bgreenawald / madgab-online

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Bonus indication #28

Open bgreenawald opened 3 years ago

bgreenawald commented 3 years ago

Throughout the run of play, a bonus can be applied to a team's score if they get all three clues right in a fast enough time. Currently, this is not indicated to the players in any way (it is noted in the rules and is automatically applied to their scored, but not indicated during the actual run of play). I'll first need to update the backend to accommodate this and then the frontend will need to indicate it somehow. My current plan is just to add a "bonus_points" field to the JSON payload from the backend. It will have an integer value indicating the number of bonus points scored (0 if none were scored).

    "current_turn_clues": [],
    "bonus_points": INTEGER_VALUE

The frontend would simply have to alert the users that a bonus was achieved as it is already applied to their score.

bgreenawald commented 3 years ago

Added in 803a18e6f13ba96332e9bf60427e29282276d52e

In keeping with established nomenclature, the field in the JSON payload is called _current_turn_bonuspoints

    "current_turn_clues": [],
    "current_turn_bonus_points": INTEGER_VALUE