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Brisbane Function Programming Group talk ideas, scheduling & archival
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2024 event planning #48

Open frasertweedale opened 9 months ago

frasertweedale commented 9 months ago

We will use this issue to plan and schedule events for 2024.



Concrete but unscheduled

These are concrete talk proposals where we have a willing presenter. Please file separate issues for general topic requests.

Requested topics


Hack nights

Would be good to kick of hack night again

Suggested activities

flatwhatson commented 6 months ago

I couldn't present "Evaluating the Meta-circular Interpreter" last year due to illness (apologies), maybe it's a good one for February?

frasertweedale commented 5 months ago

@flatwhatson if you're good for Feb, lock it in.

donovancrichton commented 5 months ago


Sadly I cannot make drinks this Friday evening, I have a PhD milestone report due on Sunday, and I've been busy reviewing code artefacts for OOPSLA 24 all week.

There are some points I wanted to bring up though, so I'll bring them up here.

Talk organisation for

Could we please try to organise talks 2 months out this year? This would let us update the meetup page (our most publicly visible face) immediately after a meetup each month, giving newcomers and occasional visitors time to plan to attend if they see a particularly interesting talk.

I am happy to take over the meetup page updating from you Frase if you're too busy.

Public submission for talk ideas?

Is there a way we could do this? I like the idea of having a list of talk ideas that we can work though and slowly cross off that is open to the general public, if people are open to this idea I can look at potential solutions.


I'm happy to give approximately 5 talks this year:

frasertweedale commented 5 months ago


Could we please try to organise talks 2 months out this year? This would let us update the meetup page (our most publicly visible face) immediately after a meetup each month, giving newcomers and occasional visitors time to plan to attend if they see a particularly interesting talk.

I agree we should try to do this.

Public submission for talk ideas?

Is there a way we could do this? I like the idea of having a list of talk ideas that we can work though and slowly cross off that is open to the general public, if people are open to this idea I can look at potential solutions.

This GitHub issue and repo are public? We probably need to advertise more clearly that this is how you can propose ideas and participate in organising the content.

I'm happy to give approximately 5 talks this year: ... If people want to pick/choose some of these (or even take some of them over!) then just yell out. This is just something to get us started.

For sure, Propositions as Types is a great one for early in the year. We'll finalise Feb in the coming days and look at March too.

techtangents commented 5 months ago

Hey crew,

I'm keen to do some talks this year.

I'd be keen to present the "algebra of algebraic data types" requested talk. There's a youtube video of this from the London Haskell meetup and it's one of my favourite talks.

One talk I like doing is demonstrating The Incredible Proof Machine, but then doing the same proofs in a programming language. I've done this in Java and Typescript before for coworkers. Could also do it in Haskell or Scala if preferred. I like how this demonstrates Propositions as Types, so it would be cool if @donovancrichton did a Props as Types talk, and I did this one in a following month.

I did a talk on fast-check ( at work recently. I'm good to polish that up and present to BFPG.

I did a guest talk at REA Group about finding the sweet spot for FP adoption in a real organisation, and the considerations to make. It's very hand-wavy and practical tech leadership stuff. Not sure how fun it would be for BFPG.

I'm happy to talk on a bunch of theoretical and practical stuff. Doing FP in Typescript is one of my interest areas, so happy to dig into that if people are interested.

Cheers, Dylan

techtangents commented 5 months ago

Enforcing Invariants in Network and Security Protocols through Linear Types

I recall Edwin Brady covering this in an Idris talk. It was definitely fun. I'd be keen to see that.

I'd also be keen to see a talk introducing linear types... if that hasn't already been done.

frasertweedale commented 5 months ago

@techtangents thank you very much! We'll definitely take you up for a couple of those.

Would you be available on 2024-03-12 to do the fast-check talk? If you, please provide an abstract when able.

techtangents commented 5 months ago

@frasertweedale Yep, I can do that. How about:

Property Testing in Typescript with fast-check

Property testing is a technique for writing tests using pseudo-random data in a controlled way. It lets you write tests that cover a variety of possible inputs, while removing human bias and finding edge cases that you wouldn't normally think to check. This talk introduces property testing using the fast-check library for Typescript. We'll cover seeds and generators and shrinking, how to turn a unit test into a property test, and some common properties that can be useful to test.

techtangents commented 5 months ago

These "common properties" are things like:

frasertweedale commented 5 months ago

@donovancrichton are you still planning to do Introduction to Propositions As Types for March? Could you please provide abstract?

donovancrichton commented 4 months ago

Apologies for the delay, abstract as follows:

Propositions As Types

This talk will introduce you to an alternative way to think about types and functions. Under certain conditions your types can be logical propositions and your functions can be mathematical proofs. Proving a theorem becomes no different to writing a program in a (particular kind of) pure functional programming language. We will explore this notion in the Idris functional programming language and see examples of how proofs can be very useful to day-to-day programming.

techtangents commented 4 months ago

Hey @frasertweedale, unfortunately I'm going to have to pull out of speaking next week. My wife has been in hospital and our world is still a bit upside down. I'm prepped for the talk, and should be able to present it another time. I'll post here when things are a bit more normal.

frasertweedale commented 4 months ago

@techtangents sorry to hear mate. Thanks for the notice and we look forward to your presentation at a future date.

