bgrins / spectrum

The No Hassle JavaScript Colorpicker
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input[type=color] not working when add into HTML using JS #492

Open JulesKzl opened 7 years ago

JulesKzl commented 7 years ago

On Chrome, both input[type=color] are working since they use the Chrome default input color. But in Safari, only the color1 is working. When the button is pressed, the input[type=color] color2 is a text input.


<input type='color' name='color1' value='#3355cc' />

<button id="addColorInput">Add Color Input</button>
<div id="myDiv"></div>


  .on('click', function (){
  var $div = $( "#myDiv");
  htmlToPrint = "<input type='color' name='color2 ' value='#3355cc' />"

JSFiddle :