bg2bhc / gr-lilacsat

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No data in the Proxy Window #29

Open ik8ozv opened 3 years ago

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

Hello all, please anybody can help me on this issue? When i run the BY70-2 Proxy, and receive the data i do not see any data in the Proxy window. Please anybody can help me to understand where am i missing? Any help will be really appreciated. 73's de Enzo IK8OZV

bg2bhc commented 3 years ago

Hi Enzo, this might be a problem when using a new version of tornado. Please try: $ sudo python -m pip uninstall tornado $ sudo python -m pip install tornado==4.5.3

ik8ozv 於 2020年10月4日 週日 上午4:52寫道:

Hello all, please anybody can help me on this issue? When i run the BY70-2 Proxy, and receive the data i do not see any data in the Proxy window. Please anybody can help me to understand where am i missing? Any help will be really appreciated. 73's de Enzo IK8OZV

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ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

Hi Wei, thanks for coming back. I have already downgraded it to 4.5.3 following the instructions in the file but get always the same issue, no incoming data in the Proxy Please any advices? Thanks a lot

73's de Enzo IK8OZV

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

Wei Please any help? 73's de Enzo IK8OZV

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv Hi IK8OZV, Sorry for my late reply. It seems like the GNURadio cannot decode the data from the SDR device. Because when GNURadio send the decoded message to the Proxy. Proxy will log "[Port X] Received data ...". Like demo recv Could you paste the logs from the GNURadio here? It will help us to find out the problems.

From, BG2DGR.

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

Hello ArtisticZhao, thanks for coming back to my help request. As I am not so clever on the Linux will you please tell me what to do exactly? I mean where to get the logs? This is what i get when i run the proxy and the GRC flowgraph:


How i can see that on your one there is also the Server connected while i have just the port 5 connected

Thanks so much for helping 73’s de Enzo IK8OZV

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

Hi, @ik8ozv The proxy will connect to the server when receive data from the GNURadio. So, I think the GNURadion nerver send the data to the proxy.

I suggest that you could checkout the log of GNURadio. In GRC, logs located at bottom text area. 无标题 . You can copy the log when you receive signals, and paste here.

From, BG2DGR

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

When should i get the log? when i receive the satellite as it seems i get just the satellite date. Maybe i am using a wrong grc file. Please can you send me a correct grc file to use? my email address is I am using a Funcube Dongle Pro Plus. Thanks

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

Hi, @ArtisticZhao, this is what i get when i run the grc flowgraph and the first packets:


Generating: '/home/enzo/Scrivania/'

Executing: /usr/bin/python3 -u /home/enzo/Scrivania/

gr::log :DEBUG: correlate_access_code_tag_bb0 - Access code: 1acffc1d gr::log :DEBUG: correlate_access_code_tag_bb0 - Mask: ffffffff gr::log :DEBUG: correlate_access_code_tag_bb1 - Access code: 1acffc1d gr::log :DEBUG: correlate_access_code_tag_bb1 - Mask: ffffffff gr::log :DEBUG: correlate_access_code_tag_bb0 - writing tag at sample 444503

Please any advices? Thanks 73's de Enzo IK8OZV

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv It seems like invalid messages. Maybe the SDR receive signal incorrectly. When you get a good signal. You can see a bright line in the watefall, and the constellation will converge.

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao Apologise i always i have good signals. Please where do you mean i have to see the bright line in the waterfall, and the constellation will converge. Do you have any picture to explain better? Thanks

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao this is what i receive:


Any help please? Thanks Enzo

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv Please run python -m pip list and paste the result here. I will check the modules' version.

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao hello, this is the result of the command:

python -m pip list DEPRECATION: The default format will switch to columns in the future. You can use --format=(legacy|columns) (or define a format=(legacy|columns) in your pip.conf under the [list] section) to disable this warning. attrs (15.2.0) backports-abc (0.5) BeautifulSoup (3.2.1) blinker (1.3) ccsm ( certifi (2020.6.20) chardet (2.3.0) Cheetah (2.4.4) chirp (daily-20160110) compizconfig-python ( configglue (1.1.2) configobj (5.0.6) construct (2.8.12) cryptography (1.2.3) cycler (0.9.0) debtags (2.0) defer (1.0.6) dirspec (13.10) duplicity (0.7.6) ecdsa (0.13) enum34 (1.1.2) feedparser (5.1.3) future (0.16.0) httplib2 (0.9.1) idna (2.0) ipaddress (1.0.16) libiio (0.7) lockfile (0.12.2) lxml (3.5.0) Mako (1.0.3) MarkupSafe (0.23) matplotlib (1.5.1) netifaces (0.10.4) numpy (1.13.0) oauthlib (1.0.3) oneconf (0.3.9) PAM (0.4.2) paramiko (1.16.0) pexpect (4.0.1) Pillow (3.1.2) pip (9.0.1) piston-mini-client (0.7.5) protobuf (2.6.1) ptyprocess (0.5) pyasn1 (0.1.9) pyasn1-modules (0.0.7) PyBOMBS (2.3.1a0) pycrypto (2.6.1) pycups (1.9.73) pycurl (7.43.0) pygobject (3.20.0) pyinotify (0.9.6) PyJWT (1.3.0) pyOpenSSL (0.15.1) pyparsing (2.0.3) pyparted (3.10.7) pyserial (3.0.1) pysmbc ( Pyste (0.9.10) python-apt (1.1.0b1) python-dateutil (2.4.2) python-debian (0.1.27) python-xlib (0.14) pytz (2014.10) pyxdg (0.25) pyzmq (15.2.0) reportlab (3.3.0) requests (2.9.1) ruamel.ordereddict (0.4.9) ruamel.yaml (0.15.18) service-identity (16.0.0) setuptools (36.0.1) singledispatch ( six (1.10.0) thrift (0.9.3)tornado (4.5.3) Twisted (16.0.0) urllib3 (1.13.1) uTidylib (0.2) wxPython ( wxPython-common ( zope.interface (4.1.3) You are using pip version 9.0.1, however version 20.2.4 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.

