bgctw / REddyProc

Processing data from micrometeorological Eddy-Covariance systems
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Support daytime partitioning in the absence of night-time records #36

Closed bgctw closed 4 years ago

bgctw commented 4 years ago

Currently daytime partitioning has to estimate temperature sensitivity, E0, and a prior for basal respiration, Rb, from night-time data. While the user can already specify E0, partitioning fails due to failing estimating prior of Rb from night-time data.

Supporting daytime partitioning in the absence of night-time records is important to process data from arctic stations where there is no night-time data.

bgctw commented 4 years ago

It is already possible with specifying sdE0 and RRef together with E0:

EProc$sGLFluxPartition(controlGLPart = partGLControl(fixedTempSens = data.frame(
    E0 = 150, sdE0 = 50, RRef = 2)))