bhauman / figwheel-main

Figwheel Main provides tooling for developing ClojureScript applications
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Hot reloading with figwheel-main-template does not work #236

Open Toekan opened 4 years ago

Toekan commented 4 years ago


First of all, thanks for this package and all the amazing documentation! The intro and links really helped getting a (very) basic understanding of how to use clojurescript.

Unfortunately I'm struggling to get hot-reloading to work. I created a basic template with, with leiningen, so:

lein new figwheel-main hello-world.core -- --reagent

When running lein fig:build, the repl starts, the localhost works and I can send js/alerts to the browser from the repl. The hot-reloading refuses to work though, even after adding an extra {:watch-dirs ["src"]} in the figwheel-main.edn, as suggested in this issue

When running lein fig:build I get:

[Figwheel] Validating figwheel-main.edn
[Figwheel] figwheel-main.edn is valid \(ツ)/
[Figwheel] Compiling build dev to "resources/public/cljs-out/dev-main.js"
[Figwheel] Successfully compiled build dev to "resources/public/cljs-out/dev-main.js" in 18.497 seconds.
[Figwheel] Outputting main file: resources/public/cljs-out/dev-main-auto-testing.js
[Figwheel] Watching paths: ("test" "src") to compile build - dev
[Figwheel] Starting Server at http://localhost:9500
[Figwheel] Starting REPL
Prompt will show when REPL connects to evaluation environment (i.e. a REPL hosting webpage)
Figwheel Main Controls:
          (figwheel.main/stop-builds id ...)  ;; stops Figwheel autobuilder for ids
          (figwheel.main/start-builds id ...) ;; starts autobuilder focused on ids
          (figwheel.main/reset)               ;; stops, cleans, reloads config, and starts autobuilder
          (figwheel.main/build-once id ...)   ;; builds source one time
          (figwheel.main/clean id ...)        ;; deletes compiled cljs target files
          (figwheel.main/status)              ;; displays current state of system
Figwheel REPL Controls:
          (figwheel.repl/conns)               ;; displays the current connections
          (figwheel.repl/focus session-name)  ;; choose which session name to focus on
In the cljs.user ns, controls can be called without ns ie. (conns) instead of (figwheel.repl/conns)
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
    Exit: :cljs/quit
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, *e holds last exception object
[Rebel readline] Type :repl/help for online help info
JavaScript environment will not launch automatically when :open-url is false
ClojureScript 1.10.520

So it seems to think it's watching my files. I'm using clojure/clojurescript/leiningen installed on WSL2 on Windows 10. Any idea how to get the hot-reloading to work?

Thanks! Frederik

tankorsmash commented 2 years ago

Did you end up figuring this out?