wait for you reply Thanks Enzo

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

OK, Try to run proxy software in terminal, it will show more message to find the bugs! Please try python ./ in the `DSLWP-Downlink-proxy' directory.

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv And please paste a screenshot of your grc's workflow chart here.

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao running the Proxy software, i just get the proxy loaded and in the termina, i do not get anything:

terminal mun

Here is the Funcube Dongle Pro Plus Flowgraph:

Funcube Dongle Pro Plus flowgraph

And finally this is the BY70-2 splitted in two pictures as it is big:

BY70-2_Upper side

BY70-2_Lower side

i hope it is all understable. Thanks a lot for your helps Enzo

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv It seems all good! Maybe there some strange bugs in proxy software. Next time you receive the signals from the BY70-2, I suggest that you run the proxy in terminal with command python ./ It the GnuRadio send the data to the proxy. The terminal log will show what bug happen.

Or do you know the record/replay functions of GNURadio. You can record and replay signal to debug the proxy.

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao I have ried as you said but i always get the same as above when i run the python ./ command in the terminal:


How you can see from the screenshot i have the signal in the frontend ( i have circled it ) but no data in no windows, Proxy, Terminal and Demod, Any advices please? Thanks Enzo

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv There is nothing demodulated. Here is the workflow. Once the SDR recevied the signal from the satillite. GNURadio will try to demodulate. If demodulate successfully, the GNURadio's logarea will show the hex raw data(for BY70-2. The length of frame is 81). Then GNURadio will send the demodulated frame to Proxy. So I think you can try to record the signal which can demodulate successfully. And replay to test the proxy.

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao Please as I am not so clever can you please tell me kindly exactly maybe step by step how to do? Otherwise can you send me maybe via PM the needed flowgraphs???? Thanks a lot 73’s de Enzo

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv I've create a flowgraph for BY70-2 by using fcdpp. You can checkout the pull request #30 to download new flowgraph.

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao First thanks. Please how to get it? i have tried to click on it but the download did not start but just expanded. Please can you tell me how to get it? Nex please i need to run just this file in the Gnuradio or i need more? Thanks once more 73's de Enzo

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv You can download from my repo.

And also run proxy by command.

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao Ok got it Thanks. Do not know the differences beteween the one i already have. Could you be so kind to upload also the BY70-2 demod one so we can close the circle so i think i will get also the proxy working? Thanks 73's de Enzo IK8OZV

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv the BY70-2 demod dosen't change anything. You can download the whole repo from my github.

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao Ok i have downloaded your repo with thew command:

git clone

Is it correct?

Do i need to compile it with the commands:

cd gr-lilacsat mkdir build cd build cmake ../ make sudo make install sudo ldconfig

or not needed? Now i cannot test it as the satellite for me is visible in about 7 hours. Is there a possibility to test it aldo when the satellite is not visible? If yes which os the procedure please? Thanks 73's de Enzo

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv You only use the files in the examples dirctory. The flowgraphs

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao also the Proxy in that folder? you did not tell me if i need to compile it or not and if is there a possibility to test it also when the satellite is not visible Thanks once more

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv Yes, in my repo I only add the flowgraph for fcdpp. So you can only use the examples/BY70-2/frontend_by70-2_rx_fcdpp.grc, don't need recompile.

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao OK thanks Please what about the Demod flowgraph? which one to use? Thanks 73's de Enzo

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv demod_by70-2.grc

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao You mean the one in the same folder? Thanks 73's de Enzo IK8OZV

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao I have tried right now but nothing decoded. This is the screenshot of the signal:


but in the demod_by70-2.grc and in the Proxy nothing visualized:


Where am i still missing please? Thanks 73's de Enzo

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv When you recived the signal. How does the constellation look like? Does it convergence in two or four spots?

