bhdresh / Dejavu

DejaVU - Open Source Deception Framework
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notifications: multiple match criteria not saving. #44

Open d3f3nder opened 2 years ago

d3f3nder commented 2 years ago

Hi, first off, great tool/platform, very appriciated!

I do have some weird saving issue, i am receiving a view false positives and i want to filter them out using multiple match criteria, but unfortunately its not saving the additional match criteria, am i doing something wrong or is this a bug?

regards and keep up the good work!


d3f3nder commented 2 years ago

i now noticed that when creating a new notifications rule with multiple match criteria it seems it does save the extra criteria, so for existing rules it doesn't.

d3f3nder commented 2 years ago

Well the issues persist unfortunately, at one point there were no notifications at all. I've cleared all notification rules and created a new general rule but doesn't work, rebooted the console, did not work. Tested de smtp settings, they work, test mail received.

The thing is it used to work, no problems. Since i've tried multiple match criteria it gave me problems.

I've created a new decoy and a new notification rule only for that decoy, doesn't work anymore :( but still my test mails come trough.

d3f3nder commented 2 years ago

Had to reinstall the console, after reinstall it worked again.

bhdresh commented 2 years ago

@evilprime ... glad that you liked the platform. Let me try to recreate this bug.