bhauman / devcards

Devcards aims to provide a visual REPL experience for ClojureScript
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Clicking on cards having titles that contains UTF8-characters takes you back to the table of content #146

Closed schpaa closed 2 years ago

schpaa commented 5 years ago

Using devcards in a non-english environment can be a little problematic.

If you click on a card defined like

(defcard-rg Øvelse 
   [:div "Clicking the header takes you back to the content table"])

This only happens to the card with the special characters, all other cards are unaffected.

(@bhauman suggested it could be a url-encoding issue)

schpaa commented 5 years ago

Could this be the one?

(->> "Øvelse" js/goog.Uri.parse .getPath)