bhazzard / stoneage

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Round Sequence - Worker Placement Round #2

Closed bhazzard closed 12 years ago

bhazzard commented 12 years ago

Starting with the current leader, and progressing to the left, each player in turn may place any number of workers into 1 worker space on the board, as long as it is a valid placement. This will repeat until no player has any workers remaining to place.

mdellanoce commented 12 years ago

Basic worker placement is done... currently there are no checks for valid placements, however. The big remaining issues are:

brad-f commented 12 years ago

I think i covered all of those rules, as well as a few others. There are some obvious looping issues that i left until later.

brad-f commented 12 years ago

Oh, and I just noticed that I ruined the formatting on a large number of files (tabs, tabs, TABS!!!). Ill fix that tomorrow too. Too tired tonight.

bhazzard commented 12 years ago

If you there are too many workers in an area, or you have already placed in an area, and then try to place there again, you get caught in an endless loop:

Of course, you can break out of this loop by typing "0".

mdellanoce commented 12 years ago

I reworked the placement system to address issue #11, and I think it addresses @bhazzard's comment:

At this point, I'm going to call placement "good" and we can handle other issues (like #8) separately