bhandaribhumin / cordova-plugin-local-notification-12

Apache License 2.0
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wrong ANDROIDX_VERSION default version #6

Open mkeology opened 1 year ago

mkeology commented 1 year ago

General summary of the issue.

current plugin.xml declares
preference name="ANDROIDX_VERSION" default="1.2.0" which impacts dependency resolution to a lib that doesn't exist as it sets the ANDROIDX_VERSION: implementation "androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.2.0"

This is actually a resulting impact when adding another cordova plugin replying on the ANDROIDX_VERSION which gets executed after. Only version 1.0.0 exists anyways

Your Environment

Expected Behavior

no impact if plugin.xml has preference name="ANDROIDX_VERSION" default="1.0.0"

Actual Behavior

current plugin.xml declares
preference name="ANDROIDX_VERSION" default="1.2.0" which impacts dependency resolution to a lib that doesn't exist : implementation "androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.2.0"

Steps to Reproduce

Reproduce this issue; include code to reproduce, if relevant

  1. create ionic app
  2. cordova add android
  3. add cordova-plugin-local-notification-12 add @awesome-cordova-plugins/local-notifications add cordova-plugin-badge-fix add cordova-plugin-device add cordova.plugins.diagnostic
  4. ionic cap sync etc
  5. build.gradle contains implementation "androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.2.0"


build ionic app with capacitor

Debug logs

A final word, to say thank you, for all the work with this plugin. I hope this issue helps towards it gaining success within the community.