bgrins / ExpandingTextareas

jQuery plugin for elegant expanding textareas
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Encountering some issues about min-height #34

Closed newpen closed 10 years ago

newpen commented 10 years ago

I have set in the css the textarea to have a min-height of 66px. But when shown in browser, it is 100px. I realised there is the follwoing line when rendered in the browser:

It should come from the line in the js that container.css({"min-height": textarea.outerHeight(false)}); as when I comment it, the textarea becomes 66px height again (though the buttons following it would not be properly placed). I don't understand where the 100px come from. Is it a bug or Any idea how to fix it? Thanks!

newpen commented 10 years ago

FYI, the textbox is dynamically added to the page (not loaded initially) by using .load(). I think this may be the cause of the problem.

bgrins commented 10 years ago

Have you seen the "minimum height" example here: This should work as expected, so maybe you can try copying what it is doing. If this doesn't help, then can you submit a test case to show exactly what you are seeing?

endymonium commented 10 years ago

I had the same issue, also exactly 100px min-height in the div. In my case the issue was, that the textarea was inside of an hidden div (it gets displayed as soon as the user clicks on a link).

I solved it by manually de/activating the expanding textarea using .expandingTextarea() respectively .expandingTextarea('destroy') (added to the show/hide onClick events).

domchristie commented 10 years ago

I believe the min-height on the container is not being set correctly (see:, and also:

I feel it makes more sense to apply the min-height styles to the clone (pre), in order to keep the two elements’ heights in sync.

This issue can be fixed if the min-height styles are set (on the clone or container) prior to any style modifications on the textarea, and the textarea is given a CSS box-sizing property of border-box. See: where:

var pre = container.find("pre").css($.extend(preCSS, {"min-height": textarea.outerHeight(true)}));

Is there any reason why box-sizing: border-box and width: 100% are not set on the textarea (as they are on the alistapart article)?

domchristie commented 10 years ago

This would also fix #27

domchristie commented 10 years ago

Fixed by #38