bhatvikrant / bhatVikrant

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AMA - Ask me anything? #1

Open bhatvikrant opened 3 years ago

bhatvikrant commented 3 years ago

Hello Guys 👋,

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Feel free to ask your doubts in this thread.

adithya-gundu commented 3 years ago

Hey vikrant

bhatvikrant commented 3 years ago

@adithya-gundu Hey there

jay05thakare commented 2 years ago

Hey Vikrant, I got your contact from codedamn GitHub page. I made a contribution to the Instagram clone project for hacktoberfest 2021. But contributions from the last 10 days aren't closed, so I was concerned if my work would be closed or not before hacktoberfest gets over. I saw you and the other 3 people were on the owner list so I tried contacting you. Will you please look into this and close pull requests of codedamn?

bhatvikrant commented 2 years ago

Hey Vikrant, I got your contact from codedamn GitHub page. I made a contribution to the Instagram clone project for hacktoberfest 2021. But contributions from the last 10 days aren't closed, so I was concerned if my work would be closed or not before hacktoberfest gets over. I saw you and the other 3 people were on the owner list so I tried contacting you. Will you please look into this and close pull requests of codedamn?

Hey @jay05thakare, please don't worry, our team is working on reviewing all the PRs and they will be closed in due time rest assured. That said please keep an eye out for any corrections to your PR if any.

jay05thakare commented 2 years ago

Alright :)

adityatiwari3 commented 2 years ago

Hey vikrant I just wondering how the YouTube vanced app is actually work. Actually I used YouTube API in some project but it's not work as smoothly as in vanced. So can you provide any brief idea about that.

bhatvikrant commented 2 years ago

Hey vikrant I just wondering how the YouTube vanced app is actually work. Actually I used YouTube API in some project but it's not work as smoothly as in vanced. So can you provide any brief idea about that.

Sorry Aditya, I do not maintain youtube vanced, try asking the maintainers.

adityatiwari3 commented 2 years ago

Then who have this authority, if you have any idea about how I contact them then ping me.

queirozsume commented 2 years ago

I would to compile YouTubeVanced to LG smartvs. =D

sahil-develops commented 1 year ago

Hello Vikrant,
sahil this side I have a question is you friend still hiring for frontend developer interested. I'm skilled with the tech mentioned in the tweet here are some of my past projects Linkcollect (, Syntax Erreur (, and Crito (https:/, Please contact me at to discuss further.

supr4t1m commented 7 months ago

Hey @bhatvikrant, came across your github, which is really fascinating. As a newbie, may I ask you to guide me for Development?