bgrabitmap / bgrabitmap

📜 BGRABitmap graphics library made with Lazarus (Free Pascal).
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compilation error in Lazarus #55

Closed phampl65 closed 5 years ago

phampl65 commented 5 years ago

When I compile BGRAbitmap4nogui in Lazarus, I get following error in BGRABitmapTypes.pas line 1165

` const

ResourceTypes: array[1..7] of TResourceType = ((ext: 'CUR'; code: RT_GROUP_CURSOR), // all these RT... constants are unknown (ext: 'BMP'; code: RT_BITMAP), (ext: 'ICO'; code: RT_GROUP_ICON), (ext: 'DAT'; code: RT_RCDATA), (ext: 'DATA'; code: RT_RCDATA), (ext: 'HTM'; code: RT_HTML), (ext: 'HTML'; code: RT_HTML));`

Those constants are defined in BGRAWinresource which is not "use"d here. If I "use" it in implementation part, there is another error at the same place:

bgrabitmaptypes.pas(1165,39) Error: Incompatible types: got "ShortInt" expected "PChar"

circular17 commented 5 years ago

In theory you can draw text with BGRABitmap4nogui. See example: (you need to include arial.ttf to provide a base font)

On my computer, it compiles fine. I am wondering what version of Lazarus you have?

circular17 commented 5 years ago

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