bgbennyboy / Dinky-Explorer

An explorer/viewer/dumper tool for games using the Dinky engine. That's Return to Monkey Island, Thimbleweed Park and Delores.
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Support for more File Formats (RtMI) #6

Open JanFrederick00 opened 1 year ago

JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago

from Weird.ggpack1a .dinky - only one file. Seems to be an uncompiled script. It contains some global defines such as the character's talk colors and some macros. .dink - only one file. I assume that this file contains all compiled scripts. I don't know anything about the format, but the individual scripts seem to be delimited by the byte sequence 9C 78 41 34. .anim - Skeletal / Animation data. Actually just JSON. .attach - These files probably define attachment points on character's skeletons. These are just JSON as well. .blend - These are just text file as well. They start with "# DO NOT EDIT! Original is in SVN!". .emitter - GGDict file. I used the gg-tool to convert them to JSON. .json - Ironically, they are not actually JSON Files but rather GGDict files (which can be converted to JSON just fine). Probably created with the Tool Texturepacker - I think it has a plugin interface to write to custom data formats. If that is the case then these files mark which parts of the image files are separate textures. .lip - Probably lip sync data. just Text. Each line starts with a timestamp. The letters probably correspond to the character's mouth shapes. .otf, .ttf - fonts .txt, .tsv - Localized string data. Credits, LeDiary, VersionGame, CollectableData, Text (the collectable data would be very useful if i hadn't already answered all of them correctly on my own... - the correct answers are prefixed by a ) .wimpy - I think these contain the actual locations. They are GGDict files and can be converted to json - see the note below. The "gg"-tool is almost able to parse them at the moment, I might have to make another pull request there. *.yack - I think these are different than TWP's .yak files - the tool from the other repository doesn't work.

Note that they changed the format of the GGDicts from twp to rtmi - the string / key indices are now just 16 bits wide. When converting the files the tool may complain about unknown data types - so far I have seen type 9, 10 and 11. judging by the data (they are all just saved as strings), 9 is a 2D Vector, 10 is a structure comprised of 2 2D vectors, and 11 is a structure of 3 2d vectors.

from Weird.ggpack5: .atlas - Just text. These seem to reference the sub-images from the .json-files. and control the Color format and filter modes. (as well as some sizing and rotation information)

I think the most interesting files - after the graphics / audio are the dink scripts (even though the comments have been removed during compilation) and the yak files. Most of the other ones are either Text, JSON or GGDict's (which could be converted to JSON for preview.)

If the Thimbleweed Park explorer implemented a conversion process from GGDICT<->JSON analogous to the gg-tool then the pack parsing could be further improved.

JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago


JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago

grafik A little preview. I implemented the parsing of the GGDict files and conversion to JSON. This affects the .json, .wimpy and .emitter files. The parsing of the packs themselves is also handled by this class now.

I'll work on it some more before committing it though, a "save as json" option would be nice to have.

Also, If a file from RtMI is opened, .json files are no longer treated as text.

comatron commented 1 year ago

i wanted to extract all music and sfx from rtmi - tried with the 0.4 version and had no luck. any updates on a build of this enhancement? i am no coder :(

bgbennyboy commented 1 year ago

i wanted to extract all music and sfx from rtmi - tried with the 0.4 version and had no luck. any updates on a build of this enhancement? i am no coder :(

It will come, we've done it successfully manually. I just need to code it so its done automatically. Hopefully this weekend.

JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago

There is a third key. It's 1024 bytes long and used to decrypt the .yack files (AFTER they have already been decrypted.) The only problem is: the algorithm takes a parameter by which the index into the key is offset. I don't know where this key is coming from. By experimenting I have figured out that some files (I found Carla.yack and Chums.yack) seem to use the offset 5. I'm currently trying to find a way to brute-force this.

JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago

The first byte in the decoded files seems to be 0x00. Starting the key at the first key-byte that equals the first data byte seems to work. The largest offset I've seen is 20. I don't know anything about the decoded files' format, so i can't say whether this format has changed as well.

jonsth131 commented 1 year ago

There is a third key. It's 1024 bytes long and used to decrypt the .yack files (AFTER they have already been decrypted.) The only problem is: the algorithm takes a parameter by which the index into the key is offset. I don't know where this key is coming from. By experimenting I have figured out that some files (I found Carla.yack and Chums.yack) seem to use the offset 5. I'm currently trying to find a way to brute-force this.

The index for the yack decryption is just the file name length minus the file extension. I.e Carla.yack has the index 5. This has worked for all yack files I've extracted so far.

JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago

There is a third key. It's 1024 bytes long and used to decrypt the .yack files (AFTER they have already been decrypted.) The only problem is: the algorithm takes a parameter by which the index into the key is offset. I don't know where this key is coming from. By experimenting I have figured out that some files (I found Carla.yack and Chums.yack) seem to use the offset 5. I'm currently trying to find a way to brute-force this.

