bharat-b7 / MultiGarmentNetwork

Repo for "Multi-Garment Net: Learning to Dress 3D People from Images, ICCV'19"
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No results displayed (running on remote servers) #11

Closed wlhsiao closed 4 years ago

wlhsiao commented 4 years ago

I am trying to run the script on my remote server, but could not see the displayed output. A blank window popped up after running the line mvs = MeshViewers((1, 2)), and then the window automatically closed after running the line mvs[0][0].set_static_meshes([garment_unposed]), without any error message nor raising exception. Eventually, "Done" was successfully printed, and the program terminated, but no result is displayed.

After tracing through set_static_meshes, I found that it seems to be this line  self.client.send_pyobj({'label': label,'obj': obj, 'which_window': which_window})  in the psbody.mesh.meshviewer that triggers the window to close.  I'm wondering if this is an expected behaviour, or if this happens because the code does not support running on a remote server? Any advice or help is greatly appreciated!

bharat-b7 commented 4 years ago

For help with psbody please raise an issue at

neonb88 commented 4 years ago

I am trying to run the script on my remote server, but could not see the displayed output. A blank window popped up after running the line mvs = MeshViewers((1, 2)), and then the window automatically closed after running the line mvs[0][0].set_static_meshes([garment_unposed]), without any error message nor raising exception.

I'm having the same issue with, but not with Did you solve this? How?

Silverster98 commented 4 years ago

I am trying to run the script on my remote server, but could not see the displayed output. A blank window popped up after running the line mvs = MeshViewers((1, 2)), and then the window automatically closed after running the line mvs[0][0].set_static_meshes([garment_unposed]), without any error message nor raising exception.

I'm having the same issue with, but not with Did you solve this? How?

When you instantiate an object of MeshViewers, you should add keepalive=True, then the result will keep alive.

mv1 = MeshViewers((1,2), keepalive=True)
neonb88 commented 4 years ago

When you instantiate an object of MeshViewers, you should add keepalive=True, then the result will keep alive.

mv1 = MeshViewers((1,2), keepalive=True)

Hi @Silverster98 , thanks for your reply. First thing I tried, didn't work for me

wlhsiao commented 4 years ago

keepalive=True is also the first thing I tried and did not help. Sadly, I gave up running the entire pipeline on my remote server: I generate the mesh (which requires more computation) on the server, and copy it back to my local machine with Mesh installed to view it... :(

Silverster98 commented 4 years ago

keepalive=True is also the first thing I tried and did not help. Sadly, I gave up running the entire pipeline on my remote server: I generate the mesh (which requires more computation) on the server, and copy it back to my local machine with Mesh installed to view it... :(

emmm, then I don't know how to solve it. But, now I have a question, can you do me a favor? I want to run mgn on my laptop, but my laptop doesn't have a GPU, so I can't install dirt and run mgn(but I can run I want to know the result of test_data.pkl. Can you email a screenshot of the result for me? Thank you very much for your reply. My email address is

wlhsiao commented 4 years ago

Are you referring to I didn't run that because it requires pretrained networks which take a lot of space and I don't yet have that much space. Maybe @bharat-b7 could help?

Silverster98 commented 4 years ago

:pensive: I have sent an email to him. Thank you all the same.

bharat-b7 commented 4 years ago

Hi, running psbody.mesh.MeshViewer remotely, has X-11 socket issues. Haven't found a fix yet. Maybe raise an issue with