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao No it does’nt It never convergence in two or four spots. It stays always in a lot of dots Thanks 73’s de Enzo IK8OZV

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv I think your receive path have some problems. You don't receive strong enough signal to demodulate. But I notice that you receive and demodulate correct at first time! image

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao It is the same also if I have big signal like an 80 degrees pass. Yes this is the first time. Let me try to explain from the beginner. The first time I have used Ubuntu 20.04.1 from scratch. I have installed on it ,gr-lilacsat-master and and gqrx so the screenshot above is just gr-lilacsat interfaced with gqrx and the Funcube using the frontend.grc file copied from the Taurus iso, into the Ubuntu 20.04.1, modified on the BY70-2 correct frequency and the by70-2.grc file that is already in the gr-lilacsat-master/examples/BY70-2/DSLWP-Downlink-Proxy folder but could not decode anything in the Proxy. From this point I have tried with the M6SIG‘S iso that I have used with Taurus but also here I have the same issue. So to clear everything will yo please tell me which Distro to use and how to do? Thanks once more 73’s de Enzo IK8OZV

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao Please i have tried to download your repo how you said before with the command:

git clone

Went into the folder:


and ran the frontend_by70-2_rx_fcdpp.grc file, but i notice that wherever i put the audio cursor , nothing changes:


Here it is set to the minimum 0.


Here is set to the maximum 73.

How you can see comparing the two pictures the waterfall is in both cases light pink color while how i know it should change to something like dark orange. The second issue is when i run the demod_by70-2.grc file in the same folder, tha i get a lot of red missing blocks and cannot play the flowgraph:



Please any advices? Thanks 73’s de Enzo IK8OZV

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao Any help please? is there a way to test the Proxy even when the Satellite is not visible? Thanks 73's de Enzo IK8OZV

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv The gr-lilacsat not support for GNURadio 3.8+ We strongly recommand that use the LiveCD for the Linux begginer.

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

I will create a test script later.


在 2020年11月7日,17:47,ik8ozv 写道:

@ArtisticZhao Any help please? is there a way to test the Proxy even when the Satellite is not visible?

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ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao Thanks for your reply. I thought you forgot me sorry hihihi. The LiveCD you mean the M6SIG’s one that I have use before for the Lilacsat-1, Lilacsat-2 and later for the Taurus-1?

Also i want to inform you that i have tried the Funcube flowgraph downloaded from:

git clone

but when i try to RX the Satellite i do not get any signal on the flowgraph.

Ok I will wait for your scripts. Thanks a lot for keeping helping me to solve my problem 73’s de Enzo IK8OZV

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv Try this to test the proxy!


If you get "WebSocket] WebSocket opened [WebSocket] Received data successfully." from the proxy logarea. It means the proxy works will.

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao Yes it worked:


Whats next please? Thanks 73's de Enzo IK8OZV

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao Please any updates? Thanks 73's de Enzo IK8OZV

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv Your proxy work well. I think you need to check your hardware. Maybe you didn't receive signal from BY70-2

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao No i receive the signal from the satellite because how you can see from the earlier post I have posted also RX frames received with the GQRX. I think there should be some issues on the BY70-2 or the Funcube flowgraph because last night I have tried to make another Test. Instead to use the two above flowgraphs from the BY70-2 fiolder, I have used the ones inside the Lilacsat-2 folder. So I have first loaded and ran the Proxy from the BY70-2 folder and than loaded and ran the frontend_rx_fcdpp and finally the demode_node1_bpsk_9k6, both from the Lilacsat-2 folder, and even with a very low pass, I could see for the first time the constellations and it convergence in two spots. Please any other idea? Thanks a lot for your helps 73’s de Enzo IK8OZV

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao Right now i had a pass of BY70-2 and in the screenshot i have posted you can see the signal i receive.


As you can see i have the signal in the frontend flowgraph. I have the two constellation in the Demod 9k6 window. I got something on the demod_node1_bpsk_9k6 flowgraph that says:

**** 20:15:49, byte_corr = -1

**** 20:15:49, byte_corr = -1

**** 20:15:49, byte_corr = -1

**** 20:15:50, byte_corr = -1

**** 20:16:24, byte_corr = -1

**** 20:16:24, byte_corr = -1

**** 20:16:24, byte_corr = -1

**** 20:16:25, byte_corr = -1

**** 20:16:59, byte_corr = -1

But nothing in the Proxy window. I do not know if it is normal that the SERVER in the Proxy is always as NOT CONNECTED. I repeat i have used both flowgraphs from the Lilacsat-2 folder just modifying the frequencies. Please what am i still missing? Any help please? Thanks 73's de Enzo IK8OZV

ArtisticZhao commented 3 years ago

@ik8ozv "The SERVER in the Proxy is always as NOT CONNECTED" is a bug of the proxy software. We had test the software use some linux commands. So the proxy is working well. The Lilacsat-2 and BY70-2 are using different encoders. The demod flowgraphs must from the BY70-2 folder! Now you can use the frontend flowgraph which you just edit. And use the demod flowgraph in BY70-2 folder.

And could you upload your frontend screenshot?

ik8ozv commented 3 years ago

@ArtisticZhao This is the Frontend screenshot:


Please the frequencies in the "Funcube dongle Pro+ source", in the "QT GUI Waterfall Sink" and in the "QT GUI Frequency Sink" blocks are correct? i have set in the first block "436260000" and in the other two "436.275e6". Thanks 73's de Enzo IK8OZV