The index for the yack decryption is just the file name length minus the file extension. I.e Carla.yack has the index 5. This has worked for all yack files I've extracted so far.

Good catch.

JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago

I think I understand the structure of the new .yack files now. I'm not sure whether that format has been used before or if someone else has already figured it out. The (decrypted) files start with the sequence 00 78 E6 DC. The next uint points to the start of the string section (seek to this offset, skip 4, read number of strings as uint, then read n null-terminated strings.)

Then, beginning at offset 8 follows a series of "lines" Each line contains as follows:

Most opcodes seem to have one or two parameters. If a third one is added, it seems to make the line conditional. The condition is the first parameter in this case.

Opcodes I have figured out (I think:)

I'm not so sure about these:

I'm really not familiar with the format of the yack files used in TWP - maybe some of this is explained by them. There are some others like 0x07 which seems to take an actor as an argument, 0x0C with none and 0x10 which may set up the number of available dialog choices (???).

These "conditions" aren't always how I would expect them either. I would expect them all to be a comparison operation like Museum.eyepatch.state == "gone"

But sometimes they contain the name of a file: ?/Users/rong/ggcode/weirdengine/_CompiledCode/Curator.yack12: (interestingly his internal name for the engine seems to be "weirdengine")

perplexing. Maybe someone else has already figured it out and I'm making a fool of myself.

r1sc commented 1 year ago

I figured out a bunch of stuff. I can now dump yack-files to text. Look here

I'm pretty confident with these opcode definitions:

enum YackOpcode { End = 0, ActorSay = 1, EmitCode = 8, DefineLabel = 9, GotoLabel = 10, ChooseReply = 100, Unknown }

bgbennyboy commented 1 year ago

Fantastic work yet again!

JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago

I'm looking into the .dink file. The file contains multiple blocks, each starting with the "magic number" 0x3441789C. The next uint describes the length of the block. using this information, the blocks can be separated.

Each block seems to describe a function in a script. Weird.dink contains 6478 of these blocks. It is comprised of multiple blocks and starts with the magic number 0x7F46a125. The header additionally holds 10 more bytes of unknown purpose. Each block again starts with a 4 byte magic number and length of the block (excluding the last 8 bytes).

Here's what I found out: Block with the ID 0x16F94B62 contains 3 0-terminated strings and two 32-bit integers. The first string seems to be some sort of UID for the function. The second gives the name of the function and the third the name of the script file (i.e. "Boot.dinky")

Block with ID 0x983f1cfa: Holds a series of null terminated strings.

Each function contains four more blocks:

JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago

I have started writing a tool to view the .wimpy files.

JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago

.dink file:

I have no idea what the opcodes are, or how the constants are referenced in the byte code.

JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago

The lowest 11 bits of each instruction are the op-code. Op-codes 0x00 and 0x36 are treated as no-op 0x33 returns (int)(instruction >> 23) 0x07 seems to "focus" on a variable 0x14 seems to be a member access / array index access of some sort 0x17 and 0x18 both call into native functions (breakWhileRunning etc...)

JanFrederick00 commented 1 year ago

Thankfully, the game contains strings for all of the opcodes:

0x07 = OP_PUSH_VAR
0x0E = OP_UNOT
0x11 = OP_MATH
0x12 = OP_LAND
0x13 = OP_LOR
0x14 = OP_INDEX
0x17 = OP_CALL
0x18 = OP_FCALL
0x1C = OP_POP
0x24 = OP_MATH_REF
0x25 = OP_INC_REF
0x26 = OP_DEC_REF
0x28 = OP_JUMP
0x30 = OP_NEW_SLOT
0x33 = OP_RETURN
0x34 = OP_CLONE
0x37 = __OP_LAST__
0x38 = _OP_LABEL_
james-aslett commented 1 year ago

i wanted to extract all music and sfx from rtmi - tried with the 0.4 version and had no luck. any updates on a build of this enhancement? i am no coder :(

It will come, we've done it successfully manually. I just need to code it so its done automatically. Hopefully this weekend.

Would be epic if you could confirm once we are successfully able to get hold of the music. I managed to get as far as determining that ggpack4d contains the music, and extracted from it, but none of the bank extraction applications seem to work - 0 files found :(

bgbennyboy commented 1 year ago

i wanted to extract all music and sfx from rtmi - tried with the 0.4 version and had no luck. any updates on a build of this enhancement? i am no coder :(

It will come, we've done it successfully manually. I just need to code it so its done automatically. Hopefully this weekend.

Would be epic if you could confirm once we are successfully able to get hold of the music. I managed to get as far as determining that ggpack4d contains the music, and extracted from it, but none of the bank extraction applications seem to work - 0 files found :(

Working on it now, I found a better way of doing it, so re-writing it.