bhdresh / Dejavu

DejaVU - Open Source Deception Framework
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When is authenticated smtp to be reimplemented ? #53

Closed Boleqs closed 1 year ago

Boleqs commented 1 year ago

Looking for how to use authentication with smtp for alerts, i've found (it seems) that it is currently not implemented, yet it apparently was at a time. Am I right in this assumption ? If yes, is it to be introduced again, and is there a temporary solution that I can use ?

Thank you for this solution that works like a charm otherwise ! Waiting for your response.

kalpesh9493 commented 1 year ago

Sure Will Check and Get back to you on this.

bhdresh commented 1 year ago

@Boleqs ... authentication is still supported. You can navigate to deviceSettings.php on Console and configure the SMTP details for alerts.

Boleqs commented 1 year ago

You're right, I was just confused with updates and was still on v11. I've got it right now, thanks for the answers anyway !