <exception-handling>on <extern-c-nothrow>off <inlining>off <link>static <midl-robust>yes <midl-stubless-proxy>yes <optimization>off <os>NT <pch>on <preserve-test-targets>on <profiling>off <python-debugging>off <python>3.9 <relevant>abi <relevant>address-model <relevant>architecture <relevant>binary-format <relevant>toolset <rtti>on <runtime-debugging>on <runtime-link>shared <stdlib>native <strip>off <target-os>windows <testing.execute>on <threadapi>win32 <threading>multi <toolset-msvc:version>14.3 <toolset>msvc <variant>debug <vectorize>off <visibility>hidden <warnings-as-errors>off <warnings>on <windows-api>desktop
grafikrobot commented 3 months ago

Duplicate of