bgrabitmap / bgrabitmap

📜 BGRABitmap graphics library made with Lazarus (Free Pascal).
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libwebp.pas fails to compile if -Mobjfpc was not used at compilation. #235

Closed fredvs closed 5 months ago

fredvs commented 5 months ago


By default, the mode used by fpc is {$mode fpc}. But libwebp.pas uses some syntax that needs the mode {$mode objfpc}.

If you dont define at compilation -Mobjfpc or use a other mode, there is a error message when trying to compile libwebp.pas. To fix this, just add at begin of libwebp.pas, after unit libwebp; :

{$mode objfpc}

circular17 commented 5 months ago

Hi Fred,

I understand, adding this directive will make it more straightforward to compile. I've done the change as you suggested.
