bhaskatripathi / GWOSVR

Sanitized Grey Wolf Optimizer(SGWO)-Support Vector Regressor (SVR)
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please help me #2

Open jingyu-jennie opened 2 months ago

jingyu-jennie commented 2 months ago

hello,i have an inssue on this code, cv_accuracies = cross_val_score(rbf_regressor,X_test,y_test,cv =3,scoring = 'neg_mean_squared_error') ,i think we should use X_train,y_train to do, why you use X_test,y_test? i am expected to recieve your kind reply!thank u

bhaskatripathi commented 2 months ago

x_test and y_test is used because we want to cross-validate the trained model on the test data to see how it generalizes on unseen data