bgbennyboy / Dinky-Explorer

An explorer/viewer/dumper tool for games using the Dinky engine. That's Return to Monkey Island, Thimbleweed Park and Delores.
33 stars 3 forks source link

Decide on a new name and upload a release #13

Closed JanFrederick00 closed 1 year ago

JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago

As said in, the program should get a new name, as it is no longer exclusive to Thimbleweed Park.

It would be nice, now that most of RtMI's file formats are - at least to some extent - supported, to mark a release and provide a package on the releases page so that people can use this without compiling it on their own.

bgbennyboy commented 1 year ago

Dinky Explorer seems most likely at the moment as that's the name of the engine listed in the credits. I'll update the name and images.

bgbennyboy commented 1 year ago
