bhauman / devcards-template

A leinigen template for ClojureScript devcards
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Start autobuild dev by default #22

Open smahood opened 7 years ago

smahood commented 7 years ago

Any issue changing the template so that it starts autobuilding both the dev and devcards builds by default? Every time I start a new project I forget that I have to change the config, particularly when switching back and forth experimenting between this template and the figwheel-template.

johanatan commented 7 years ago

@smahood can you share your config here? I'm not able to get dev autobuild with this template-- only the devcard one works.

johanatan commented 7 years ago

My production build is also broken-- apparently it can't find the entry point although it is marked with ^:export and such.

It's really a pity that all of these various tools for Clojure require so much cargo culting of random snippets and such (CIDER, figwheel, lein-figwheel, devcards, nrepl, doo, etc) [and they each have independent templates always leaving you wondering if you are mixing them together properly-- I bet no two Clojure devs have identical setups].

johanatan commented 7 years ago

And I agree having both index.html and cards.html working simultaneously with autobuild/refresh on each as well is the ideal setup here.

johanatan commented 7 years ago

I just found my issue wrt no reloading:

I was missing this :on-jsload "my-app.core/mount-root" from my :figwheel options for the :dev config (which came originally from the re-frame template and was lost in my transition to devcards/pure reagent).