Open VndrGrhrd opened 1 year ago
Forgive me, this is my first app.
One thing I noticed is that when I added a tag
<preference name="AndroidLaunchMode" value="singleInstance"/>
in the local build, in debug, the problem no longer occurred, but when installing through Google Play the problem remained
App link on GooglePlay if you want to test =>
Hi @VndrGrhrd thank you for reporting this issue let me check and get back to you shortly.
Hi @bhandaribhumin on clicking the notification status bar the app got destroyed. Please guide me to fix this behavior. I paste the log for reference. This is the log after clicking the notification status bar.
D/CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(javascript:cordova.plugins.notification.local.fireEvent("click",{"id":101,"title":"My Notification","text":"0 minutes and 12 seconds","foreground":true,"ongoing":true,"sticky":true,"autoClear":false,"actions":[],"alarmVolume":-1,"attachments":[],"autoLaunch":false,"clock":true,"defaults":0,"groupSummary":false,"launch":true,"led":true,"lockscreen":true,"number":0,"priority":1,"progressBar":{"enabled":false,"value":0,"maxValue":100,"indeterminate":false},"resetDelay":5,"silent":false,"smallIcon":"res:\/\/icon","timeoutAfter":null,"trigger":{"type":"calendar"},"vibrate":false,"wakeup":true,"fullScreenIntent":false,"triggerInApp":false,"meta":{"plugin":"cordova-plugin-local-notification-12","version":"0.9-beta.5"},"sound":false},{"event":"click","foreground":true,"queued":false,"notification":101}))
W/Parcel: Expecting binder but got null!
I/CordovaLog: Changing log level to DEBUG(3)
I/CordovaActivity: Apache Cordova native platform version 11.0.0 is starting
D/CordovaActivity: CordovaActivity.onCreate()
D/SystemWebViewEngine: CordovaWebView is running on device made by: Google
I/va.hellocordova: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 23916(1476KB) AllocSpace objects, 32(1664KB) LOS objects, 45% free, 3767KB/6898KB, paused 10.787ms,110us total 122.294ms
D/PluginManager: init()
D/PluginManager: getPlugin - put: CordovaAllowListPlugin
D/CordovaSplashScreenPlugin: Auto Hide: true
D/CordovaSplashScreenPlugin: Fade: true
D/CordovaSplashScreenPlugin: Fade Duration: 500ms
D/PluginManager: getPlugin - put: CordovaSplashScreenPlugin
D/PluginManager: startupPlugins: put - Device
D/PluginManager: startupPlugins: put - LocalNotification
D/PluginManager: startupPlugins: put - Permissions
D/PluginManager: startupPlugins: put - Badge
D/PluginManager: startupPlugins: put - ForegroundPlugin
D/PluginManager: startupPlugins: put - CoreAndroid
D/PluginManager: postMessage: setupSplashScreen
D/CordovaWebViewImpl: >>> loadUrl(https://localhost/index.html)
D/CordovaActivity: Started the activity.
D/CordovaActivity: Resumed the activity.
I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1)] "Unhandled Promise rejection: NG04002 ; Zone:
General summary of the issue.
I get the firebase object, schedule the notification, and add the click event to open a given page., however when clicking on the push/notification with the app open, it closes app and does not open again.
Excuse my English, I'm Brazilian, due to this the methods in Portuguese /
Your Environment
Platform: Android
OS version: Windows 10 21H2 - 19044.2251 Android 10
Device manufacturer / model: Xiaomi A2 Global
Cordova version (
cordova -v
): 11.0.0Cordova platform version (
cordova platform ls
): Installed platforms: android 9.1.0Available platforms: browser ^6.0.0
electron ^3.0.0
windows ^7.0.0
Plugin config sorry I did not understand. I am available to send the missing data
*Ionic Version (if using Ionic) 5.4.16
Expected Behavior
I believe that when clicking on the app, regardless of whether the app is closed, closed, or open, the app should open on the configured page
Actual Behavior
When clicking on push/notification with the app open, the app closes and does not open on the configured page, being necessary to open it manually.
Steps to Reproduce
01) use Android 10 or lower 02) use the code mentioned above, if the code is the problem, I am at your disposal
What were you trying to do?
Debug logs
Include iOS / Android logs
ios XCode logs Android:
$ adb logcat
adb logcat
log got too big, so it's in the link below. I can't follow the debug completely, because when the app closes, it interrupts the debug