bheisler / RustaCUDA

Rusty wrapper for the CUDA Driver API
Apache License 2.0
758 stars 60 forks source link

Expose the rest of the Driver API #5

Open bheisler opened 5 years ago

bheisler commented 5 years ago

RustaCUDA currently exposes only a minimum-viable subset of the Driver API. Ultimately, it should expose all non-deprecated public functions in the API.

This is a tracking issue to keep track of which aspects of the API should be available but aren't. If you need something that isn't listed here, add a comment and raise an issue.

There are more features to add (including features only added after CUDA 8.0) but this should be enough for now.

phdoerfler commented 2 years ago

@bheisler I'm still fairly new to CUDA so please excuse me if this makes little sense: I'd love to see support for using tensor cores in RustaCUDA. My current project requires shared memory (which I believe RustaCUDA supports?) and tensor cores for which I found no sign that they are supported. If I can use those with RustaCUDA I'll switch in a heartbeat.