bgruening / galaxytools

:microscope::books: Galaxy Tool wrappers
MIT License
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Add orthologr #1331

Closed gallardoalba closed 5 months ago

gallardoalba commented 10 months ago

Part of myTAI pipeline.

Docker image requested:

bgruening commented 10 months ago

Why docker and not conda?

gallardoalba commented 10 months ago

Why docker and not conda?

Too many dependencies I think, but you can check:

BiocManager::install(c("Biostrings", "GenomicRanges", "GenomicFeatures", "Rsamtools", "rtracklayer")) devtools::install_github("HajkD/metablastr") devtools::install_github("HajkD/orthologr")

bgruening commented 10 months ago

Only two of them are not in conda yet isn't it?

gallardoalba commented 10 months ago


Yes, do you think it is better to create those recipes?

bgruening commented 10 months ago

Yes. We will get the a container for free and it provides us more freedom during deployment