Open BBBalls opened 11 months ago
I also have a laptop with Arch Linux and i3-wm installed. The program runs normally. When the program is opened in full, the menus are indeed lower than expected. When I run it in floating window mode, it displays properly. There is no problem of interaction so far. If the problem is about Wayland, it seems beyond what we can do.
In ArchWiki on Wayland, it says:
The open source implementation of the Java platform OpenJDK, does not yet have native support for Wayland. Until Wakefield, the project that aims to implement Wayland in OpenJDK, is available, Xwayland can be used. Read on here.
Thanks for the report.
Hello, I was able to get PPClassic running on my laptop, but am unable to interact with the options of the drop-down menus. For example, I can interact with the "File" button, but cannot interact with the "File" menu options. All of the other types of buttons seem to be working as expected.
The menu draws slightly lower than expected as well.
Here is a screenshot
Arch Linux sway 1.8.1 jre11-openjdk java11-openjfx PPClassic 2.1 beta
It might be something to do with how java11-openjfx is interacting with xwayland. When I have time and better internet, I will try OpenJDK 21 and OpenJFX 21.