bheisler /

Statistics-driven benchmarking library for Rust
Apache License 2.0
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Skip setup for filtered out benchmarks #777

Open xzfc opened 2 months ago

xzfc commented 2 months ago

Currently, it is possible to specify which benchmark using a filter (i.e. cargo bench -- <filter>). This selects which of bench_function to run.

However, I see no way to prevent setup code from running when the corresponding benchmark is not selected. Suppose I have a set of benchmarks with a very long setup time, e.g. indexing a large dataset that could take a minute or two. I'd like to avoid running the setup code for filtered out benchmarks.


use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, Criterion};

struct Benchee;

impl Benchee {
    pub fn very_long_setup(name: &str) -> Self {
        eprint!("init {}...", name);
        eprintln!(" done");
    pub fn run(&self) {}

pub fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
    let one = Benchee::very_long_setup("one");
    c.bench_function("one", |b| b.iter(||;

    let two = Benchee::very_long_setup("two");
    c.bench_function("two", |b| b.iter(||;

criterion_group!(benches, criterion_benchmark);
$ cargo bench one
init one... done
one                     time:   [0.0000 ps 0.0000 ps 0.0000 ps]                         
                        change: [-51.749% -6.0500% +73.757%] (p = 0.86 > 0.05)
                        No change in performance detected.
Found 12 outliers among 100 measurements (12.00%)
  4 (4.00%) high mild
  8 (8.00%) high severe

init two... done           ← ⚠️ I'd like to avoid this ⚠️