@flatwhatson any chance you could bring your talk forward to 2024-03-12 (next Tuesday)?

rellen commented 3 months ago

Hi @frasertweedale I am happy to do another talk some time July or later. The new Set-Theoretic Type System for Elixir

frasertweedale commented 2 months ago

Talk requests from 2024-04-09 meetup:

nasosev commented 2 months ago

I'll put my hand up to give a talk on Lean 4. This is a topic I know little about now, but I've been wanting to learn and this seems like a good opportunity - thanks for the suggestion @frasertweedale 😊

I'll have to think about exactly what aspect I'll speak about - maybe something like a brief tour of the syntax and principles of the language, and then a look at some specific interesting feature not available in Haskell, e.g. quotient types?

frasertweedale commented 2 months ago

That sounds awesome @nasosev. Please let us know what timeframe you are comfortable with.

nasosev commented 2 months ago

That sounds awesome @nasosev. Please let us know what timeframe you are comfortable with.

@frasertweedale over the next month I'll be a bit busy wrapping up my PhD , but anytime after then - ie from June - should be fine.

As a tentative title for the talk:

"Subtypes and quotient types in Lean 4"

frasertweedale commented 2 months ago

@frasertweedale over the next month I'll be a bit busy wrapping up my PhD , but anytime after then - ie from June - should be fine.

@nasosev if you are comfortable with June, we can lock that in. But I don't want you to feel pressured - we can definitely schedule it later if you are more comfortable with that.

nasosev commented 2 months ago

@frasertweedale over the next month I'll be a bit busy wrapping up my PhD , but anytime after then - ie from June - should be fine.

@nasosev if you are comfortable with June, we can lock that in. But I don't want you to feel pressured - we can definitely schedule it later if you are more comfortable with that.

@frasertweedale june should be fine - let's lock it in 😁. Thank you!

frasertweedale commented 2 months ago

@rellen could you please furnish us with an abstract for your Gleam talk, in the next week or so? Cheers!

frasertweedale commented 2 months ago

Dropping my draft abstract for the tax talk

Tax time is coming!

The Australian income tax system is pretty complicated. It helps to know where you stand so you can avoid nasty surprises and make better financial decisions. For several years I have used Haskell to prepare my tax return and model scenarios. I published the generic stuff as the tax-ato library.

In this presentation I will walk you through the library. Fortuitiously, it is Budget Night. What better way to learn about the library than to update it live? Hopefully Jim Chalmers doesn't babble on too long...

After the library tour, we will play "fantasy tax time" and collaboratively prepare Jane Citizen's tax return. Will Jane get a refund this year? Or will she get Division 293'd into oblivion? Together, we decide. Along the way, we'll cut ourselves on rough edges and notice lots of things the library doesn't implement yet (like Division 293).

rtpg commented 2 months ago

@frasertweedale I can do a talk on figuring out church encoding. I think it would be 30 minutes? Whenever is convenient in the schedule is good for me.

Title: Representing Data With Functions With The Church Encoding

People say you can do "everything" with just functions in the lambda calculus. You are told this, you are shown this, but you probably cannot reproduce this from scratch if somebody asks you to.

In this presentation we'll go over how you can build booleans, numbers, and lists purely through functions, and nothing else, via the Church encoding. We'll talk about the intuition behind the encoding, to really grasp why the encoding is designed the way it is.

You should be able to walk away from this and never be intimidated by some lambda calculus soup in the middle of a research paper ever again.

frasertweedale commented 2 months ago

@rtpg thank you! How about June 2024-06-11?

rtpg commented 2 months ago

Yeah that works!

rellen commented 2 months ago

Draft abstract for Gleam 1.0

Gleam is a statically-typed functional programming that compiles to the BEAM (the Erlang Virtual Machine) and JavaScript. It has a focus on simplicity and ergonomics. With its recent v1.0 release, Gleam, its standard library, and tooling, are stable and ready for industrial use. In this talk, I'll take us on a tour through some of the interesting language features and choices made, some interesting libraries and use-cases, and how Gleam fits into the BEAM and broader PL landscape.

endgame commented 2 months ago

Note that 1.1 just came out yesterday, in case you want to revise anything:

frasertweedale commented 2 months ago

@donovancrichton do you want to do a preso in July?

frasertweedale commented 1 month ago

@rellen just making sure you're all systems go for Gleam v1 tomorrow night :)

nasosev commented 1 month ago

@frasertweedale I'm currently overseas and may not be back in time for 2024-06-11; is it possible to move me to July? I apologise for the late notice.

frasertweedale commented 1 month ago

@frasertweedale I'm currently overseas and may not be back in time for 2024-06-11; is it possible to move me to July? I apologise for the late notice.

@nasosev thanks for letting me know. I'll move you to July.

gwils commented 1 month ago

@frasertweedale June abstract:

Error handling in functional languages

In this talk we'll look at one of the areas where strongly typed FP shines: error handling. We'll learn about Either, a simpler, more robust, less error-prone alternative to exceptions. Then we'll go beyond the basics to talk about error modelling best practices. We'll see how this approach fits naturally into web services and we'll discuss which languages support this approach in a first-class way.

nasosev commented 2 weeks ago

@frasertweedale I'm currently overseas and may not be back in time for 2024-06-11; is it possible to move me to July? I apologise for the late notice.

@nasosev thanks for letting me know. I'll move you to July.

@frasertweedale I was back in Brisbane for a little while but I've already gone again, and it's looking like I won't be back for the July date either. It may be better to take me off the list for now until my schedule is a bit clearer. So sorry about this!

endgame commented 2 weeks ago

I'm happy to take that timeslot for July with a report from Lambda Days and ZuriHac, and maybe @frasertweedale can say a few words about the Haskell Ecosystem Workshop? Hopefully you're able to make a talk later in the year, because I'm keen for some lean.

frasertweedale commented 6 days ago

@nasosev are you still good for July 9? If so, could you please provide an abstract ASAP? sorry, I missed the comment above. No problem!