I did the simplest init.pp to test grafana_dashboard. I also exported a test dashboard I created in grafana as test.json and put it in grafana/templates. But when I test my module I gete this error:
Error: /Stage[main]/Grafana/Grafana_dashboard[testboard]: Could not evaluate: can't convert Hash into String
I just can't figure out why it's happening, is there a problem with my json file since I exported it directly from grafana I assumed it was ok. If not how should it looks.
I did the simplest init.pp to test grafana_dashboard. I also exported a test dashboard I created in grafana as test.json and put it in grafana/templates. But when I test my module I gete this error: Error: /Stage[main]/Grafana/Grafana_dashboard[testboard]: Could not evaluate: can't convert Hash into String
I just can't figure out why it's happening, is there a problem with my json file since I exported it directly from grafana I assumed it was ok. If not how should it looks.
class grafana {
grafana_dashboard { 'testboard': grafana_url => 'http://localhost:3000', grafana_user => 'admin', grafana_password => 'admin', content => template('grafana/test.json'), } }